Agenda, decisions and minutes

Surrey Heath Local Committee - Thursday, 3 July 2014 6.30 pm

Venue: Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church Hall, Frimley, GU16 7AA

Contact: Nicola Thornton-Bryar  Surrey County Council Surrey Heath Borough Council, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, GU15 3HD

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies were received from Cllr Fuller.


    Apologies were received from Cllr Fuller.



    To agree the Minutes of the last meeting held on 13 March 2014.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the last meeting, held on 13 March 2014 were agreed and signed by the Chair.  The answer given to Mr Pavey on Southall Park Road was not recorded and would be added to Annex A.


    The minutes of the last meeting, held on 13 March 2014 were agreed and signed by the Chair.  The answer given to Mr Pavey on Southall Park Road was not recorded and would be added to Annex A.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    Cllr Rodney Bates declared an interest regarding agenda Item 8 as he resides in Berkshire Road.



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    To answer any written questions from residents or businesses within the area in accordance with Standing Order 69.  Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon, four working days before the meeting.


    One written question has already been recieved as follows:-


    The Hatches path, officially referred to as Bridleway BW19 by the Countryside Access Team, is long overdue maintenance. The path is overgrown on each side and is now a narrow strip of tarmac, much of which is badly potholed. In winter the path is muddy and flooded making it very difficult for pedestrians & cyclists to navigate.


    Many people would like to see the path properly tarmacked across the full width of the path (approx 7-9 feet) and treated as a "Shared Use route for Pedestrians & Cyclists". I have started a blog and petition to raise awareness of this, which has 89 signatures to date. I expect more signatures as conditions get worse in the autumn.




    I have been in correspondence with Luke Dawson of the Countryside Access Team who has visited the path and confirmed it needs maintenance work carried out. He has requested funds "from a bigger pot" to fund improvement works but was unsuccessful this year. He has investigated interim solutions to fix the worst of the potholes and improve drainage. He also suggested "a scrape of the surface mud to allow the full available width". I noticed this was done recently (by Mon 23rd June) but this has only cleared the existing 4 foot wide path. Potholes still need to be fixed and drainage improved.


    So, my question to the committee is whether they can help the Countryside Access Team with funding to upgrade the path properly to a Shared use route for Pedestrians & Cyclists.


    My blog has full details of my discussions with the Countryside Access Team and sustrans. I will also update with the committee's feedback. Thank you for your time".



    Two written public questions were received from Mr Jon McClelland, Local Resident and Murray Rowlands, Local Resident.


    The questions asked and responses given are recorded in Annex B.




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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.  Notice must be given in writing to the Community Partnership & Committee Officer by 12 noon 4 working days before the meeting.



    One written member question was received from Cllr Rodney Bates.

    The question asked and written answer given are recorded in Annex B.




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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.


    Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    No petitions have been received for this meeting.





    There were no petitions received at this meeting.



    The Local Committee received a petition at its meeting on 13 March 2014 signed by local residents regarding parking fines on the A30 slip road.  This is the Council’s response to the petition.


    The Local Committee received a petition at its meeting on 13 March 2014.  The petition stated that “We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to refund parking charges incurred due to inadequate signs” 


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the report and the measures that have been put in place since the parking issue arose.



    The Local Committee received a petition at its meeting on 13 March 2014.  The petition stated that “We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to refund parking charges incurred due to inadequate signs”.


    Members noted the learning points for both Councillors and Officers and were pleased that the parking review this time had been altered to be more inclusive and consultative.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the report and the measures that have been put in place since the parking issue arose.




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    The Local Committee received a petition at its meeting on 13 March 2014 signed by local residents regarding road safety outside Cordwalles school.  This is the Council’s response to the petition.



    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) received a petition at its meeting on 13 March 2014 concerning road safety outside Cordwalles school.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the report and that a further and more detailed assessment report will be submitted to the next meeting.



    The two local members present reported that they had met with County Officers on site outside the Cordwalles school.  Road Safety is being considered at all the schools on the Old Dean estate and especially at Pine Ridge, where the change of access arrangements had caused issues. 


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the report and that a further and more detailed assessment report will be submitted to the next meeting.



