Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 17)


Cabinet are asked to agree the recommendations in relation to missing items from the presentation of this report to the December 2019 meeting of Cabinet.


N.B. This report has a Part 2 annex at Item 16.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]


Additional documents:




1.    That approval to Procure for the projects listed in Annex 1 – “Annual Procurement Forward Plan for 2020/21” in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders was approved.


2.    That where the first ranked tender for any projects listed in Annex 1 is within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the relevant Executive Director, Director or Head of Service (as appropriate) is authorised to award such contracts was agreed.


3.    That the procurement activity that will be returned to Cabinet for review of the commissioning and procurement strategy prior to going out to market, and which is highlighted in grey in Annex 1 was agreed.


Reasons for decision:

To comply with the Procurement and Contract Standing Orders agreed by Council in May 2019.

To provide Cabinet with strategic oversight of planned procurement projects for 2020/21.

To ensure Cabinet oversight is focussed on the most significant procurements.

To avoid the need to submit multiple individual requests for Approval to Procure as well as individual contract award approvals for work taking place in 2020/21.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Corporate Support introduced this report which contained project details that, due to an administrative error, were missed off the report that went to Cabinet in December.  Exempt financial information was contained within a Part 2 report.




1.    That approval to Procure for the projects listed in Annex 1 – “Annual Procurement Forward Plan for 2020/21” in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders was approved.


2.    That where the first ranked tender for any projects listed in Annex 1 is within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the relevant Executive Director, Director or Head of Service (as appropriate) is authorised to award such contracts was agreed.


3.    That the procurement activity that will be returned to Cabinet for review of the commissioning and procurement strategy prior to going out to market, and which is highlighted in grey in Annex 1 was agreed.


Reasons for decision:

To comply with the Procurement and Contract Standing Orders agreed by Council in May 2019.

To provide Cabinet with strategic oversight of planned procurement projects for 2020/21.

To ensure Cabinet oversight is focussed on the most significant procurements.

To avoid the need to submit multiple individual requests for Approval to Procure as well as individual contract award approvals for work taking place in 2020/21.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]