Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 17 May 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions

Contact: Anne Gowing  020 8541 9938


No. Item



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    1.     To elect a Chairman for the Council Year 2016/17


    2.     The Chairman to make the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.


    Additional documents:


    Under the motion of Mr Martin, seconded by Mr Harrison, it was unanimously:




    That Mrs Sally Marks be elected Chairman of the Council for the Council Year 2016/17.


    Declaration of Acceptance of Office


    Mrs Marks made the statutory declaration of office and took the Chair. She expressed her thanks to the Members of the Council for electing her as Chairman for a second year.




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    The Chairman to report apologies for absence.

    Additional documents:


    Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Bramhall, Mr Ellwood, Mr Gray,

    Ms Heath, Mrs Hicks, Mr Page, Mr Sydney and Mr Townsend.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 181 KB

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    To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 15 March 2016.


    (Note: the Minutes, including the appendices, will be laid on the table half an hour before the start of the meeting).


    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 15 March 2016 were submitted, confirmed and signed.



Election of County Councillor

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    The Chief Executive formally to report the election of a new County Councillor for the Staines South and Ashford West division at the Election held on 5 May 2016.


    Additional documents:


    The Chief Executive, formally reported that Mrs Denise Turner-Stewart was duly elected as the new County Councillor for the Staines South and Ashford West division following the by-election held on 5 May 2016.




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    The Chairman to report.

    Additional documents:


    The Chairman made the following announcements:


    ·         The new High Sheriff, Richard Whittington had been appointed at a ceremony at Guildford Cathedral on 22 March 2016 and he would be guest of honour at today’s AGM ceremonial lunch.

    ·         That, in honour of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday, a letter had been sent to Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace, on behalf of the county to mark the occasion.

    ·         Congratulations to Mr David Munro, recently elected as Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner.

    ·         That since the last County Council meeting, she had undertaken several visits, and highlighted the following ones:

    Ø  ‘This is Me’ photography exhibition opening reception at Denbies Wine Estate on 21March

    Ø  Transform Housing and Support Winter Shelter open afternoon and Woking Duke of Edinburgh awards presentation on 22 March

    Ø  Johnson’s Road Sweepers, Dorking on 5 April

    Ø  High Sheriff Youth Awards on 14 April

    Ø  The official opening of the Wooden Spoon Sensory Pod on 27 April

    Ø  Surrey Young Enterprise finals on 12 May.

    ·      That the county of Surrey had been very fortunate to receive several recent visits from various members of the Royal family.

    ·      The County Service at Guildford Cathedral to be held on 12 June 2016 – she reminded Members to apply for tickets.

    ·      Also, she was hosting a fund raising dinner at Loseley Park on 13 July 2016, to support hospices throughout the county and asked for Members support.

    ·      Finally, that nominations for the Chairman’s volunteer awards should be submitted by the end of June.




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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.




    ·           Each Member must declare any interest that is disclosable under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, unless it is already listed for that Member in the Council’s Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·           As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner).

    ·           If the interest has not yet been disclosed in that Register, the Member must, as well as disclosing it at the meeting, notify the Monitoring Officer of it within 28 days.

    ·           If a Member has a disclosable interest, the Member must not vote or speak on the agenda item in which it arises, or do anything to influence other Members in regard to that item. 


    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    1.     To elect a Vice-Chairman for the Council Year 2016/17.


    2.     The Vice-Chairman to make a statutory declaration of acceptance of office.


    Additional documents:


    Upon the motion of Mr Walsh, seconded by Dr Grant-Duff, it was unanimously:




    That Mr Nicholas Skellett CBE be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for the council year 2016/17.




    Mr Skellett was invested by Mrs Marks with the Vice-Chairman’s badge. He made the statutory declaration of office and expressed thanks to the Members of the Council for electing him as Vice-Chairman for a second year.



Public Petition

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    To consider a petition regarding Bridge Street, Guildford.


    This petition was submitted to Guildford Borough Council in February.

    They made the decision to forward it to Surrey County Council, as the Highways Authority.


    It now has over 11,000 signatures on it.


    The petition states that:

    ‘Following a tragic accident in February 2016, the County Council takes immediate action to reduce the number of incidents on Bridge Street, Guildford.’

    Additional documents:


    In line with legislation and the Council’s petition scheme, the Council has to debate a petition, if it contains more than 10,000 signatures.


    An e-petition regarding Bridge Street, Guildford had received 11,390 signatures.


    This petition was submitted to Guildford Borough Council in February and that Council had made the decision to forward it to Surrey County Council as the Highways Authority.


    The petitioner, Mr Joe Hudson, had nominated Mr George Bowen to present it on his behalf, and he was invited to address the meeting.


    He made the following points:


    ·                He thanked Members for taking the time to receive the petition and listen to him

    ·                The petition had received 11,390 signatures

    ·                Bridge Street, Guildford had become infamous for the high number of accidents there over the last few years

    ·                The petition had been started because two people had tragically lost their lives and he had spoken to the grieving families

    ·                He had lived in Guildford as a student and considered that insufficient measures had been taken in Bridge Street to ensure that accidents did not happen because there were no barriers or traffic calming measures on this road

    ·                It was important to ensure that no further accidents happened in the area

    ·                He had studied the ‘crash map’ for the area and provided details of the traffic flow

    ·                He proposed suggested improvements such as improvements around the Friary pedestrian crossing and the one-way gyratory system

    ·                Acknowledgement that the police and coroner’s reports were still pending

    ·                Finally, he urged Members to find the funding to make the highway improvements to prevent further accidents.


    The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding responded to the petitioner. A copy of his statement is attached as Appendix A.


    Six Members spoke during the debate and made the following points:


    ·                Condolences to the families and friends of Kat Garrett and Del Kendall for their sad loss

    ·                Full support for the recommendation proposed by the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding

    ·                A reference to the Guildford Master Plan and that measures were underway to improve pedestrian and cycling access in Bridge Street

    ·                The petition had been presented to Guildford Borough Council a few weeks ago

    ·                That road safety in Bridge Street would be included on the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board agenda for its 9 June meeting and that the Chairman of Guildford Local Committee and other key people would be invited to attend. This Board would then report its findings / recommendations back to County Council at the earliest opportunity.

    ·                Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding (Enterprise M3) for Guildford was approved at the end of March

    ·                Finally, Mr Bowen was thanked for his excellent presentation.


    After the debate, Members were asked if they supported the recommendation made by the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding, that the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board scrutinise any proposed road safety improvements for Bridge Street, Guildford at their meeting in June and report back to a future County Council meeting at the earliest opportunity.


    Guildford Local  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28/16



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    The Leader to make a statement.


                There will be an opportunity for Members to ask questions.


    Additional documents:


    The Leader made a detailed statement. A copy of the statement is attached as Appendix B.


    Members raised the following topics:


    ·         It was important not to forget Surrey’s valuable cultural heritage and that Members were custodians of it, preserving it for future generations

    ·         That this was the first time that the Leader’s statement had focussed on Surrey’s heritage, and museums in particular

    ·         A request for information relating to this year’s funding gap

    ·         That tourism was important for Surrey’s economy and that the county had a large area of outstanding natural beauty for visitors to enjoy

    ·         The County Council had a responsibility to protect the environment

    ·         Schools were a vital part of local communities and an update on the Government’s u-turn on academies was requested

    ·         Following the last County Council meeting, confirmation was requested on whether the Leader had written to the Prime Minister on the European Union referendum and if a response had been received

    ·          Recognition of the work of volunteers, such as ex-engineers working with aircraft at Brooklands Museum, and Painshill

    ·         The importance of ensuring that funding was available to protect the archives preserved by the Surrey History Centre

    ·         A request to influence the future route of the Prudential Ride London cycle event to include Spelthorne

    ·         Concern about the shortfall of funding for Adult Social Care Services and whether he could confirm that he was continuing to lobby Government for fairer funding for these services

    ·         Referring to Borough / District Local Plans, the Leader was asked which body was taking an overview of their planning, particularly where building could be encroaching onto Green Belt land, and also whether there would be sufficient infrastructure in place for the additional housing

    ·         A request for more cultural opportunities in Spelthorne

    ·         Support for Surrey’s partnership with South West Trains, to promote visitors to the county and also promoting other forms of public transport to enable people to travel around the county visiting attractions such as Watts Gallery.



Annual Review of Political Proportionality 2016/17

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    To agree the scheme of proportionality for 2016/17.

    Additional documents:


    The annual review of the Scheme of Political Proportionality 2016/17 was emailed to Members and tabled at the meeting. It is attached as Appendix C to these minutes.


    RESOLVED (with no Member voting against):


    That the committee sizes and scheme of proportionality, as set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be adopted for 2016/17.



Appointment of Boards / Committees

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    To appoint Members of the various Boards / Committees of the Council for the Council Year 2016/17 subject to any changes of membership to be reported to the meeting by Group Leaders.


    (Note:  Proposals will be laid on the table at the meeting.)