2014/15 PARKING REVIEW pdf icon PDF 104 KB

    Officers of Surrey County Council’s parking team have carried out a review of on street parking restrictions within the borough of Surrey Heath and identified changes which would benefit road safety and reduce instances of obstruction and localised congestion. Committee approval is required in order to progress these changes to the stage of ‘formal advertisement’, where the proposed restrictions will be advertised for 28 days and open to comments or objections from members of the public.


    Additional documents:


    Officers of Surrey County Council’s parking team have carried out a review of on street parking restrictions within the borough of Surrey Heath and identified changes which would benefit road safety and reduce instances of obstruction and localised congestion. Committee approval is required in order to progress these changes to the stage of ‘formal advertisement’, where the proposed restrictions will be advertised for 28 days and open to comments or objections from members of the public.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that:


    (i)            the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as described in the report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A be agreed to include the removal of Bowling Green Road, Chobham and a change from 2 hour to 1 hour parking restriction on Updown Hill, Windlesham.


    (ii)           funding be allocated as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of the report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.


    (iii)          advertisement of the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as described in the report and shown on the drawings in annex A should proceed and that, if no objections are maintained, the orders be made.


    (iv)         if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of the committee and the appropriate county councillor. An additional member may be invited for comment.



    Officers of Surrey County Council’s parking team carried out a review of on street parking restrictions within the borough of Surrey Heath and identified changes which would benefit road safety, reduce instances of obstruction and localised congestion.


    Members were pleased that they had been involved with and consulted on the review from an early stage and had been able to check details with parish representatives. 


    Cllr Goodman accepted that something needed to be done in Bowling Green Road, Chobham but there was no easy solution, so on reflection, the proposed scheme was withdrawn.  He also requested a slight change from 2 hour to 1 hour parking in Updown Hill.


    Members discussed Wilton Road, which provided access to the amenity tip and whether restrictions were needed – however this land is owned by SHBC and not the County Council.  Cllr Vivienne Chapman agreed to discuss this further with the Parking Team.


    Committee approval was required in order to progress the changes to the stage of ‘formal advertisement’, where the proposed restrictions will be advertised for 28 days and open to comments or objections from members of the public.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that:


    (i)            the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as described in the report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A be agreed to include the removal of Bowling Green Road, Chobham and a change from 2 hour to 1 hour parking restriction on Updown Hill, Windlesham.


    (ii)           funding be allocated as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of the report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.


    (iii)          advertisement of the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as described in the report and shown on the drawings in annex A should proceed and that, if no objections are maintained, the orders be made.


    (iv)         if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of the committee and the appropriate county councillor. An additional member may be invited for comment.




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    A Highways Update report will be tabled at the meeting.


    The Committee received a report on the progression of all highway related schemes and works.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed to:


    (i)    Note the progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes, and revenue funded works for the 2014/15 financial year,          

    (ii)   Note progress with budget expenditure,        

    (iii)  Note that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee,



    The Committee received a tabled report on the progression of all highway related schemes and works.


    Members discussed the proposed works on the Toshiba roundabout and raised concerns over potential congestion as a result.  It was noted that the works involved the widening of the road, so the congestion should be kept to a minimum as traffic would remain unimpeded as much as possible.  Councillors would be kept up to date on works and disruptions whenever possible and information would be made available to the public using social media as appropriate.


    Thanks were given to the Highways team for their work in the Surrey Heath area, with particular thanks from Cllr Pitt regarding Frimley Green and Canal bridge.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed to:


    (i)    Note the progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes, and revenue funded works for the 2014/15 financial year,          

    (ii)   Note progress with budget expenditure,        

    (iii)  Note that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee,




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    In response to a request from Surrey Heath Borough Council and Surrey Police, an Experimental Road Closure Order has previously been introduced for part of Camberley High Street.  This Order has now expired.

    The Order enabled the High Street to be closed at times when the clubs/pubs/restaurants in the High Street attract particularly large numbers of visitors.

    These closures were introduced to help reduce the risk of accidents and incidents of anti-social behaviour and public disturbance.

    During the experimental period a number of people have complained that the closures were implemented unnecessarily early.  In addition, it was found that a small number of businesses have regularly deliveries whilst the closures are in place.

