Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 16 July 2013 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions

Contact: Anne Gowing 020 8541 9938 


No. Item



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    The Chairman to report apologies for absence.

    Additional documents:


    Apologies for absence were received from Mr Beckett, Mr Evans, Mr Fuller (am only), Mr Gardner, Mr Gosling, Dr Grant-Duff, Mrs Hicks, Mr Ivison, Mr Orrick, Mr Sydney, Mr Young and Mrs Young.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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    To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 May 2013.


    (Note: the Minutes, including the appendices, will be laid on the table half an hour before the start of the meeting).


    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 21 May 2013 were submitted, confirmed and signed.




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    The Chairman to report.


    A list of Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2013 is included within the agenda papers.

    Additional documents:


    The Chairman made the following announcements:


    ·         That Her Majesty The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2013 was included within the agenda.

    ·         The official opening of Walton Bridge took place on 11 July 2013 and was attended by three Cabinet Ministers: the Secretary of State for Transport, the Secretary of State for Defence and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury.

    ·         The lunchtime speaker was Peter Milton, Head of Cultural Services who spoke about the forthcoming World War 1 commemorations.

    ·         Stop Smoking Film competition for young people – sponsored by Trading Standards. The five shortlisted films were shown in the Chamber during the lunch break and Members were encouraged to watch them.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.




    ·           Each Member must declare any interest that is disclosable under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, unless it is already listed for that Member in the Council’s Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·           As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner).

    ·           If the interest has not yet been disclosed in that Register, the Member must, as well as disclosing it at the meeting, notify the Monitoring Officer of it within 28 days.

    ·           If a Member has a disclosable interest, the Member must not vote or speak on the agenda item in which it arises, or do anything to influence other Members in regard to that item. 


    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    The Leader to make a statement.


                There will be an opportunity for Members to ask questions.


    Additional documents:


    The Leader made a statement. A copy of his statement is attached as Appendix A.


    Members were invited to make comments, ask questions and made the following points:


    ·         The investment in superfast broadband was welcomed, as was the creational of 500 additional apprenticeships next year. However, he was asked what steps were in place to address Surrey’s skill shortages.

    ·         Project Horizon was a welcome investment for Surrey Highways but it was a long term programme and residents may consider that it was too long to wait for their road improvements.

    ·         Surrey County Council was the only county council in the UK that was increasing its road maintenance budget this year.

    ·         A need to engage Members in the Innovation programme, as had happened in the previous Administration with the Public Value Review programme.

    ·         Concern that the A244 road could not absorb any increased traffic flow.

    ·         The opening of Wellbeing Centres – Surrey now had four, including the centre in Walton which had opening on 15 July.

    ·         The importance of partnership working, particularly with Boroughs and Districts.



Surrey County Council Progress Report: January - June 2013 pdf icon PDF 41 KB



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    The Leader of the Council or the appropriate Member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of a Committee to answer any questions on any matter relating to the powers and duties of the County Council, or which affects the county.


    (Note:  Notice of questions in respect of the above item on the agenda must be given in writing, preferably by e-mail, to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services by 12 noon on Wednesday 10 July 2013).


    Additional documents:


    Notice of 20 questions had been received. The questions and replies are attached as Appendix B.


    A number of supplementary questions were asked and a summary of the main points is set out below.


    (Q1) Mr Taylor referred to the recently opened micro-library in Shere (in his division) and asked the Cabinet Member for Community Services to provide an update on any further micro-libraries. The Cabinet Member said that the service was looking for other opportunities and invited Members’ suggestions for suitable locations for more micro-libraries.


    (Q2) Mrs White made reference to the vacancy rate given in response to question 15 which she considered would impact on providing information to ‘self-funders’. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care referred to the various ways that information was provided and highlighted the user hubs. He also said that a particular challenge was to reach people who did not approach Adult Social Care to ensure that they had the necessary information to meet their needs.


    (Q5) Mr Kington considered that it was important to have a debate when electing a new Council Leader, particularly when the Authority was dominated by one party. The Leader of the Council said that there had not been any nominations for this position from any of the opposition groups and that the rules and regulations as laid down in Standing Orders had been followed.


    (Q6) Mrs Coleman asked the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care to provide hearing loops in all Surrey County Council buildings and also to widely publish a phone number that could be used, by the hard of hearing, for texting. The Cabinet Member noted her request and agreed to report back to her in due course.


    (Q8) Mrs White asked whether the views of People, Performance & Development Committee (PPDC) would be presented to a future County Council meeting. The Leader of the Council referred to the tabled response and said that there was currently no reason to bring the decision made at PPDC relating to chief officers pay to County Council.


    (Q9) Mr Forster asked the Leader of the Council to go further and block other inappropriate payday lender websites from Surrey County Council networks. The Leader noted this request and said that he would refer it to the IMT service for consideration.


    (Q10) Mr Hall said that only 10% of Surrey residents read local newspapers and asked the Cabinet Member for Business Services if there was a more effective and cost effective way to advertise Public Notices. The Cabinet Member advised him that there were some proposed changes but it would require Government legislation to alter the current arrangements.


    (Q11) Mr Robert Evans referred to Surrey County Council’s job vacancy website, which currently had several jobs advised at less than £8 per hour. He asked the Deputy Leader for his views and was advised that he would be willing to discuss this with him outside the meeting.


    (Q12) Mr Hickman objected to the stickers on the green Broadband cabinets and said that it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56/13



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    Any Member may make a statement at the meeting on a local issue of current or future concern.


    (Note:  Notice of statements must be given in writing, preferably by e-mail, to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services by 12 noon on Monday 15 July 2013).


    Additional documents:


    There were no statements by Members.



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    Item 9(i)


    Mrs Hazel Watson (Dorking Hills) to move under Standing Order 11 as follows:


    ‘In the Coalition Agreement, the Government made a commitment to strengthen councillors’ powers to vote on large salary packages for council officers. In addition, the Government has taken necessary steps to increase transparency about how taxpayers’ money is used, including in the pay and reward of public sector staff.


    The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency published on 29 September 2011 enshrines the principles of transparency in rewarding senior staff. Sections 38 - 43 of the Localism Act 2011 place a legal obligation on Local Authorities to publish an annual Pay Policy Statement with specific requirements regarding Chief Officers pay and other benefits.


    The Surrey County Council Pay Policy Statement 2013 - 14 presented to this Council in March 2013 by the Leader states:


    Chief Officers’ and Chief Executive's Remuneration


    Chief officers are on all-inclusive single status Surrey Pay contracts i.e. there are no variable pay salaries or bonuses paid.  The council has not provided any grade related benefits in kind, such as Annual Leave, Private Medical Insurance or Lease Cars since 2007.  Chief Officers receive the same allowances as other members of staff and access to the same voluntary benefits scheme, while any expenditure on business travel is reimbursed at the same rate for all grades.   


    The Chief Executive is on a contract which is like Chief Officers i.e. he is on an all-inclusive single status Surrey Pay contract and there is no variable pay or bonuses made. He is however paid a specific additional allowance for duties carried out in support of the Lord Lieutenant of the County.


    This Council reaffirms this policy without any exceptions.’


    Item 9(ii)


    Mr Peter Martin (Godalming South, Milford and Witley) to move under Standing Order 11 as follows:


    ‘This Council recognises the crucial role of the airports at Heathrow and Gatwick in supporting employment for Surrey residents, generating investment in the Surrey economy and in attracting and retaining major businesses to locate in the county.


    Given the vital importance of these airports for the continued success of the Surrey economy, this Council opposes any proposals that would serve to reduce their capacity or the role of Heathrow as a hub airport.


    This Council remains of the view that expansion at either airport would require the environmental and surface access issues involved to be satisfactorily addressed.


    This Council calls on Government and the aviation industry to prioritise investment in road and rail connections to the airports to reduce congestion and overcrowding.’



    Item 9(iii)

    Mr Will Forster (Woking South) to move under Standing Order 11 as follows:


    Whilst the average age for leaving home is 24, only one in 20 young people in foster care stay with their carers beyond their 18th birthday. Many young people leaving foster care end up homeless and in a crisis that could be avoided.


    This Council:


    1.         Asks the Cabinet to support the "Don't Move  ...  view the full agenda text for item 58/13

    Additional documents:


    ITEM 9(i)


    Under Standing Order 12.3, the Council agreed to debate this motion.


    Under Standing Order 12.1, Mrs Hazel Watson moved the motion which was:


    ‘In the Coalition Agreement, the Government made a commitment to strengthen councillors’ powers to vote on large salary packages for council officers. In addition, the Government has taken necessary steps to increase transparency about how taxpayers’ money is used, including in the pay and reward of public sector staff.


    The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency published on 29 September 2011 enshrines the principles of transparency in rewarding senior staff. Sections 38 - 43 of the Localism Act 2011 place a legal obligation on Local Authorities to publish an annual Pay Policy Statement with specific requirements regarding Chief Officers pay and other benefits.


    The Surrey County Council Pay Policy Statement 2013 - 14 presented to this Council in March 2013 by the Leader states:


    Chief Officers’ and Chief Executive's Remuneration


    Chief officers are on all-inclusive single status Surrey Pay contracts i.e. there are no variable pay salaries or bonuses paid.  The council has not provided any grade related benefits in kind, such as Annual Leave, Private Medical Insurance or Lease Cars since 2007.  Chief Officers receive the same allowances as other members of staff and access to the same voluntary benefits scheme, while any expenditure on business travel is reimbursed at the same rate for all grades.   


    The Chief Executive is on a contract which is like Chief Officers i.e. he is on an all-inclusive single status Surrey Pay contract and there is no variable pay or bonuses made. He is however paid a specific additional allowance for duties carried out in support of the Lord Lieutenant of the County.


    This Council reaffirms this policy without any exceptions.’


    The motion was formally seconded by Mrs Fiona White.


    Mrs Watson referred to the Surrey County Council Pay Policy Statement approved by the County Council in 2012 and updated and approved by County Council in March 2013. She considered that only the full Council could debate this issue. Her motion was not about individuals, it was about fairness, transparency and the need for all staff to be treated equally. She hoped that the whole Council would support her motion.


    After a short debate in which four Members spoke on the motion, it was put to the vote with 64 Members voting for it and no Member voting against it. There were no abstentions.


    Therefore, it was:




    That this Council reaffirms this Pay Policy Statement without any exceptions.



    ITEM 9(ii)


    Under Standing Order 12.3, the Council agreed to debate this motion.


    Under Standing Order12.1, Mr Peter Martin moved the motion, which was:


    ‘This Council recognises the crucial role of the airports at Heathrow and Gatwick in supporting employment for Surrey residents, generating investment in the Surrey economy and in attracting and retaining major businesses to locate in the county.


    Given the vital importance of these airports for the continued success of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58/13



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    To receive the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 28 May and 25 June 2013 and to agree the recommendation in respect of:


    ‘Confident in our Future’: Corporate Strategy 2013-2018


    Additional documents:


    The Deputy Leader presented the reports of the Cabinet meetings held on 28 May and 25 June 2013.


    (1)       Statements / Updates from Cabinet Members


    Libraries Changes Lives Award - the Cabinet Member for Community Services tabled a statement advising Members that the Surrey Libraries Service had won the 2013 CILIP Libraries Change Lives Award. (Appendix C)


    (2)     Recommendations on Policy Framework Documents


    A       Confident in Our Future – Corporate Strategy 2013/2018


    The Deputy Leader presented the report and commended it to Council.




              That Confident in our Future – Corporate Strategy 2013 – 2018, Annex 1 to the submitted report, be agreed.


    (3)        Reports for Information / Discussion


                The following reports were received and noted:


    ·           Quarterly Report on Decisions taken under Special Urgency Arrangements – 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013




    That the report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 28 May and 25 June 2013 be adopted.



Changes to the Constitution - Cabinet Associates pdf icon PDF 36 KB

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    To update the Constitution to include Cabinet Associates

    Additional documents:


    In the absence of the Leader, the Deputy Leader presented the report and informed Members that the Leader had announced the appointment of four Cabinet Associates at the County Council meeting on 21 May 2013 and that this report set out the changes required to the Constitution to ensure clarity of the role.


    Concern was expressed by some Members both about the possible additional cost of these roles to the Council and also that no limit had been set for the number of Cabinet Associate posts.


    Mr Kington said that he would be voting against the recommendations and requested a recorded vote.


    The following Members voted for:


    Mrs Angell, Mr Bennison, Ms Bowes, Mrs Bramhall, Mr Brett-Warburton,

    Mr Chapman, Mrs Clack, Mr Cosser, Mrs Curran, Mr Few, Mrs Frost, Mr Fuller,

    Mr Furey, Mr Goodman, Mr Gulati, Mr Hall, Mrs Hammond, Mr Harmer, Miss Heath, Mr Hussain, Mr Kemp, Mrs Lake, Mrs Lay, Ms Le Gal, Mrs Lewis, Mr Mahne,

    Mrs Marks, Mr Martin, Mrs Mountain, Mr Munro, Mr Norman, Mr Page, Mr Pitt,

    Mrs Ross-Tomlin, Mrs Saliagopoulos, Mr Samuels, Mr Skellett, Mr Taylor, Mr Walsh, Mr Wilson.


    The following Members voted against:


    Mr Barker, Mrs Barton, Mr Beardsmore, Mr Cooksey, Mr Essex, Mr Forster,

    Mr Goodwin, Mr Harrison, Mr Hickman, Mr Jenkins, Mr Johnson, Mr Kington,

    Mrs Lallement, Mrs Mason, Mrs Searle, Mr Selleck, Mr Townsend, Mrs Watson,

    Mrs Windsor


    Therefore it was:




    (1)        That amendments to Article 6, as outlined in Annex1 of the submitted report, be approved.


    (2)        That the role profile for Cabinet Associates, attached as Annex 2 of the submitted report, be included in the appendix to the Member / officer protocol.


Amendments to the Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 26 KB

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    The Leader has agreed changes to the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. In accordance with Articles 5.02 and 6.04(d)(ii) of the Council’s Constitution, the changes made by the Leader are being reported to Council.

    Additional documents:




    That the amendments, agreed by the Leader, to the Scheme of Delegation be noted.


Minutes of the Meetings of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 205 KB

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    Any matters within the minutes of the Cabinet’s meetings, and not otherwise brought to the Council’s attention in the Cabinet’s report, may be the subject of questions and statements by Members upon notice being given to the Democratic Services Lead Manager by 12 noon on Monday 15 July 2013.


    Additional documents:


    No notification had been received from Members wishing to raise a question or make a statement on any of the matters in the minutes, by the deadline.