    (1)     To appoint Members to serve on the Boards / Committees of the Council for the Council year 2016/17 in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    (2)     To authorise the Chief Executive to make changes to the membership of any of the Council’s Boards / Committees as necessary during the Council year in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    (3)     To appoint the County Councillors representing divisions in the Woking borough area to serve on the Woking Joint Committee for the Council year 2016/17.


    (4)     To appoint the remaining County Councillors for each district/borough area to serve on the appropriate Local Committee for the Council year 2016/17, and to authorise the Chief Executive to appoint an equal number of district/borough councillors to the Local Committees following nominations by the district and borough councils, which they should be requested to make politically proportional to their Membership.


    (5)     To appoint the Council’s representative to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel for the Council year 2016/17.


    Additional documents:


    The proposals for the appointment of Boards / Committees were emailed to Members and tabled at the meeting.


    The following amendments were made at the meeting:


    ·         Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board: Ian Beardsmore to replace David Goodwin

    ·         Planning and Regulatory Committee: Ian Beardsmore to be added as a substitute

    ·         That the name of the Surrey Pension Fund Board should be the Surrey Pension Fund Committee.


    With these amendments, the appointment of Members to Boards / Committees for the 2016/17 council year was agreed. A copy of the finalised version is attached to the minutes as Appendix D.




    1.       That the Members, as set out in Appendix D, be appointed to serve on the Boards and Committees of the Council for the Council Year 2016/17, in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    2.       That the Chief Executive be authorised to make changes to the membership of any of the Council’s Boards / Committees as necessary during the Council Year, in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    3.       That the County Councillors representing divisions in the Woking borough area be appointed to serve on the Woking Joint Committee for the Council Year 2016/17.


    4.       That the remaining County Councillors for each district/borough area be appointed to serve on the appropriate Local Committee for the Council Year 2016/17, and to authorise the Chief Executive to appoint an equal number of district/borough councillors to the Local Committees following nominations by the district and borough councils, which they should be requested to make politically proportional to their Membership.


    5.       That the Council’s representative be appointed to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel for the Council Year 2016/17.




Election of Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen 2016/17

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    To elect Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Boards / Committees for the Council year 2016/17.


    (Note:  Proposals will be laid on the table at the meeting.)




    To elect Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Boards / Committees of the Council for the Council year 2016/17.


    Additional documents:


    The proposals for the Board / Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen were tabled at the meeting.




    1.       That the Members listed below be duly elected as Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen respectively for the Boards and Committees, as shown for the Council Year 2016/17.


    2.       That the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, to appoint the Borough’s nominated Member as Vice-Chairman of Guildford Local Committee once the co-opted Members are appointed.








    Council Overview

    Steve Cosser

    Eber Kington

    Social Care Services

    Keith Witham

    Margaret Hicks

    Education and Skills

    Mark Brett-Warburton

    Marsha Moseley

    Resident Experience

    Colin Kemp

    Rachael I Lake

    Economic Prosperity, Environment & Highways

    David Harmer

    Bob Gardner

    Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny

    Bill Chapman

    Ben Carasco




    Tim Hall

    Keith Taylor




    Stuart Selleck

    Denis Fuller




    David Hodge

    Peter Martin




    Denise Le Gal

    Alan Young









    Margaret Hicks

    Mike Bennison

    Epsom & Ewell

    Eber Kington

    John Beckett


    Keith Taylor

    Borough to Appoint

    Mole Valley

    Tim Hall

    Clare Curran

    Reigate & Banstead

    Dorothy Ross-Tomlin

    Barbara Thomson


    Yvonna Lay

    Mary Angell


    Denise Saliagopoulos

    Denise Turner Stewart

    Surrey Heath

    David Ivison

    Chris Pitt


    Nick Skellett

    Michael Sydney


    Pat Frost

    Victoria Young




    Woking Joint Committee

    Liz Bowes

    Borough to appoint




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    The Leader of the Council or the appropriate Member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of a Committee to answer any questions on any matter relating to the powers and duties of the County Council, or which affects the county.


    (Note:  Notice of questions in respect of the above item on the agenda must be given in writing, preferably by e-mail, to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services by 12 noon on Wednesday 11 May 2016).


    Additional documents:


    Notice of 11 questions had been received. The questions and replies are attached as Appendix E.


    A number of supplementary questions were asked and a summary of the main points is set out below:


    (Q1) Mr Essex asked the Leader of the Council whether ‘countries’ also included UK overseas territories and was advised that this was correct.


    (Q3) Mrs Watson asked the Cabinet Member for Children and Families Wellbeing if she would agree that this underspend on youth services could be transferred to youth centres to provide more activities for young people. The Cabinet Member responded by stating that Children, Schools and Families Directorate took a ‘whole system approach’ to its services and budget and overall there was an overspend, partly due to service priorities relating to recruitment and retention of social workers and the on-going work of the Children Services Improvement Plan. The Leader of the Council also said that the accounts for the financial year 2015/16 had now closed and there had been no request for a carry forward for this underspend.