    The Police have reported that the closures have resulted in a reduction in crime and incidents of anti-social behaviour/crimes in the High Street.  Both the Police and Borough Council would like the closures to continue.  However, they agree that the closures should be amended to reflect the issues and concerns identified during the experiment.

    Rather than making the original experimental closure permanent, it is therefore proposed that a further 18 month Experimental Order is introduced.  Under this Order the closures would start later in the evening and would also include an exception to allow access for loading and unloading during the closure times.

    If approved, the effectiveness of the new experiment closures and the comments received in response would be assessed. Subject to the outcome of this assessment the closures may then be made permanent.

    Additional documents:


    In response to a request from Surrey Heath Borough Council and Surrey Police, an Experimental Road Closure Order had previously been introduced for part of Camberley High Street.  The Order had now expired.

    The Order enabled the High Street to be closed at times when the clubs/pubs/restaurants in the High Street attract particularly large numbers of visitors. The proposed closures restrict access to vehicles along the High Street at a time where pedestrians are vulnerable. It also provides an environment where Surrey Police are able to proactively monitor and intervene in situations to reduce the amount of antisocial behaviour and/or crimes.  Surrey Police have reported that the implementation of previous closures has resulted in a reduction in crimes and incidences of anti-social behaviour in the High Street.


    Members discussed the provision of disabled parking bays and the inclusion of restrictions on New Years Eve.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed:

    (i)            advertisement of a further Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (for a period of 18 months) to close the section of Camberley High Street between Portesbery Road and St Georges Road (as shown on the plan attached at Annex 1) at the times and dates specified in paragraph 3.4 of the report. The Order will include an exception for vehicles for the purpose of loading and/or unloading.

    (ii)           any comments received during the period of the experimental closure should be considered by the Area Team Manager for Highways in consultation with the Divisional Member and Chairman (consideration should also be given to Disabled Parking and the inclusion of NYE); and 

    (iii)          to approve the advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order to make the closures permanent if no irresolvable objections are received in response to the experimental closure; and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable.



    In response to a request from Surrey Heath Borough Council and Surrey Police, an Experimental Road Closure Order had previously been introduced for part of Camberley High Street.  The Order had now expired.

    The Order enabled the High Street to be closed at times when the clubs/pubs/restaurants in the High Street attract particularly large numbers of visitors. The proposed closures restrict access to vehicles along the High Street at a time where pedestrians are vulnerable. It also provides an environment where Surrey Police are able to proactively monitor and intervene in situations to reduce the amount of antisocial behaviour and/or crimes.  Surrey Police have reported that the implementation of previous closures has resulted in a reduction in crimes and incidences of anti-social behaviour in the High Street.


    Members discussed the provision of disabled parking bays and the inclusion of restrictions on New Years Eve.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed:

    (i)            advertisement of a further Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (for a period of 18 months) to close the section of Camberley High Street between Portesbery Road and St Georges Road (as shown on the plan attached at Annex 1) at the times and dates specified in paragraph 3.4 of the report. The Order will include an exception for vehicles for the purpose of loading and/or unloading.

    (ii)           any comments received during the period of the experimental closure should be considered by the Area Team Manager for Highways in consultation with the Divisional Member and Chairman (consideration should also be given to Disabled Parking and the inclusion of NYE); and 

    (iii)          to approve the advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order to make the closures permanent if no irresolvable objections are received in response to the experimental closure; and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable.




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    The Surrey Heath Local Committee’s ITS scheme for 2014/15 is the widening of the Portsmouth Road between Toshiba Roundabout and the Frimley Park Hospital roundabout.

    In order to create an additional lane, part of the existing cycle/footway needs to be mover over to allow the road to be widened.

    The Available space for the relocated cycle/footway will result in a facility that is narrower than existing and too narrow to allow it to remain as a segregated facility. A cycle/footway can remain as a shared (as opposed to a segregated) facility.

    Additional documents:


    The Surrey Heath Local Committee’s ITS scheme for 2014/15 was the widening of the Portsmouth Road between Toshiba Roundabout and the Frimley Park Hospital roundabout.

    In order to create an additional lane, part of the existing cycle/footway needed to be moved over to allow the road to be widened.

    The available space for the relocated cycle/footway would result in a facility that was narrower than existing and too narrow to allow it to remain as a segregated facility. A cycle/footway could remain as a shared (as opposed to a segregated) facility.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that the current segregated cycle/footway be converted to a shared cycle/footway.



    The Surrey Heath Local Committee’s ITS scheme for 2014/15 was the widening of the Portsmouth Road between Toshiba Roundabout and the Frimley Park Hospital roundabout.

    In order to create an additional lane, part of the existing cycle/footway needed to be moved over to allow the road to be widened.

    The available space for the relocated cycle/footway would result in a facility that was narrower than existing and too narrow to allow it to remain as a segregated facility. A cycle/footway could remain as a shared (as opposed to a segregated) facility.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that the current segregated cycle/footway be converted to a shared cycle/footway.




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    To approve the advertisement and implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to restrict any traffic heading eastbound on London Road, Camberley (A30) from entering Osnaburgh Hill.


    The proposal is being brought implemented to reduce the number of personal injury collisions associated with this movement.


    Additional documents:


    The proposed restriction would improve traffic flow along London Road (eastbound) and reduce the risk of personal injuries at the junction.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agree to:


    (i)    The advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order the effect of which will be to restrict traffic turning right into Osnaburgh Hill from Eastbound traffic on London Road.

    (ii)   Any objections to the proposal will be reviewed by the Area Manager, following consultation with the Chairman and Local Member for the area

    (iii)  Following the advertisement of the order, implement the scheme subject to no irresolvable objections


    The proposed restriction would improve traffic flow along London Road (eastbound) and reduce the risk of personal injuries at the junction.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed to:


    (i)    The advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order the effect of which will be to restrict traffic turning right into Osnaburgh Hill from Eastbound traffic on London Road.

    (ii)   Any objections to the proposal will be reviewed by the Area Manager, following consultation with the Chairman and Local Member for the area

    (iii)  Following the advertisement of the order, implement the scheme subject to no irresolvable objections


ROW BRIDLEWAY 19 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

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    Members will recall approving the publishing of an Intention to make a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), under section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit horse use on Public Bridleway No. 19, Camberley and Frimley. No objections were received within the statutory advertising period. Members are asked to consider whether the legal and policy criteria for making the Order still apply.


    It is recommended that a TRO be made for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road, or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising.

    Additional documents:


    Officers do not have delegated powers to make TROs. Officers support the decision to make the TRO to enable Network Rail to make safety improvements at the level crossing that they would be unable to do with horse use. The continuation of the route in Hampshire already has a TRO on it.

    Members discussed the usage of the bridleway and safety considerations.  It was noted that no public objections to the advertisement of the TRO had been received within the statutory period. A recorded vote was held with 6 in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention.

    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that the grounds for making a Traffic Regulation Order as outlined were met and an Order should be made for Public Bridleway No. 19 (Camberley & Frimley) to prohibit equestrian use under s1(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Order 1984 for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road, or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, as shown on Drawing Number 3/1/84/H8 (Annexe 1).       



    Officers do not have delegated powers to make TROs. Officers supported the decision to make the TRO to enable Network Rail to make safety improvements at the level crossing that they would be unable to do with horse use. The continuation of the route in Hampshire already had a TRO on it.

    The Committee were asked to consider whether a Traffic Regulation Order should be imposed on bridleway 19 for the purpose of “avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or any other road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising”.  Members were asked to consider the Council’s duty under Section 122 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, “to conduct an adequate balancing exercise to secure the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic”.  In essence they needed to decide whether prohibiting equestrian access would improve safety for other users.

