Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions
Contact: Huma Younis 020 8213 2725 or Emma O'Donnell 020 8541 8987 Email: or Email:
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions under Standing Order 42. Additional documents: Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Mrs Penny Rivers. Mr Jonathan Essex substituted for Cllr Rivers. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18 October 2017 as an accurate record of the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 1. An amendment to page 4 of the minutes was tabled at the meeting, addressing the fact that reasons for deferral should not have included point (iv) as this point was agreed as an informative after the vote had taken place. This amendment is appended to these minutes at Annex A. 2. The Chairman informed the Committee that a letter querying the minutes of the previous meeting had been received from solicitors acting on behalf of Europa Oil & Gas UK on Tuesday 14 November. As there had not been sufficient time to review the webcast of the previous meeting, it was suggested that the approval of these minutes be deferred to the next meeting to allow for any discrepancies in the minutes to be corrected. 3. A Member commented that having reviewed the minutes relating to Item 7, it was not satisfactory to have moved the motion to refuse the application without any detail of how or why condition 19 had not been satisfied. The Chairman reminded Members of the need to cite planning reasons when moving motions to refuse or defer. 4. Members were asked to raise any further concerns regarding these minutes with the Committee Support Officers.
To receive any petitions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 65 (please see note 7 below). Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
To answer any questions received from local government electors within Surrey in accordance with Standing Order 66 (please see note 8 below). Additional documents: Minutes: 1. A question was received by Mr Taplin and a response was tabled at the meeting. The question and response is appended to these minutes at Annex B. 2. Mr Taplin acknowledged the response provided and asked the following supplementary question: Will Surrey County Council; and the Safer Travel Team prioritise support and funding to the school in taking remedial action, in order to make up for four years’ lost ground and expedite progress against the School Travel Plan targets? 3. The Planning Development Manager thanked Mr Taplin for his question and explained that as the response would require input from officers not present at the meeting, a formal response would be provided to him in writing. 4. The Chairman explained that officers would be contacting the Cabinet Member for Transport regarding the issues raised, as well as the Local Member. 5. Members highlighted that the Committee had no responsibility in securing funding from the education department. 6. There was some discussion around School Travel Plans and Members noted that these were not statutory, however when the travel plan was derived as a result of a planning condition, it was questioned as to how enforceable this was. Although progress had been made, it was felt that more work was required. 7. The Principal Solicitor explained that as one cannot enforce against oneself, the procedure was for the Heads of Service to discuss the issues regarding Travel Plans and seek to ensure that conditions are complied with. 8. Members noted that the Monitoring and Enforcement Protocol was adopted at the last meeting. |
To answer any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 48. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Detailed landform and planting design proposals for Phase 1 within Manor Farm submitted pursuant to Condition 46 (part discharge of condition) of planning permission ref: SP/2012/01132 dated 23 October 2015.
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers: Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning Development Manager Caroline Smith, Planning Development Manager Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor
Speakers: · No Members of the public registered to speak on the item.
· Denise Turner-Stewart, Local Member, registered to speak but was unable to attend the meeting. A document provided by Cllr Turner-Stewart was tabled at the meeting and is appended to these minutes at Annex C.
Richard Walsh, Local Member, made the following points:
1. Stated that he was speaking as Local Member as a request from residents. 2. Buckland Primary School feel their views have not been taken into account. 3. There are concerns about the design, particularly the depth of the water given the close proximity to the school 4. There are concerns about the prospect of having barbed wire on the fencing and the safety implications this could bring. 5. Residents were concerned about the sensitivity of the site given its close proximity to their properties. 6. Residents quality of life will be seriously affected for 5-10 years as a result of this development 7. Asked the Committee to be satisfied that the every provision possible is put in place to minimise the effect on residents and that the applicant adheres to all the requirements detailed in the report.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The application is a details pursuant relating to the permission granted in 2015 for the extraction of sand and gravel. 2. Details of the landscape and planting scheme application for Phase 1 are covered in the report. 3. There has been one objection in relation to the application. The issue raised has been dealt with in paragraphs 41 and 47 of the officer report. No objections have been raised by technical consultees. 4. The Chairman enquired about the Community Liaison Group and whether the school had been consulted. The Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that the case officer had been in direct communication with the school and confirmed that a representative from the school would be on the Community Liaison Group. 5. A Member of the Committee pointed out that planning permission had already been granted in 2015. The objections regarding the fence construction and deep water were not relevant to this details pursuant application, but the previous application. 6. The Chairman informed the Committee that this item was called-in by the Local Member for the Committee to review. 7. A Member of the Committee highlighted that more people die from drowning than in fires, particularly children, and that this should have been a consideration of the application whilst in the design stage. The Deputy Planning Development Officer explained that the proximity of the lake to the school was discussed as part of the original application which the school had made a representation on. From a technical viewpoint, this application met the conditions set out. 8. There was some discussion about the Community Liaison Group as the report referred to this as still being in the set-up stage. A Member suggested that the ... view the full minutes text for item 253/17 |
The next meeting of the Planning & Regulatory Committee will be on Wednesday 13 December 2017. Additional documents: Minutes: The next meeting of the Planning & Regulatory Committee will be held on 13 December 2017. |