Issue - meetings

Community Projects Fund

Meeting: 29/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 137)

137 Community Projects Fund pdf icon PDF 108 KB

On 21 July 2020, Cabinet approved the development of the Community Projects Fund (CPF) – a unique and potentially transformative capital fund of £100m over five years designed to deliver place-making and place-changing projects led by residents and communities on a significant scale.  At the time, Cabinet agreed to an initial phase of community co-design to test key aspects of the Fund prior to the formal launch of the Fund in the Autumn. This report sets out the findings from the co-design and resulting changes proposed to the Fund.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]

Additional documents:




  1. That the key findings from the community co-design work be noted.


  1. That the proposed updates to the process, criteria and framework for delivery of the Fund be approved.

  2. The recruitment of the officer roles to manage the CPF process be noted.

  3. The communications and engagement approach for the launch and delivery of the Fund be noted and the suggested timescales for the launch of the Fund and the opening of the first funding window be approved.


Reason for Decision:


The development of the Community Project Fund (CPF) represents a significant and exciting opportunity for Surrey County Council (SCC) to invest in a meaningful and lasting way in communities, and for communities to drive projects that will make a real difference to where they live. Crucially the Fund fills a unique gap in the market for investment in truly resident and community-led projects to have a positive impact on the places in which they live. 

The recommendations in this report will enable the Fund to be launched and to be delivered in a way that ensures the Fund is accessible to all, supports successful projects and that communities’ benefit.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]





The Deputy Cabinet Member to the Leader explained that £100m had been put aside for the people of Surrey to help deliver place-making and place-changing projects led by residents and communities on a significant scale. Co-design work was undertaken and feedback taken on board to ensure the fund is accessible and inclusive to all residents. It was evident from the co-design work that communication was key and as a result members will be a key instrument in guiding communities through the process. Workshops would be set up in October to support members in becoming conversant with the fund. An advertising campaign for ‘Your Fund Surrey’ would be starting soon with the website for the fund being live from September. Funding should start in Spring 2021.


There was a great amount of support for the fund from Cabinet Members. The Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health stated that she looked forward to the scheme being rolled out and that it was clear a great amount of work had gone into the project. Members commented that local residents were excited for the Fund. Thanks was paid to the Leader who had the vision for the Community Project Fund 12 months ago. Thanks was paid to the Deputy Cabinet Member and officers for progressing work with the Fund which will be a lifetime opportunity for Surrey residents.




  1. That the key findings from the community co-design work be noted.


  1. That the proposed updates to the process, criteria and framework for delivery of the Fund be approved.

  2. The recruitment of the officer roles to manage the CPF process be noted.

  3. The communications and engagement approach for the launch and delivery of the Fund be noted and the suggested timescales for the launch of the Fund and the opening of the first funding window be approved.


Reason for Decision:


The development of the Community Project Fund (CPF) represents a significant and exciting opportunity for Surrey County Council (SCC) to invest in a meaningful and lasting way in communities, and for communities to drive projects that will make a real difference to where they live. Crucially the Fund fills a unique gap in the market for investment in truly resident and community-led projects to have a positive impact on the places in which they live. 

The recommendations in this report will enable the Fund to be launched and to be delivered in a way that ensures the Fund is accessible to all, supports successful projects and that communities’ benefit.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]