Agenda item


This report seeks approval of a programme of highway works for Waverley funded from the Local Committee’s delegated capital and revenue budgets.


The Local Committee (Waverley) agreed to:



(i)    Note that, the Local Committee’s devolved highways budget for capital works in 2022/23 is £755,551 as agreed by Cabinet on 22nd February 2022.


(ii)   Agree that, the devolved capital budget for highway works be used to progress both capital improvement schemes and member capital allocation as detailed in section 1.


(iii)   Authorise that the Highway Engagement & Commissioning Manager in consultation with county members be able to reallocate the budget should there be a need to change the programme. 


(iv) Authorise that the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager in consultation with county members, be able to allocate any additional funding for schemes, in accordance with any guidance issued surrounding that funding.



Capital Improvement Schemes

(v)   Agree that, the capital improvement schemes allocation (Major Integrated Transport Schemes) for Waverley be used for the 3 ITS projects listed in Annex 1, with any remainder split equally between the divisional members.


(vi)  Authorise that the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager be able to vire money between the agreed schemes if required.


(vii) Agree that Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager, in line with the Scheme of Delegation, is able to progress any scheme from the Major Integrated Transport Schemes programme, including consultation and statutory advertisement that may be required under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, for completion of those schemes.  Where it is agreed that a scheme will not be progressed, this will be reported back to the appropriate county member.


Member Capital Allocation

(viii) Note that, £50,000 is allocated to each divisional member. Up to £15,000 of this could be allocated to minor ITS, or all £50,000 could be used on capital maintenance (recommended option). The schemes are to be proposed by county members in consultation with the Stakeholder Engagement Officer.


Revenue Maintenance

(ix)  Note that the members, will continue to receive a Member Local Highways Fund (revenue) allocation of £7,500 per county member to address highway issues in their division; and


(x)   Agree that each county member allocates £5,000 (leaving £2,500 per member to address highway issues in their divisions) or the full amount (£7,500 per member) of their Member Local Highways Fund allocation to be pooled to commission a revenue maintenance gang.


(xi)  Agree that revenue works are to be managed by the Highway Maintenance team on behalf of and in consultation with county members.




To agree, a programme of highways works in Waverley for 2022/23, funded from budgets available to enable schemes and works to progress.




Declarations of Interest: None.


Officer in attendance: Zena Curry (Stakeholder Engagement Manager) and Patrick Giles, Local Engagement Officer, Waverley and Guildford), Highways


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.


The Stakeholder Engagement Manager outlined the draft budget report, the funds available for Members and the proposed ITS scheme list (Annex A).  The Local Engagement Officer had been in touch with County Members to gather their local priorities for expenditure.  Additional funds had also been made available County Wide to cover road safety outside schools. 


Members asked about the parking surplus and how this would be allocated in future and this would be investigated and advised.  Members also asked about the prioritisation of small schemes and were advised that a new prioritisation process was being developed.


It was raised that the different budget pots available were confusing and that addressing the poor condition of rural roads was a high priority to local residents and cyclists.  SCC’s highways maintenance investment programme (Operation Horizon) was in place to address this, but there were a lot of roads that needed attention.  A highways safety inspection system was in place for more minor works. 


Members did note that the ITS list totalled schemes of £260K and there was a total of £305K available and that any remainder would therefore be divided between the divisional members. 


The Local Committee (Waverley) agreed to:



(i)    Note that, the Local Committee’s devolved highways budget for capital works in 2022/23 is £755,551 as agreed by Cabinet on 22nd February 2022.


(ii)   Agree that, the devolved capital budget for highway works be used to progress both capital improvement schemes and member capital allocation as detailed in section 1.


(iii)   Authorise that the Highway Engagement & Commissioning Manager in consultation with county members be able to reallocate the budget should there be a need to change the programme. 


(iv) Authorise that the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager in consultation with county members, be able to allocate any additional funding for schemes, in accordance with any guidance issued surrounding that funding.



Capital Improvement Schemes

(v)   Agree that, the capital improvement schemes allocation (Major Integrated Transport Schemes) for Waverley be used for the 3 ITS projects listed in Annex 1, with any remainder split equally between the divisional members.


(vi)  Authorise that the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager be able to vire money between the agreed schemes if required.


(vii) Agree that Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager, in line with the Scheme of Delegation, is able to progress any scheme from the Major Integrated Transport Schemes programme, including consultation and statutory advertisement that may be required under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, for completion of those schemes.  Where it is agreed that a scheme will not be progressed, this will be reported back to the appropriate county member.


Member Capital Allocation

(viii) Note that, £50,000 is allocated to each divisional member. Up to £15,000 of this could be allocated to minor ITS, or all £50,000 could be used on capital maintenance (recommended option). The schemes are to be proposed by county members in consultation with the Stakeholder Engagement Officer.


Revenue Maintenance

(ix)  Note that the members, will continue to receive a Member Local Highways Fund (revenue) allocation of £7,500 per county member to address highway issues in their division; and


(x)   Agree that each county member allocates £5,000 (leaving £2,500 per member to address highway issues in their divisions) or the full amount (£7,500 per member) of their Member Local Highways Fund allocation to be pooled to commission a revenue maintenance gang.


(xi)  Agree that revenue works are to be managed by the Highway Maintenance team on behalf of and in consultation with county members.




To agree a programme of highways works in Waverley for 2022/23, funded from budgets available to enable schemes and works to progress.



Supporting documents: