Agenda item


The Board is asked to note the update provided on the recent activity within the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Systems (ICS) regarding the Integrated Care Partnerships and Integrated Care Boards.


A verbal update will be provided on both the Surrey Heartlands ICS’ and the Frimley ICS’ implementation of the ‘Next steps for integrating primary care: Fuller stocktake report’.




Dr Priya Singh - Chair, NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board

Tom Lawlor - Director of Operations, Surrey Heath, Frimley ICS

Professor Claire Fuller - Chief Executive Officer, Surrey Heartlands ICS


Key points raised in the discussion:


1.    The Chair (NHS Frimley ICB) noted that:

·         The Frimley ICS was in the process of re-examining and refining the Integrated Care Strategy, the work to align to that and to ensure delivery had been well supported across the system.

·         There was an understandable general anxiety in society and that fed into the way in which pressures were being felt across the public services, however reflecting on the work that had been done with the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and Integrated Care Board (ICB) the way in which the workforce was rising to the challenges regardless of the pressures was commendable, for example the preparation around winter planning.

·         There were additional pressures now of Strep A for example, however people across the system were working constructively together and she thanked the public service partners and the teams.

·         The work that the ICP had been doing was focused on creating key priorities, ensuring clarity and the alignment around that; an example of work underway included fuel poverty and being able to have actionable insight from that population health data.

2.    The Director of Operations (Surrey Heath, Frimley ICS) noted that:

·         In terms of the implementation of the Fuller Stocktake report and the next steps for primary care, the recommendations were aligned with Frimley ICS’s goals and so had been built into the existing work within the system.

·         The Frimley ICS had adopted that population health management approach and used that to aid and improve access to services and to improve the appropriate continuity of care. There had been a focus on understanding the population and different cohorts and then providing the right pathways and care for those people.

·         Within its neighbourhoods there were existing integrated care teams and the Frimley ICS had used those to evolve and refine what it was doing based on the needs of a particular neighbourhood such as looking at care navigation, using the multi-disciplinary teams ensuring proactive and reactive care for people, providing same-day access and tailoring that provision, and using the insights and data throughout the connected care system to highlight opportunities and areas for improvement.

·         The Frimley ICS sought to work with its communities to make the changes needed and that had been one of the big differences and changes in terms of the method and how the system works with people.

3.    The Chief Executive Officer (Surrey Heartlands ICS) noted that:

·         The Surrey Heartlands ICS had declared a system-wide critical incident yesterday, which reflected the high levels of system pressures and demands in part linked to the number of different infections circulating. 

·         It was important for the system to ensure that it continued to focus on transformation and making those longer-term changes, so that it does not simply remain reactive. 

·         The system took its Fuller Stocktake report implementation plans through its last ICB, looking at the three themes: how to improve access for people, how to improve continuity to look after the most complex patients, and how to better improve health inequalities with communities.

·         The other areas that were important to consider were the enablers: estates, data, digital, workforce and leadership.

·         There would be a meeting of the ICP following the Board where the ICP would be signing off its Integrated Care Strategy which aligned to the long-standing Health and Wellbeing Strategy, its priorities and the wider determinants of health. 

4.    The Chairman noted that he and the Chief Executive Officer (Surrey Heartlands ICS) were supporting the Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt with her review of the ICSs nationally, and that reinforced the strong local leadership and partnership working that there was in Surrey Heartlands and Frimley; compared to other parts of the country. He noted that it would be interesting to see what the Hewitt review recommends and commented that there were not any ideas or better ways of working that Surrey was not already implementing locally. As two systems, Surrey was leading the charge around engaging with its communities and improving health outcomes for its residents.




1.    Noted the update provided on the recent activity within the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Systems (ICS) regarding the Integrated Care Partnerships and Integrated Care Boards.

2.    Noted the verbal update provided on both the Surrey Heartlands ICS’ and the Frimley ICS’ implementation of the ‘Next steps for integrating primary care: Fuller stocktake report’.


Actions/further information to be provided:




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