Decision details

Delivering the Surrey Waste Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Information Only

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree the practical steps the county council will take to facilitate transformational change to the way waste services are delivered across the county, including how recyclable material is managed in the future.



1.    That the consultation and discussions that have taken place through the Surrey Waste Partnership and the key messages arising from it be noted.


2.    That it be agreed that combining the function of the Waste Disposal Authority with that of Surrey’s Waste Collection Authorities to deliver waste services via a new co-ownership partnership is essential to deliver public value for Surrey’s residents, and officers be tasked to work with District and Borough Councils to develop detailed proposals which will be implemented from 2017/18, and to report back to Cabinet in autumn 2016.


3.    That it be agreed to work with District and Borough Councils to manage kerbside collected recyclables centrally through a new partnership arrangement and to replace the current recycling credit scheme with a system more suited to the achievement of public value for Surrey residents.


Reasons for Decisions:


The delivery of the Surrey waste strategy through a single co-ownership approach will deliver significant cost savings for Surrey district and borough councils, and the County Council, which are essential in delivering public value to the Surrey taxpayer. The distribution of costs and savings between SCC and individual Waste Collection Authorities will need to be determined through development of detailed proposals which are essential to the delivery of the Council’s financial strategy.


The approvals will provide a mandate for officers to develop proposals and allows for changes to the role of SCC as the Waste Disposal Authority to centralise management of recyclables through new partnership arrangements.


[The decision on this item may be called in by the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Scrutiny Board]




Report author: Matt Smyth

Publication date: 25/05/2016

Date of decision: 24/05/2016

Decided at meeting: 24/05/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/06/2016

Accompanying Documents: