Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Reports from Select Committees , Task Groups, Local Committees and other Committees of the Council pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To consider a report submitted by the Resources & Performance Select Committee in relation to Item 7: Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Additional documents:


One report was received from Resources & Performance Committee in relation to Item 7 on the agenda.  This and the Cabinet response is attached as an annex.



One report was received from Resources & Performance Committee in relation to Item 7 on the agenda.  This and the Cabinet response is attached as an annex.


Mr Bill Chapman, Chairman of the Adults & Health Select Committee and Mr Nick Harrison, Chairman of the Performance & Resources Select Committee addressed the meeting in relation to the report.


Mr Chapman explained that the Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) had not been available to the select committee which affected its ability to properly scrutinise the budget. He said that the main lines of enquiry for the Adults & Health Select Committee over the coming year would be around the impact on residents of programmes put in place.  Lastly, he stated that each part of the budget, especially for public health, should be dealt with differently and each part say what service was needed alongside resources needed to deliver the need.


The Cabinet Member for Adults & Public Health responded that there was a need to redesign priorities, apologised for the EIA not being available and thanked Mr Chapman for the feedback and points raised.


Mr Harrison stated that all select committees received a good set of papers on their respective budgets and requested that scrutiny be involved in the budget process much earlier. He thanked Cabinet for the response to the select committees recommendations but also continued to disagree with the principle that RAG (Red-Amber-Green) ratings could not be added at this stage of the budget cycle.


The Leader responded that he wanted select committees to own the transformation programmes as much as Cabinet Members and that he hoped to address issues raised by select committees.  He also thought that more may be spent on public transport.