    (Q4) Mrs Angell did not consider that Surrey Library Service had a good working relationship with New Haw Community Partnered Library (CPL) and asked the following supplementary questions:

    (i)            she considered that the response relating to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was unsatisfactory because it had been outstanding for over two years and it was unrealistic to expect a ten day turn around,

    (ii)           she was disappointed with the differing timescales for photocopiers, 

    (iii)          she asked the Cabinet Member for confirmation that the minutes that he had agreed to provide would inform the CPL who, why and where the cuts would be made and why there had been no CPL involvement,

    (iv)         she asked for an undertaking that in future, any decision would be taken in conjunction with the CPL

    (v)          finally, she invited the Cabinet Member to attend the CPL’s Annual General Meeting on 2 June.


    The Cabinet Member for Localities and Community Wellbeing said that he would provide a written response outside the meeting.


    (Also Q4) Mrs Young raised the issue of timely and transparent information at Bramley CPL and asked for assurance from the Cabinet Member that, in future, this would be the case. Mr Essex asked whether it was an appropriate time to undertake a review by the Resident Experience Board on whether CPLs were working effectively.

    The Cabinet Member provided assurance to Mrs Young in relation to her concerns, and in relation to Mr Essex suggestion, he confirmed that the library service continually reviewed its work with CPLs to ascertain where improvements could be made.


    (Q5) Mrs White asked the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding whether local committees would be given the opportunity to discuss the type of treatment given to the repair of pavements. The Cabinet Member confirmed that it would be open for debate but in the first year of operation it was a question of available funding, plus the type of surface  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33/16



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    Any Member may make a statement at the meeting on a local issue of current or future concern.


    (Note:  Notice of statements must be given in writing, preferably by e-mail, to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services by 12 noon on Monday 16 May 2016).


    Additional documents:


    Mr Kington made a statement relating to the contribution made by parent governors at state funded school governing bodies in his division.


Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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    It is the Council’s responsibility to approve changes to the Scheme of Delegation regarding non-executive functions, while amendments to executive functions are delegated to the Leader and are brought to County Council to note.


    This report sets out changes to the executive and non-executive functions set out in the Scheme of Delegation. They specifically refer to new delegations relating to the Woking Joint Committee. These changes are brought to Council for information and formal approval.


    These changes are brought to Council in accordance with Articles 4.10, 5.02 and 11.02 of the Council’s Constitution.


    Additional documents:


    This report set out changes to the executive and non-executive functions, in the Scheme of Delegation and specifically referred to new delegations relating to the Woking Joint Committee.


    Members were invited to comment on the report. Mr Carasco requested clarification of the section relating to public questions and statements (Section 14.2 of the Woking Joint Committee’s Constitution), parts of which he felt were contradictory.


    The Chairman considered that this was a matter for the Woking Joint Committee to clarify and proposed that it was referred back to that committee for discussion, which was agreed by the Chairman of Woking Joint Committee.




    1.         That the changes to the appointment of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Woking Joint Committee be approved so that both positions are appointed for two year period with the presumption that the chairmanship will rotate between the Borough Council and the County Council.


    2.         That the amendments to the Woking Joint Committee Constitution agreed by the Leader be noted.




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    To receive the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 22 March and 26 April 2016.


    Additional documents:


    The Leader presented the report of the Cabinet meetings held on 22 March and 26 April 2016.


    Reports for Information / Discussion


    That the following reports were received and noted:


    ·         Health and Social Care Integration

    ·         Quarterly Report on Decisions taken under Special Urgency Arrangements  (January – March 2016)




    That the report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 22 March and 26 April 2016 be adopted.




Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board pdf icon PDF 170 KB

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    To receive an update report from the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board.

    Additional documents:


    The Chairman of the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board presented this report. He thanked officers and Members of the Board who had taken part in Member Reference Groups.


    He also drew Members’ attention to the NHS Five Year Forward View and said that there would now be targets for treatment for Mental Health issues. 




    That the report of the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board be noted.


Minutes of the Meetings of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 4 KB

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    Any matters within the minutes of the Cabinet’s meetings, and not otherwise brought to the Council’s attention in the Cabinet’s report, may be the subject of questions and statements by Members upon notice being given to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services  by 12 noon on Monday 16 May 2016.


    Additional documents:


    No notification had been received from Members wishing to raise a question or make a statement on any of the matters in the minutes, by the deadline.