Agenda item


Following concerns raised regarding the safety of pedestrians using the narrow section of Dene Street between the junctions of High Street and Heath Hill, the Mole Valley Local Committee approved a scheme for one-way working for inclusion on the Integrated Transport Scheme forward programme for 2015/16. In order to assess the impact of a permanent one-way working in Dene Street, a trial one-way working was installed on 21st April 2016 for a period of 18 months until 19th September 2017. This report presents the results of traffic surveys carried out before the trial was implemented and whilst it was in place, as well as the results of the consultation carried out with residents and businesses asking for their views on making the one-way working permanent.


The Local Committee (Mole Valley) agreed to:


(i)            Defer the decision on whether to make the trial one way system in Dene Street, Dorking permanent.





A member of the public requested consideration be given to the installation of a 2-way cycle lane within the one-way system, which could also be used by mobility scooters. Members agreed to defer the decision on making the one-way system permanent until this request could be investigated. It was agreed that the temporary one-way system remain in place, and funding for this scheme for this financial year be spent on investigating the possibility of installing a 2-way cycle lane and continued monitoring of the impact of the one-way system on vehicular traffic. It was also agreed that funding will need to be found in the next financial year if, following the outcome of the investigation, Members decided to make the one-way system permanent.



No declarations of interest received

Officers present:

Zena Curry, Area Highways Manager

Anita Guy, Principal Engineer

Anne-Marie Hannam, Senior Engineer


In his absence the Chairman read out comments submitted by Stephen Cooksey in advance of the report being presented.

“My understanding is that the consultation produced a very large majority of residents in favour of retaining the one way system as in the current experiment. There was some concern expressed by some businesses regarding the effect on their custom and by residents of Cotmandene regarding the increase in traffic across the Dene. However the final results of the traffic surveys had not been fully analysed when we spoke.


On the information that I have, I would support the recommendation to make the traffic order permanent and to look seriously at ways of alleviating the problems caused for Cotmandene residents. I am also aware that increased enforcement will be necessary since I understand that there have been quite frequent breaches of the order which create a very dangerous situation.”


A member of the public contested some of the information quoted in the report such as the width of the pavements (too narrow for buggies and bikes) and quality of the sightlines and proposed that if the one way system was to be permanently implemented,  a 2way lane should be constructed for the use of cyclists and those on mobility scooters. A similar scheme had been introduced in Bury Fields in Guildford. (Photos attached).

Members also queried why there was a need to implement the scheme on a permanent basis so early into the trial when it was scheduled to continue until October 2017. Officers explained that any changes to the infrastructure would need funding and if the trial continued, this would have to be found in the next financial year. A safety audit would also be required.

Hazel Watson reminded the committee that this scheme had been talked about for decades and that since residents seemed to be in favour 2:1 and the local member supports it, it should go ahead without further delay.

Clare Curran pointed out that Dorking had many one way streets and introducing an exception for cyclists could be dangerous as drivers would not be expecting to see them.

Cllr Hunt suggested that deferring the decision would allow the impact of the one way system during the winter and Christmas periods to be assessed. Officers suggested that if the trial stayed  in place the remaining funding from this year should be spent on further monitoring.

Members voted 6 to 3 in favour of deferring the decision.



The Local Committee (Mole Valley) agreed to:


(i)            Defer the decision on whether to make the trial one way system in Dene Street, Dorking permanent.





A member of the public requested consideration be given to the installation of a 2-way cycle lane within the one-way system, which could also be used by mobility scooters. Members agreed to defer the decision on making the one-way system permanent until this request could be investigated. It was agreed that the temporary one-way system remain in place, and funding for this scheme for this financial year be spent on investigating the possibility of installing a 2-way cycle lane and continued monitoring of the impact of the one-way system on vehicular traffic. It was also agreed that funding will need to be found in the next financial year if, following the outcome of the investigation, Members decided to make the one-way system permanent.


Supporting documents: