Issue - decisions

Support for national Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations

28/11/2012 - Communities Select Committee Call-in - Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations

Confirmed the decision made at Cabinet on 23 October 2012.


Reasons for Decision


This is an in principle decision, which will be subject to consultation and a robust business case.


1.      That all recommendations in the model resolutions 1-20, which includes the proposal for a National Holiday on 15th June 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary, be supported and endorsed.


2.      That a total £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding to be raised externally, be approved in principle subject to appropriate project governance and management being put in place, the agreement of which be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games in consultation with the Leader of Council and the Assistant Chief Executive.


Reason for Decisions


The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity and the 800th anniversary will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance. There will be strategic leadership from the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the County, to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. Through the opportunity of the 800th anniversary, this important historic event will be fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors now and in the future.


[The decisions on this item have been called in by the Communities Select Committee]