Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/01/2020 - Woking Joint Committee (Item 42)


The Joint Committee is being asked to review the assessment of speeds along A320 Egley Road, B380 Guildford Road, Mayford Green and Westfield Roads and consider the recommendation to reduce the speeds on these roads.

Additional documents:


Declarations of Interest:      None

Officers attending:  Andrew Milne, Area Highways Manager, SCC

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:  None

The Integrated Transport Scheme (its) work programme for Woking includes an assessment of the speed limit on A320 Egley Road, B380 Guildford Road and lengths of B380 Mayford Green and Westfield Road, Mayford.


These roads are currently subject to a 40mph speed limit. The speed limit on Egley Road has been reviewed before, since which time the Hoe Valley School has been opened. An undertaking was given to review the speed limit again once the school had opened and this assessment included the B380 Guildford Road plus the short lengths of B380 Mayford Green and Westfield Road that are also subject to a 40mph and which could be seen as anomalous if they were not included.


The assessment suggests that a reduction of the speed limit to 30mph would generally be appropriate, with one section of the road requiring additional measures to help encourage lower speeds.


The Joint Committee (Woking) agree that:


(i)     The speed limit on A320 Egley Road from a point approximately 20m south of Turnoak Roundabout to a point approximately 110m south of Mayford Roundabout should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

(ii)    The speed limit on B380 Guildford Road, between its junctions with Westfield Road and the Mayford Roundabout, and on the B380 Westfield Road, between its junction with Guildford Road and the existing speed limit terminal signs approximately 60m north-eastwards from that junction, should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

(iii)   The speed limit on B380 Mayford Green between the Mayford Roundabout and the existing speed limit terminal signs approximately 60m north-west of the roundabout, should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

(iv)   The speed limit change should be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposed change and revoke any existing traffic orders, as necessary;

(v)    The Area Highways Manager in consultation with the Chairman of the Woking Joint Committee and the relevant Divisional Member resolve any objections received in connection with this proposal.

Reason for Decision:


Recommendations have been made taking into account the existing vehicle speeds, the guidance within Surrey County Council’s Speed Limit Policy and extensive discussions with Surrey Police’s Road Safety and Traffic Management Team.



Declarations of Interest:      None

Officers attending:  Andrew Milne, Area Highways Manager, SCC

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:  None

The Integrated Transport Scheme (its) work programme for Woking includes an assessment of the speed limit on A320 Egley Road, B380 Guildford Road and lengths of B380 Mayford Green and Westfield Road, Mayford.


These roads are currently subject to a 40mph speed limit. The speed limit on Egley Road has been reviewed before, since which time the Hoe Valley School has been opened. An undertaking was given to review the speed limit again once the school had opened and this assessment included the B380 Guildford Road plus the short lengths of B380 Mayford Green and Westfield Road that are also subject to a 40mph and which could be seen as anomalous if they were not included.


The assessment suggests that a reduction of the speed limit to 30mph would generally be appropriate, with one section of the road requiring additional measures to help encourage lower speeds.


Members supported the lowering of speeds around the school and also discussed whether Vehicle Activated speed signs were also needed.


The Joint Committee (Woking) agreed that:


(i)     The speed limit on A320 Egley Road from a point approximately 20m south of Turnoak Roundabout to a point approximately 110m south of Mayford Roundabout should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

(ii)    The speed limit on B380 Guildford Road, between its junctions with Westfield Road and the Mayford Roundabout, and on the B380 Westfield Road, between its junction with Guildford Road and the existing speed limit terminal signs approximately 60m north-eastwards from that junction, should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

(iii)   The speed limit on B380 Mayford Green between the Mayford Roundabout and the existing speed limit terminal signs approximately 60m north-west of the roundabout, should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

(iv)   The speed limit change should be advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposed change and revoke any existing traffic orders, as necessary;

(v)    The Area Highways Manager in consultation with the Chairman of the Woking Joint Committee and the relevant Divisional Member resolve any objections received in connection with this proposal.

Reason for Decision:


Recommendations have been made taking into account the existing vehicle speeds, the guidance within Surrey County Council’s Speed Limit Policy and extensive discussions with Surrey Police’s Road Safety and Traffic Management Team.