153 Capital Strategy for Specialist School Placements PDF 125 KB
This paper sets out the current position with regard to the SEND capital programme, and recommends approval to progress with specific capital projects over a 4 year period from 2019/20 to 2022/23. Further work is underway to assess the needs for the service over a 10 year period.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That a number of named projects at an estimated capital cost of £3.2m, for delivery from 2019/20, as part of the overall Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND) capital programme, be approved. These projects are as identified in Annex 1 to the submitted report, providing 77 bulge and 21 permanent places.
2. That the development of projects as part of the overall SEND capital programme a number of “named” projects at an estimated capital cost of £28.9m, for delivery from 2019/20 over the next four years be agreed. These projects are as identified in Annex 1 to the submitted report, and will provide 303 permanent places.
3. That other projects as part of the overall SEND capital programme that do not require any further approval within this paper, including £1.1m capital budget previously approved for the Worplesdon specialist centre be noted. These projects are as identified in Annex 1 to the submitted report, providing 482 permanent places.
4. That £1m to support the delivery of the immediate identified school place planning and the long term requirements be approved.
Reason for decision:
Approval of the recommendations form a key part and will assist the Council in delivering the school place planning strategy for specialist placements.
Developing and maintaining the right SEND provision is an important part of ensuring a sustainable specialist estate to provide fit for purpose facilities for Surrey children and young people who require a specialist placement and cost effective solutions for high quality provision to support revenue savings within SCC. Grant capital funding of £10M is available from the Department for Education, to progress this capital strategy providing children and young people with increased positive opportunities for improved outcomes whilst attending an appropriate SEND provision.
The recommendations will enable the progression and delivery of the school place planning strategy for specialist placements ten-year plan. Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture (CFLC) are seeking to provide 883 specialist places (including 77 ‘bulge’ places) over the next four years and within the next 10 years deliver a broader plan which will be developed subject to need.
The school place planning strategy for specialist placements will be reviewed annually.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning introduced a report that sought agreement for extra places to be delivered over the next four years.
1. That a number of named projects at an estimated capital cost of £3.2m, for delivery from 2019/20, as part of the overall Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND) capital programme, be approved. These projects are as identified in Annex 1 to the submitted report, providing 77 bulge and 21 permanent places.
2. That the development of projects as part of the overall SEND capital programme a number of “named” projects at an estimated capital cost of £28.9m, for delivery from 2019/20 over the next four years be agreed. These projects are as identified in Annex 1 to the submitted report, and will provide 303 permanent places.
3. That other projects as part of the overall SEND capital programme that do not require any further approval within this paper, including £1.1m capital budget previously approved for the Worplesdon specialist centre be noted. These projects are as identified in Annex 1 to the submitted report, providing 482 permanent places.
4. That £1m to support the delivery of the immediate identified school place planning and the long term requirements be approved.
Reason for decision:
Approval of the recommendations form a key part and will assist the Council in delivering the school place planning strategy for specialist placements.
Developing and maintaining the right SEND provision is an important part of ensuring a sustainable specialist estate to provide fit for purpose facilities for Surrey children and young people who require a specialist placement and cost effective solutions for high quality provision to support revenue savings within SCC. Grant capital funding of £10M is available from the Department for Education, to progress this capital strategy providing children and young people with increased positive opportunities for improved outcomes whilst attending an appropriate SEND provision.
The recommendations will enable the progression and delivery of the school place planning strategy for specialist placements ten-year plan. Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture (CFLC) are seeking to provide 883 specialist places (including 77 ‘bulge’ places) over the next four years and within the next 10 years deliver a broader plan which will be developed subject to need.
The school place planning strategy for specialist placements will be reviewed annually.
The decision was unanimous.