Issue - meetings

Property Transactions - disposal

Meeting: 27/10/2016 - Leader Decisions (Item 3.)

Property Transactions - disposal

The Leader of the Council to take an urgent decision relating to a property disposal.


In accordance with Access to Information rules 6.06(f) (Special Urgency) the Chairman of the Council Overview Board has agreed that the decision cannot be reasonably deferred because of the urgent need to conclude the disposal realising a capital receipt to the County Council.


Report to follow.


Exempt: Not for publication under Paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


The Leader of the Council agreed that the County Council should accept a completion date of 17 March 2017 and a final deferred payment date of no later than 24 March 2018 provided that the exchange of contracts takes place on or before 28 October 2016 and that payment for the land is £10,000 more than the value of the disposal agreed by Cabinet at its meeting on 2 February 2016.


In accordance with Access to Information rules 6.06(f) (Special Urgency) the Chairman of the Council Overview Board agreed that the decision could not reasonably be deferred and waived their right to call the decision in.