Decision details

Grant Criteria and Funding Opportunities Guide

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve a new Grant Criteria and Funding Opportunities Guide, which will set out clear guidance on what is a grant and the route to market and sign off an award


That the Grant Criteria and Funding Opportunities Guide, as amended, be approved.


Reasons for Decisions:


To support the adoption of a Grant Criteria and Funding Opportunities Guide,which creates a clear process and ensures that the Council maintains a fit for purpose set of guidance and rules to govern the award of grants.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

Report author: Laura Forzani

Publication date: 28/05/2014

Date of decision: 27/05/2014

Decided at meeting: 27/05/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/06/2014

Accompanying Documents: