Decision details

Award of the Pre Construction Service Agreement (PCSA) for "Northeast Surrey Short Stay School- Alternative Provision facility"

Decision Maker: Interim Executive Director of Environment, Property and Growth (EPG)

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This project is to provide a modern Alternative Provision facility on a single site to accommodate 60 secondary aged pupils in NC yrs 7-11.  This will enable the school to relocate from its two current sites.

The new facility is to be operational from January 2026.

The design is to take account of the appropriate guidance in BB104, Schools Premises Regulations 2012, and any other relevant legislation and guidance.

The building, design, and materials used will comply with all relevant Building Regulations at the time of implementation.


Decision made:


To award a PCSA for the provision of Northeast Surrey Short Stay School- Alternative Provision facility” to Reds10 for a total value of £ 815,364.00.


Reasons for the decision:

Reasons for Decision:


Surrey County Council will ensure a provision of modern Alternative Provision facility on a single site to accommodate 60 secondary aged pupils in NC yrs 7-11 to enable SEND pupils access the education setting they require.  This will also enable the school to relocate from its two current sites.


The procurement route followed is compliant with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


Alternative options considered:

See attached Procurement Report

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:

No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Publication date: 03/01/2025

Date of decision: 20/12/2024