Councillors and committees

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/03/2019 - Guildford Joint Committee (Item 10)


As part of the Guildford Parking Strategy, a Parking review is conducted every 18 months. This report presents the recommended scope of the review as outlined by the Parking & Air Quality Working group (P&AQWG) and recommends the actions and next steps. 


Additional documents:


The Guildford Joint Committee agreed: 


to formally advertise Surrey County Council’s intention to make an order to develop and consult upon the proposals prioritised by the Parking and Air Quality Working Group (P&AQWG) below:


                         i.        Parking controls in Area A, B, D and northern section of Area C, be extended to operate 8.30am to 9pm, 7 days a week (seeAnnexe 1),


                        ii.        The limit on permits in Area D of the Controlled Parking Zone be increased, in the first instance by 10%,


                       iii.        To accompany the extended parking controls into evenings and Sundays, the annual household limit on visitor scratch cards be doubled,


                      iv.        To review the retrospective exclusion of new residential developments of 6 dwellings or more, in the Controlled Parking Zone areas A, B and D. (see Annexe 2),


                       v.        To address 17 issues from the non-CPZ list (see Annexe 3&4).  2 of the 17 issues will be progressed later (see item 2.4).


                      vi.        Introduce two formalised disabled parking bays for specific residents, (see item 2.5). 






i.              assist with safety, access and traffic movements,

ii.             increase the availability of parking space and its prioritisation for various user-groups in various localities,

iii.            make local parking improvements.



Declarations of interest: None



Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: petition from Michael Hammond calling on Guildford Joint Committee to bring into force parking restrictions to stop antisocial parking in Belmont Avenue, refer to Item 6 Petitions.


Officers present: Andy Harkin, Parking Manager, GBC and Chris Wheeler, Waste and Fleet Services Manager GBC


Member discussion - key points:


A query was raised about how to assist a resident who had requested that a local dual bay be changed to a shared parking bay. Officers advised that turning a dual bay to a shared bay would be making them pay and display bay and this was likely to be considered as part of the next parking review.



The Guildford Joint Committee agreed: 


to formally advertise Surrey County Council’s intention to make an order to develop and consult upon the proposals prioritised by the Parking and Air Quality Working Group (P&AQWG) below:


                         i.        Parking controls in Area A, B, D and northern section of Area C, be extended to operate 8.30am to 9pm, 7 days a week (seeAnnexe 1),


                        ii.        The limit on permits in Area D of the Controlled Parking Zone be increased, in the first instance by 10%,


                       iii.        To accompany the extended parking controls into evenings and Sundays, the annual household limit on visitor scratch cards be doubled,


                      iv.        To review the retrospective exclusion of new residential developments of 6 dwellings or more, in the Controlled Parking Zone areas A, B and D. (see Annexe 2),


                       v.        To address 17 issues from the non-CPZ list (see Annexe 3&4).  2 of the 17 issues will be progressed later (see item 2.4).


                      vi.        Introduce two formalised disabled parking bays for specific residents, (see item 2.5). 






i.              assist with safety, access and traffic movements,

ii.             increase the availability of parking space and its prioritisation for various user-groups in various localities,

iii.            make local parking improvements.