Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/07/2015 - Council (Item 53)


ITEM 9(i)


Mr Mel Few (Foxhills, Thorpe and Virginia Water) to move under Standing Order 11 as follows:


‘This Council notes with delight the success of the many Magna Carta celebrations and in particular the historic event which took place on Runnymede Meadows on 15 June 2015 celebrating the 800th anniversary of its sealing. 


This Council thanks all of the many people, partners and organisations that helped make the celebrations so successful and which enabled the county of Surrey to showcase a unique event of world significance. 


This Council wishes in particular to thank its own staff and Members, many of whom went way beyond the call of duty, in the successful organisation of these celebrations.’


ITEM 9(ii)


Mrs Fiona White (Guildford West) to move under Standing Order 11 as follows:


‘This Council agrees to prioritise the recruitment and retention of Social Workers including by ensuring that the County Council's social worker pay is competitive with neighbouring councils, carrying out recruitment campaigns, recruiting social work graduates from Universities, providing key worker housing and relevant training, in order to:


·         provide sufficient qualified, trained and experienced Social Workers to support and protect vulnerable children and adults in Surrey,


·         reduce the council's over-reliance on costly agency staff


·         reduce the workload of social workers.’


ITEM 9(iii)


Mrs Hazel Watson (Dorking Hills) to move under Standing Order 11 as follows:


 ‘This Council requests the Cabinet to allocate additional funding to all Local Committees to enable them to introduce 20 mph speed limits outside schools where requested by both the school and the local community in order to reduce traffic speeds and to improve road safety.’




Additional documents:


ITEM 9(i)


Under Standing order 12.3, the Council agreed to debate this motion.


Under Standing Order 12.1, Mr Few moved the motion which was:


‘This Council notes with delight the success of the many Magna Carta celebrations and in particular the historic event which took place on Runnymede Meadows on 15 June 2015 celebrating the 800th anniversary of its sealing. 


This Council thanks all of the many people, partners and organisations that helped make the celebrations so successful and which enabled the county of Surrey to showcase a unique event of world significance. 


This Council wishes in particular to thank its own staff and Members, many of whom went way beyond the call of duty, in the successful organisation of these celebrations.’


Mr Few made the following points in support of his motion:


·         It was a brave decision, taken by Surrey County Council, to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta on the Runnymede Meadows in Surrey

·         The event has heightened awareness of Surrey and the county will benefit from increased numbers of visitors

·         There had been dedicated teams from the County Council and National Trust working on the event – organising traffic management plans, coach transport, security checks and ensuring that guests would be fed and watered

·         With VIP guests, including several senior members of the Royal Family, the Prime Minister and other international guests, the organisation of the event was challenging and its success was achieved with the help of partnership working

·         200 people were presented to Royalty and other dignitaries

·         The event culminated in a fly past from the Red Arrows

·         It was a very well organised event.

The motion was formally seconded by Mrs Clack, who made the following points:


·         Continuation of thanking the people who had key roles in bringing the event to fruition, in particular: Susie Kemp - Assistant Chief Executive, Peter Milton – Head of Cultural Services, Katie Brennan and the Magna Carta team and also the Civic team

·         She also thanked Surrey Police, Surrey Highways, Surrey’s Emergency Planning team, Surrey Social Services, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, the Ambulance Service, Runnymede Borough Council, Surrey Performing Arts Service, National Trust, Dame Sarah Goad and the Chief Executive

·         That the vision of the Leader of the Council in relation to this event had placed Surrey on the ‘world map’

·         The magnificent artwork, The Jurors by Hew Locke which was commissioned by Surrey County Council and the National Trust

·         That art interpretation volunteers were on site at weekends and since the event the car park takings had increased by 50%

·         Finally, she said that it was a perfect day and that she was proud to be a part of the Magna Carta celebrations.

Eight Members spoke on the motion, with the following points being made:


·         The event had highlighted the reputation of Surrey and put Runnymede and Spelthorne on the map

·         The Jurors artwork was a good legacy

·         The perception that the event was for ‘the great  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53