Agenda item



Following the Local Committee (Tandridge) meeting on 12 December 2014, the decision was deferred until the next meeting in order to prepare a report proposing amendments to the scheme, to continue the monitoring and to consult with the Lingfield and Dormansland parish councils prior to the report being submitted to the Committee.This further report summarises the outcome of the monitoring and identifies a number of amendments to the scheme.



The Local Committee (Tandridge):


(i)  Agreed that the monitoring of the speed management scheme in Godstone Road, Lingfield continues to demonstrate that in terms of congestion, traffic diversion, traffic speeds and recorded personal injury accidents, there is no justification for the removal of the scheme, noting the strong Surrey Police recommendations.


(ii)  Agreed the following amendments to the scheme that could be introduced to improve its operation subject to Local Committee Funding.


·         ‘Keep Clear’ markings in the carriageway at the pinch point closest to the village in order to prevent vehicles queuing to enter the village from stopping vehicles from exiting.  

·         Review and replace signage and explore more robust illuminated signage, in consultation with Surrey Police and Parish Councils.


(iii) Agree that as a matter of urgency that the Chairman send a letter to the relevant authorities to immediately repair the sewage leak in the village and that a report is prepared by the officers for March 2015 Local Committee meeting where Officers ask the Tandridge District Council  Environmental Health for their views. 






Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: Caroline Smith, Transport Planning Team Managerand Anita Guy, Senior Engineer.


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: Statements from resident Pam Erskine and Chairman of Lingfield Parish Council Chris D’Avery.


Petitioner, Pam Erskine advised the Committee that she had made two videos which had been uploaded on to YouTube.  This showed in her opinion the dangers of the pinch points on Godstone Road. The second video suggested that reducing the speed limit to 20 mph similar to that in Brighton, and would be a more effective way to reduce the speeds.  Ms Erskine felt that those who had signed the petition agreed that the pinch points made the road more dangerous as drivers speed through on the wrong side of the road in order to get through the traffic calming measures.


Chairman of Lingfield Parish Council, Mr D’Avery felt that the Officer report contained a number of inaccuracies, questioning the delay in rectifying the incorrect signage and the data that had been collected, which he felt was incomplete.  Mr D’Avery also felt that the criteria should also include noise and pollution and that the Parish Councils were not consulted on the report with enough time to comment, as the Local Committee requested at the December meeting. 


The Transport Planning Team Manager addressed the concerns raised, by Mrs Erskine and Mr D’Avery, advising that pinch points are a standard traffic calming measures across the UK and have reduced speeds on Godstone Road, therefore achieving the original aim.  Average speeds have reduced from 35mph to 27mph southbound and 36 mph to 30mph northbound.  It was advised that a 20mph zone suggested by the petitioner would not be supported by the Police.  The Meeting had to be brought forward to February instead of the scheduled March Local Committee meeting in order to meet the deadline for the end of the monitoring period with the developers. 


Members Discussion – Key Points


·         The Members asked Surrey Police Road Safety Traffic Manager to share his professional views of the scheme.  He advised that in his opinion whilst it could be argued that there is in increase in congestion, there have been no accidents and the average speed has reduced therefore achieving what it was set out to do from a road safety perspective.

·         Mr David Hodge felt that if another traffic calming measure was installed it could create another issue for residents.  For example if the pinch points were removed and replaced with a table, it could it lead to complaints about vibration and noise.  

·         Mrs Sally Marks asked for the Police’s view on a 20mph limit.  The Road Safety Manager advised that the road would have to abide by the Department for Transport (DfT) policy, so average speed limits should be 24mph or less. 

·         Mrs Helena Windsor asked for information on the outliers of the speed data.  The Transport Planning Manager advised that the results also looked at the 85 percentile which was 41mph southbound and 35mph northbound.  Overall the speed in both directions has reduced.

·         Members felt that driver behaviour played a part in this matter and that a short delay in a rural area of 20 seconds was acceptable.  Members agreed that ‘Keep Clear’ markings would be of benefit on the carriageway by the pinch point closest to the village.  All signage should be reviewed to ensure it complies with current regulations and where appropriate be more robust. It was felt that increasing lighting of signs in a rural area can have a negative impact on the environment.  There was also a discussion around the use of a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS). The Police advised that there have been a number of Department for Transport studies around this and they do not work as well in rural areas as in urban areas as it tends to be the same audiences each day.   It was emphasised that should the local residents want illuminated signs or a VAS in the future then that should be for residents and Parish Council to decide, however it is not appropriate to ask the Developer to pay for this at this time. 

·         Mrs Marks stated that although not a County function, the video from Mrs Erskine showed that there was a sewage leak in the road and the Committee agreed that as a matter of urgency they would ensure that the appropriate authorities were contacted and this matter rectified.   Mr Hodge asked that Officers prepare a report at the next Committee meeting in March to explain the actions taken.




The Local Committee (Tandridge):


(i)  Agreed that the monitoring of the speed management scheme in Godstone Road, Lingfield continues to demonstrate that in terms of congestion, traffic diversion, traffic speeds and recorded personal injury accidents, there is no justification for the removal of the scheme, noting the strong Surrey Police recommendations.


(ii)  Agreed the following amendments to the scheme that could be introduced to improve its operation subject to Local Committee Funding.


·         ‘Keep Clear’ markings in the carriageway at the pinch point closest to the village in order to prevent vehicles queuing to enter the village from stopping vehicles from exiting.  

·         Review and replace signage and explore more robust illuminated signage, in consultation with Surrey Police and Parish Councils.


(iii) Agree that as a matter of urgency that the Chairman send a letter to the relevant authorities to immediately repair the sewage leak in the village and that a report is prepared by the officers for March 2015 Local Committee meeting where Officers ask the Tandridge District Council  Environmental Health for their views. 



Reason for decision


Noting the strong views of the Police the Local Committee (Tandridge) agreed that the traffic calming measures were effective in reducing the speeds on the road and therefore should not be removed.  Amendments could be introduced to improve its operation, subject to funding. 


The sewage leak in the village is unacceptable and should be dealt with as a matter of urgency by the relevant authorities as risk to public health.

Supporting documents: