Issue - meetings

Members' Questions

Meeting: 29/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 124)

124 Members' Questions pdf icon PDF 423 KB

The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (23 September 2020).


Additional documents:


There were five Member questions. The questions and responses were published as a supplement to the agenda.



There were five Member questions. The questions and responses were published as a supplement to the agenda. Mr Will Forster asked a supplementary question in relation to his second question to Cabinet which asked when would the council publish and share work undertaken by external consultants in relation to the unitary bid. The Leader responded explaining that much of the work undertaken was not just in relation to the unitary conversation but helped get resident feedback on what they wanted. The information would be discussed at Council on 13 October and a workshop with members would be organised in due course. It was further added that work on proposals for a unitary had been paused on the basis that an invite from the Secretary of State to submit a business case had not yet been received. Work undertaken to date would be shared with members and the public to seek feedback on proposals.


Mr Jonathan Essex thanked Cabinet for a comprehensive response to Question 4 and asked a supplementary question to Question 5 which was if the daily data on which the average figures across Surrey are calculated could be shared publicly and to also provide information on the percentage availability of each frontline appliance in Surrey on each day shift from 07:00am to 07:00pm and each night shift from 07:00pm to 07:00am from 1 July to the present day. The Cabinet Member for Communities responded to the supplementary stating that the nature of the questions assumed that SFRS response was delivered from fixed positions but the county facilities and resources are deployed dynamically and appliances are responsible for the whole of the county. This was the way data was recorded and is in line with HMICFRS requirements. The granular data is not available. Mr Essex asked that the details of the percentage availability of each frontline appliance was provided to him in writing. The Cabinet Member for Communities stated that she would be happy to provide a response but as stated fire appliances are constantly moving around the county and therefore the data cannot be provided as requested.