    Gail Brownrigg attended and raised the following points:- A bridleway is a route which pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders have a right to use.  Surrey has a large number of bridleways, which enable riders to get off busy and dangerous roads, but this network is unfortunately fragmented and often lacking in connectivity.  This bridleway gives access to the long-distance Blackwater Valley Path which does not currently have equestrian rights along its full length, but which may have the potential for upgrading in the future.  The nearest alternative crossing from Surrey into Hampshire is at Tongham seven miles away.  Network rail would like to install miniature stop lights with a red light and a beeping signal giving 20 seconds warning when a train is approaching.  This is in use at Farnham North station and seems to be very effective.  For equestrian use, the guidance states that minimum warning period should be 40 seconds.  Network Rail are concerned that users would become accustomed to the fact that the crossing is closed for a longer time, and this might influence their decision to cross before the train arrives.  There are however, telephones on each side of the crossing, to enable riders to check with the signalman that it is safe to cross and to confirm to him their safe arrival on the other side.  This request is entered in a log book, where the last record dates to 2009, leading to the assumption that the crossing has not been used by riders since then.  This is, however, incorrect.  A resident living near the crossing says it was in regular use by riders until about three years ago, and a local rider confirms that she last used the crossing in November 2013.  This indicates that riders have not been using the telephone to contact the signalman, but were using their own judgement to cross.  Trains sound their horns before reaching the bend between 7 am and 11 pm, so there is warning of their approach before they are visible.  Incomplete evidence for past use cannot be taken a reliable guide to future need. 


    Prohibiting equestrian use  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61/13



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    To update the Local Committee on the progress that Services for Young People have made towards participation for all young people in Surrey Heath in post-16 education, training and employment during 2013-14. This is the overarching goal of Services for Young People and our strategy to achieve it is set out in ‘The young people’s employability plan 2012-17’.


    In particular this focuses on the contribution of the different commissions to this goal and how they have performed during the year. Please note that the majority of detailed performance information is provided in the appendix to this report.


    Next steps have also been included to set out how we will keep the Local Committee

    informed about developments and our progress during the year ahead.


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee had an important part to play in supporting the local development of Services for Young People, ensuring that they provided the right support to young people in local communities. In particular they had an important formal role in relation to the Local Prevention Framework.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the progress Services for Young People had made during 2013/14 to increase participation for young people in education, training or employment, as set out in the appendix to the report



    The Local Committee had an important part to play in supporting the local development of Services for Young People, ensuring that they provided the right support to young people in local communities. In particular they had an important formal role in relation to the Local Prevention Framework.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the progress Services for Young People had made during 2013/14 to increase participation for young people in education, training or employment, as set out in the appendix to the report




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    Services for Young People (SYP) currently operates nine commissions which contribute towards the overall goal of full participation in education, training or employment with training for young people to age 19 and to age 25 for those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). These commissions are delivered through in-house services and external providers, where contracts were let generally for a 3 year period, all expiring in 2015.


    This paper explores increased delegation of decision-making in relation to local ‘early help’ for young people, within the context of re-commissioning for 2015 to 2020.


    Additional documents:


    The report outlined plans to build on the successes of Services for Young People and proposed greater integration and working together for the commissioning of the Local Prevention Framework (LPF), Centre Based Youth Work (CBYW) and potentially other more integrated commissioning with partners such as Surrey Heath Borough Council, Public Health, Surrey Police and Active Surrey. It explained how Services for Young People planned to achieve its overall goal of employability for all young people.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed;


    (i)    To support increased delegation of decision-making to include the current Centre Based Youth Work so that it can be re-commissioned alongside the current Local Prevention Framework.

    (ii)   That local priorities for the newly delegated commissions within Services for Young People will be decided by the Surrey Heath Local Committee informed by the work of the constituted Youth Task Group.

    (iii)  To reconstitute Surrey Heath Youth Task Group (See Item 17)


    The report outlined plans to build on the successes of Services for Young People and proposed greater integration and working together for the commissioning of the Local Prevention Framework (LPF), Centre Based Youth Work (CBYW) and potentially other more integrated commissioning with partners such as Surrey Heath Borough Council, Public Health, Surrey Police and Active Surrey. It explained how Services for Young People planned to achieve its overall goal of employability for all young people.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed;


    (i)    To support increased delegation of decision-making to include the current Centre Based Youth Work so that it can be re-commissioned alongside the current Local Prevention Framework.

    (ii)   That local priorities for the newly delegated commissions within Services for Young People will be decided by the Surrey Heath Local Committee informed by the work of the constituted Youth Task Group.

    (iii)  To reconstitute Surrey Heath Youth Task Group (See Item 17)



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    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) is asked to review and agree the terms of reference and membership of task groups set by the Committee. 


    The committee is also asked to agree to delegate the Community Safety funding contribution to the Community Safety Partnership.



    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed:


    (i)            The terms of reference for the Youth Task Group as set out in Annex A, with membership of the task group to be: Denis Fuller (Chairman), Chris Pitt (Vice-Chairman), Cllrs Valerie White and Rodney Bates.

    (ii)     The terms of reference for the Major Projects Task Group as set out in Annex B and the membership of this task group to be:  Cllrs David Ivison, Denis Fuller, Bill Chapman, Vivienne Chapman, Josephine Hawkins and Valerie White.  It was also recommended that Cllr Paul Ilnicki be invited to attend any meetings with a focus on rail issues and that SHBC Officers Jenny Rickard and Jane Ireland be included.

    (iii)    The nominations to outside bodies as:-

    Surrey Heath Partnership – Cllr Bill Chapman

    Surrey Heath Strategic Parking Group – Cllrs Ivison and Page

    Surrey Heath Youth Council Stakeholders Group – Denis Fuller 


    (iv)   That the community safety budget of £3,294 that has been delegated to the Local Committee be transferred to the Surrey Heath Partnership.


    (v)    That the Community Partnerships Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with (iv) above.



    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed:


    (i)            The terms of reference for the Youth Task Group as set out in Annex A, with membership of the task group to be: Denis Fuller (Chairman), Chris Pitt (Vice-Chairman), Cllrs Valerie White and Rodney Bates.

    (ii)     The terms of reference for the Major Projects Task Group as set out in Annex B and the membership of this task group to be:  Cllrs David Ivison, Denis Fuller, Bill Chapman, Vivienne Chapman, Josephine Hawkins and Valerie White.  It was also recommended that Cllr Paul Ilnicki be invited to attend any meetings with a focus on rail issues and that SHBC Officers Jenny Rickard and Jane Ireland be included.

    (iii)    The nominations to outside bodies as:-

    Surrey Heath Partnership – Cllr Bill Chapman

    Surrey Heath Strategic Parking Group – Cllrs Ivison and Page

    Surrey Heath Youth Council Stakeholders Group – Denis Fuller 


    (iv)   That the community safety budget of £3,294 that has been delegated to the Local Committee be transferred to the Surrey Heath Partnership.


    (v)    That the Community Partnerships Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with (iv) above.




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    Surrey County Council Councillors receive funding to spend on local projects that help to promote social, economic or environmental well-being in the neighbourhoods and communities of Surrey. This funding is known as Members’ Allocation.


    For the financial year 2014/15 the County Council has allocated £10,300revenue funding to each County Councillor and £35,000 capital funding to each Local Committee. This report provides an update on the projects that have been funded since April 2014 to date.


    Additional documents:


    Surrey County Council Councillors receive funding to spend on local projects that help to promote social, economic or environmental well-being in the neighbourhoods and communities of Surrey. This funding is known as Members’ Allocation.


    For the financial year 2014/15 the County Council has allocated £10,300revenue funding to each County Councillor and £35,000 capital funding to each Local Committee. This report provides an update on the projects that have been funded since April 2014 to date.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the amounts that have been spent from the Members’ Allocation and Local Committee capital budgets, as set out in Annex 1 of the report.



    Surrey County Council Councillors receive funding to spend on local projects that help to promote social, economic or environmental well-being in the neighbourhoods and communities of Surrey. This funding is known as Members’ Allocation.


    For the financial year 2014/15 the County Council has allocated £10,300revenue funding to each County Councillor and £35,000 capital funding to each Local Committee. This report provides an update on the projects that have been funded since April 2014 to date.


    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the amounts that have been spent from the Members’ Allocation and Local Committee capital budgets, as set out in Annex 1 of the report.




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    This report is produced for each meeting of the Local Committee (Surrey Heath) so that members can review the forward plan.  The reports that are currently anticipated will be received by the committee are outlined in paragraph 3.



    The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted the forward plan.