Agenda item


The report is provided in accordance with Priority 2 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The Chairman considered Item 6 (this item) before Item 4


Alan Downey - Independent Chairman, Surrey Mental Health Partnership Board

Simon Turpitt - Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB)

Simon Hart - Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)

Graham Wareham - Chief Executive (Interim), Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Helen Rostill - Director for Mental Health, Surrey Heartlands ICS and SRO for Mental Health, Frimley ICS (Priority 2 Sponsor)


Key points raised in the discussion:

1.    The Chairman thanked the Independent Chairman (MHPB) for his work, noting his recent interview with BBC Radio Surrey. In response the Independent Chairman echoed his comments made on BBC Radio Surrey that he was impressed by the willingness of all the organisations and individuals involved to make it a success, reiterating that Surrey was unique as a local authority its approach to addressing mental health through prevention and intervention.

2.    The Independent Chairman (MHPB) highlighted that:

·         the report reflected a consensus view that was reached by all members of the MHPB; recognising the challenges faced and the willingness of those involved to be self-critical.

·         the recommendations were in priority order beginning with endorsing the recommendations of the MHPB recognising the shift from dealing with the consequences of mental ill-health to a clearer focus on prevention and early intervention.

·         it was vital to focus on the next steps concerning the governance arrangements for the nature of the challenges ahead, the Mental Health Delivery Board would assume system-wide leadership and accountability for the delivery of the Improvement Programme and would report to the Board and ICS Board, with a strong recommendation that a strategic programme lead should be appointed.

·         it was important to ensure a commitment across Surrey’s organisations, paying tribute to the MHPB members for the work achieved to date, the external advisors who would were involved in the peer-led review and the project team led by the Deputy Chief Executive (SCC) and Chair of SODA.

·         following the defining the problem and the solutions, the challenge of implementing the Improvement Programme lay ahead as it would be a transformational shift in the way that mental ill-health and mental wellbeing were tackled within Surrey.

3.    The Independent Chair (SSAB) noted the enthusiasm of the MHPB which needed to be channelled into its implementation and that it was important to change the dynamic by embracing and understanding mental health across Surrey.

4.    The Independent Chair (SSCP) noted that the report was refreshing as it offered clarity on areas of concern and reassurance came from recognising the strong partnership agreement committed to the transformational change needed and welcomed the periodic review of the priorities. He hoped that all partners were disseminating the messaging on mental ill-health across their strategic organisations, paying attention to the lived experiences of young people and their families.

5.      The Chief Executive (Interim) (SABP NHSFT) supported the report and constructive approach taken by the team, noting that the challenge going forward would be ensuring sufficient resources and time, and he welcomed the role of strategic programme lead. He emphasised that the MHPB was a unique opportunity for partners across the system to direct the changes needed and hoped that the MHPB would continue to meet periodically to ensure the Improvement Programme was progressing well.

6.      A Board member thanked the Independent Chairman (MHPB) and the team for their work, noting the important recommendations for all. She highlighted that process grew out of the Mental Health Summit held last autumn which brought together voices from across the county to express how they felt about the mental health services they were receiving, she suggested that a similar conference or summit be held for autumn 2021 and would liaise with key officers, to report back on the MHPB’s progress across a broad range of communities and to hold partners to account on delivery of the change needed.

7.      The Chairman referred to the recommendation about the strategic programme support and lead for the Improvement Programme querying who would be taking that forward. In response the Chief Executive (Interim) (SABP NHSFT) explained that the matter would be brought to the next MHPB.

8.      A Board member noted the MHPB to be an open and trusted setting with honest conversations by organisations and agencies about the issues within the mental health setting. She commended the leadership of the Independent Chair and the MHPB’s progress with moving forward with a tangible plan to address competing pressures.

9.      The Priority Two Sponsor commended the work of the Independent Chair and noted the opportunity of the MHPB to look at creating better opportunities for Surrey’s communities around good mental health and building those robust foundations going forward.

10.   The Independent Chair (MHPB) thanked Board members for their comments and highlighted that although the challenge lay ahead, he was optimistic about the ability of the organisations in Surrey and their willingness to implement the recommendations, noting the need to remain accountable and to continue to work collaboratively.

11.   The Chairman noted that the Board would receive a future update on the MHPB and Improvement Programme and that going forward the next steps would be the delivery of the work through the action plan and embedding the approach across the system.




That the relevant Proper Officer(s) in consultation with the Chairman:


  1. Accepted and endorsed the report, findings, and recommendations of the Mental Health Partnership Board the peer-led review.
  2. Approved the proposed governance structure of the future MHPB and oversees progress.
  3. Ratified and approved the Improvement Programme which has been devised to achieve a full redesign of the emotional wellbeing and mental health system model, aligned to national best practice with co-design by service and users at its centre.
  4. Acknowledged the need for strategic programme support for the Improvement Programme, to ensure the alignment and implementation of system, organisation and tactical resources and services to drive forward and manage the implementation of the mental health service’s redesign.


Actions/further information to be provided:

1.      The Board member (Chief Executive SCC) will liaise with officers on the possibility of a similar mental health conference or summit be held for autumn 2021.

2.      The Board will receive a future update on the MHPB, the Improvement Programme and its action plan, as well as an update on the strategic programme lead.


Supporting documents: