Venue: Council Chamber, Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD
Contact: Cheryl Poole, Community Partnership & Committee Officer Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD
No. | Item |
To note that the Council has appointed Mrs Margaret Hicks as the Chairman and Mr Mike Bennison as Vice Chairman of the Elmbridge Local Committee. Minutes: The appointment of Mrs Margaret Hicks as the Chairman and Mr Mike Bennison as the Vice Chairman of the Elmbridge Local Committee was noted. |
To note that Elmbridge Borough Council has nominated 8 Borough Councillors to serve on the Elmbridge Local Committee for the municipal year 2016/17. Minutes: The appointment of the 8 Borough Councillors to serve on the Elmbridge Local Committee for the municipal year 2016/17 was noted. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Tony Samuels and Cllr Malcolm Howard. |
To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 March 2016 as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 March 2016 were approved as a correct record. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.
· Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
· Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.
· Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests received. |
Kerry Randle, Area Education Officer NE Surrey, will introduce this item and then Fiona Collins, Head teacher at Hinchley Wood Primary School will inform the Local Committee about the development of the Ember Learning Trust. Minutes: Kerry Randle, Area Education Officer, introduced this item and Fiona Collins, Head teacher of Hinchley Wood Primary School, gave the presentation on the Ember Learning Trust. She explained that the five schools had been working together in the cluster informally for 12 years, but two years ago with the changing landscape, heading towards academisation, they decided it was time to look at more formal partnerships. The idea of a shared Co-operative Trust was chosen as it seemed to share the same values as the schools.
Each school will be an equal partner and will retain its own governing body, its own financial control and its own values.
Wide consultation was carried out and demonstrated full support for the proposal for the schools to establish themselves as a Co-operative Education Trust.
Members’ comments included:
· Congratulations on such a pioneering model which could be a way forward for some of the 90 small rural schools in Surrey, which would get lost in an academy trust. · Assurance that ‘No child left behind’ was still a priority · Why there was a need to establish this trust when the informal partnership was working well · How ‘wrap around care’ was being handled in the schools
Fiona Collins responded that vulnerable children were still a priority; the schools felt the need to choose a more formal model rather than being led into a model they were not comfortable with and as regards the wrap around care, the schools were looking at working more closely together in this area. |
This report updates the Local Committee on the work of the Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards Service, particularly in Elmbridge in 2015/16. Minutes: Nadine Davis, Senior Trading Standards Officer, presented this report. She introduced the item by explaining that Surrey Trading Standards (TS) Service had joined with Buckinghamshire TS just over a year ago and although there is no shared boundary they are well politically aligned. The joint service has increased the resilience of both services, sharing skills and back room facilities. A growing challenge is the growth of internet crime, scams and rogue traders, who particularly target the vulnerable.
She spoke about the Checkatrade (CAT) Partnership which has combined the best of the requirements of both the Checkatrade and Buy with Confidence (BWC) schemes.
TS is very keen to take on volunteers to enhance the service and gave an example of a volunteer who had won a hero award for managing to win back money for a resident who had been scammed. Scam work takes up a large proportion of officer time. TS is aware of 36 Elmbridge residents who were caught by scams in 2015. For vulnerable people affected by over the phone scams, TS can set up a system called trueCall which intercepts calls from ‘unexpected sources’ and redirects them to a relative or neighbour.
Nadine gave details of the success of TS’s use of social media and the Eat Out Eat Well Award, on which TS works closely with Environmental Health at Elmbridge BC.
In addition TS provides advice to a wide range of businesses from small start ups to multi nationals. 117 Elmbridge businesses are currently signed up for advice. Businesses are encouraged to sign up to a Primary Authority Partnership which helps businesses manage their relationships with local authorities across the country.
TS also works closely with Surrey Police particularly in instances of Doorstep Crime and Rogue trading.
Members’ comments included:
· Concern that many vulnerable people do not have online access · How Surrey is benefitting from Checkatrade
Nadine will provide responses to the following questions outside of the meeting:
· How many complaints has TS received in Elmbridge over the year, what percentage were resolved and how quickly did we resolve them/acknowledge the complaint?
· How many traders from BWC moved to CAT and what their level of business has been since?
· What were the cost savings for the joint service and show if that money has been put towards front line staff?
· How do we measure the success and outcomes of the work we do?
· How it had come about that we had joined with Checkatrade because a Member had attended a meeting where there was said to be no intention to do so?
The Local Committee noted that Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards:
Reacts to local issues specifically drawn to
Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards’s notice in respect of Elmbridge
consumer issues. (ii)
Responds to Trading Standards and consumer issues
highlighted by intelligence gathering and reporting. This routinely includes the Elmbridge local area
in any project and routine undertakings including test purchasing
and sampling as appropriate. (iii) Responds to business enquiries and bespoke/chargeable requests from ... view the full minutes text for item 20/16 |
To receive any Chairman’s announcements.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked the Borough Councillors who had served on the Local Committee in 2015-16, some of whom had been Members of the Committee for a number of years.
She also spoke of the Members’ Allocations and how the funding had been spent across different categories in 2015-16. |
To note the updates in the tracker document. Minutes: The Local Committee noted the contents of the Tracker document. |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
Petitions received: 1.
A petition with 184 signatures requesting SCC to
introduce a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures near
St Lawrence Junior School, East Molesey 2.
A petition with 221
signatures requesting SCC to convert the existing footway along the
A245 between Byfleet and Cobham to shared cycling/pedestrian use 3.
A petition with 18
signatures requesting SCC to resurface Rectory Close, Long
Ditton 4.
A petition with 40
signatures requesting SCC to extend the double yellow lines 10m
further from the junction (Oatlands Ave
and Oatlands Close, Weybridge)
Minutes: Three petitions were received, attached as Annex A. One was taken with Item 14.
A petition with 184 signatures was received from a resident, Elisabeth White, representing the lead petitioner, Surraya Sumner, requesting Surrey County Council to introduce a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures near St Lawrence Junior School, East Molesey.
Elisabeth White explained the petition had the support of people involved St Lawrence Junior School as well as local residents and the Head teacher had sent the details out from the school, encouraging people to sign. Vine Rd and Church Rd are not safe at pick up and drop off times due to dangerous driving. Children are at risk walking and scooting on the pavement and crossing the roads.
In Vine Rd, Church Rd and Park Rd drivers park on double yellow lines and in Park Rd, in particular, pull up on to the pavement obscuring sight lines and opening doors where unsighted younger siblings can be walking or scooting. There is sufficient parking, but it is the parents who want to ‘drop’n’go who are parking on the double yellow lines and/or the pavements. Despite requests from the Headteacher the behaviour continues. The area needs one or two crossings, speed reduction measures and zigzags.
Stuart Selleck, the Divisional Member, said he supported the petition and asked officers to consider the requests.
A petition was received from Marcus Burke-Williams with 18 signatures requesting Surrey County Council to resurface Rectory Close, Long Ditton.
Marcus Burke-Williams explained that he had been reporting issues with the road surface for 5 years, using the necessary channels as advised by Peter Hickman. The issue has been raised at many Resident Associations meetings. He has been advised that officers use a matrix to decide which roads are to be repaired and as the top tarmac layer on the concrete road is not very deep it will never be deemed to be a priority to repair. He feels the work is being held up by bureaucracy. Rectory Lane was repaired last year and he can’t understand why Rectory Close was not done at the same time. He added some residents would like the tarmac totally removed.
Nick Healey, Area Highways Manager, added to the response already tabled by clarifying that the matrix was used to classify whether a defect was a safety defect. A safety defect is deeper than 40mm and as the overlay on Rectory Close is less than 40mm any ‘hole’ would never exceed this depth. He continued that all Local Committee funding had been committed for 2016/17 and the Local Committee would need to decide whether it was a priority for 2017/18.
Peter Hickman, the Divisional Member, said he already had 18 items in his division which needed work, but did add that he was concerned about the 2 inch safety defect rule from the cyclists’ perspective.
The Chairman added the resurfacing of Rectory Close would be considered for 2017/18.
In December 2015 Elmbridge Local Committee received a petition requesting ‘SCC to urgently improve road safety on Manor Rd North leading to Claygate Lane for all pedestrians and cyclists’. This report outlines actions taken so far to date in the investigation of the problems and makes reference to the type of measures that could be used to tackle the issues as highlighted by the petition. Minutes: Edward Cowley (School Sustainable Travel Officer) presented the report, which had been prepared in response to a petition received by the Elmbridge Local Committee in December 2015.
The work done so far has included two site visits which have involved officers from Surrey Police, SCC Highways, SCC Road Safety Audit and the SCC School Sustainable Travel team.
The School Sustainable Travel team are also working with the schools to improve the road safety education.
The report listed some possible options for highway improvements, but further feasibility is required so a full report will be brought to the Local Committee meeting on 3 October.
Mike Bennison asked to be involved in these further discussions. |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Elmbridge Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The four public questions received for this meeting and the questions and responses are attached in Annex B.
Question 1 Ken Huddart was unable to attend the meeting so a supplementary question was not put.
Question 2 Mark Sugden was unable to attend the meeting. The County Councillor, Mike Bennison, had spoken to the SCC Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding, John Furey, who has requested a response from the MP Dominic Raab regarding this issue.
Question 3 was taken with Item 13.
Question 4 David Bellchamber asked as a supplementary question whether if the start date for the development is not within the next 2 months, can the path with hoardings be reopened?
Mary Lewis said that SCC Property Services had been under a lot of pressure, but that officers from SCC services are also complaining about the current route. There was also concern that the public are just moving the cones and crossing the building site.
It was agreed that the Local Committee would ask Property Services to mark off the path safely and securely so it could be used. The response would be circulated to the Local Committee Members once received. |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.
Minutes: None received. |
This report asks the Local Committee to agree the proposals from the Weybridge parking review, funding for parking infrastructure and the recommendations arising from the new legislation surrounding school keep clear markings. Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee resolved to:
Delegate to the Parking Project Team Leader in
consultation with the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Divisional
Member and the Ward Councillors to consider the feedback received
to the proposals in Annex 1 and decide which proposals should be
formally advertised, with or without changes, and subject to
statutory consultation. (ii)
If objections are received the Parking Strategy and Implementation
Team Manager is authorised to try to resolve them; (iii)
If any objections cannot be resolved, the Parking Strategy and
Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice
Chairman of this committee and the county councillor for the
division, decides whether or not they should be acceded to and
therefore whether the order should be made, with or without
modifications. (iv)
To fund additional maintenance of parking signs and lines from the
surplus held within the on street parking account. (v)
To fund the replacement of existing on street parking pay and
display machines from the surplus held within the on street parking
account. This cost is expected to be in
the region of £35,000. (vi) To introduce the new process for implementation of new school keep clear markings (SKCs), and to agree to revoke the traffic regulation orders for existing SKCs across Elmbridge, in light of changes in government legislation.
Reason for decision: to enable the feedback from the public to the proposals to be considered whilst avoiding delaying the Parking review programme. Minutes: Adrian Harris, the Parking Engineer, introduced the report explaining that Weybridge was the second area to be covered as part of the Parking Strategy. 303 responses had been received to the consultation which lasted from 18 December 2015 to 17 January 2016. A further specific consultation in area F targeted residents on the idea of extending and changing the permit parking in the roads north of the High St. Site visits were carried out in May.
Members’ comments included: · One of the objectives of the review was to increase parking, which we don’t seem to be doing · The review had not been publicised sufficiently · The proposals have not been put on the website
The officer replied that some of the proposals were increasing parking by changing residents’ parking to dual use. He also gave details of the groups and organisations which had been contacted as part of the survey.
The Chairman allowed Mike O’Sullivan who had submitted a question related to the report to ask a supplementary question. He requested the Local Committee to support the EBC Portfolio holder in the leverage of a long stay parking facility in Weybridge? The Chairman said this was a borough matter.
Members’ further comments included:
· Concern that minor changes can be made after the proposals have been agreed · Further consultation is required as residents don’t want to wait a further 3 years for the next Weybridge review · Parking is a very personal difficult issue, but we must avoid displacement · Concern about who will receive the residents’ permits · More off-street parking is definitely needed and it is difficult to look at one without the other · Many businesses are unhappy · No positive comments received from the public in relation to these proposals.
Surrey County Councillor, Ernest Mallett, left the meeting.
Nick Healey explained that no formal consultation had yet taken place, but if the recommendations are agreed then the proposals will be formally advertised and the feedback can be considered. If we don’t agree any of the proposals then none of the changes will be implemented.
Further Members’ comments included: · The existing CPZ must be justifiable · The process must be transparent and comprehensive · The proposals need to be displayed easily accessible to the public
The Chairman proposed to adjourn the meeting, which the Vice Chairman seconded.
The meeting reconvened and an amendment to recommendation (i) was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the Vice Chairman.
The Chairman explained all the feedback received from residents should be sent through and a private meeting including the Weybridge Ward Councillors would take place towards the end of July when the parking issues would be discussed. Members voted on the amended recommendation, 6 for, 2 against and 6 abstained.
In response to further questions Officers said that double yellow lines were only being proposed at essential places, that when the proposals were advertised they would be displayed in the library and online and if any major changes to the agreed proposals were requested then they ... view the full minutes text for item 27/16 |
This report updates the Local Committee on the Terrace Rd Cycle Path Scheme. Decision: The Local Committee resolved to:
Note the update on the Terrace Rd cycle path scheme. (ii)
With a view to discussing options with the local
businesses, agree that officers continue to investigate potential
funding for the section between The Grove and Cottimore Lane. (iii) Agree that the members cycling task group develop an ongoing monitoring programme for the scheme.
Reason for decision: to seek to ensure that the impact of the scheme continues to be monitored, whilst seeking to complete the interim section. Minutes: David Sharpington, Cycling Programme Team Leader, introduced the report which had been brought following a meeting held on 15 January 2016.
Annex 3 details the comments made at the meeting and Annex 4 lists remedial work still being carried out. There remains a section of the path between The Grove and Cottimore Lane which still requires funding and the officer explained he is asking for Members’ support to continue work on this section. The report includes casualty data, but it is too early to say whether the new scheme has led to a reduction. The data on the use of the scheme by cyclists is collected by automatic counters. The automatic vehicle (not including cyclists) speed and volume counter shows a decrease in speed and an increase in volume.
In addition the officer would like to set up a system where the scheme is evaluated by the Cycling task group.
Graham Woolgar expressed concern that the success of the scheme was only based on cyclists and felt that a process should identify all stakeholders, which should be included in measuring the success. Rachael Lake said she felt the meeting in January had been well received with 100+ attending. There had been some misunderstanding as to the purpose of the scheme. It was not aimed at the more confident cyclist, the ‘lycra brigade’, but at people who didn’t want to cycle on the pavement. It still remains to see whether it will be declared a success. She felt that businesses need to be consulted before further funding is sought for The Grove and Cottimore Lane section.
Graham Woolgar added that he didn’t know any pedestrians who liked the scheme and emphasised that in future there should be a process where all stakeholders are involved in the success measure. Nick Healey added that the funding was originally aimed at schemes which would reduce the number of casualties and therefore any success would be judged on that.
Margaret Hicks proposed some alternative wording for recommendation (ii) which Rachael Lake seconded and it was agreed.
The Local Committee resolved to:
Note the update on the Terrace Rd cycle path scheme. (ii)
With a view to discussing options with the local
businesses, agree that officers continue to investigate potential
funding for the section between The Grove and Cottimore Lane. (iii) Agree that the members cycling task group develop an ongoing monitoring programme for the scheme.
Reason for decision: to seek to ensure that the impact of the scheme continues to be monitored, whilst seeking to complete the interim section. |
This report sets out the progress made on developing the Elmbridge Cycling Plan and asks the Local Committee to agree the recommendations of the Cycling Task Group. Decision: The Local Committee resolved to:
Agree to establish the Cycling Plan online, including the mapping
of existing and potential cycle facilities. (ii)
Agree to have an ongoing community engagement for the Plan,
facilitated through the online resource, to be regularly reported
back to the Local Committee via the task group. (iii) Agree that officers undertake further investigation into the Weybridge-Brooklands route that the members cycling task group has identified as a priority.
Reason for decision: to facilitate further community engagement and continue further work on the prioritised route. Minutes: At the beginning of this item a petition with 221 signatures was received from Norman Johns (Woking Cycle Users group) requesting Surrey County Council to convert the existing footway along the A245 between Byfleet and Cobham to shared cycling/pedestrian use. (Attached in Annex A).
Having read the response to the petition Norman Johns said that he was only looking for an upgrade of the current path and the proposal in the response was of a gold standard. He questioned whether such huge infrastructure changes at the Painshill roundabout were necessary. The supporters of the petition would like to be off the road and not holding up the traffic.
Nick Healey responded that the 2m wide path for dual use is an absolute minimum. At Painshill it is the exit arms, not the entry arms, of the roundabout which are the main problem as the speed limit on these arms is set at the national level.
The report was introduced by David Sharpington, who explained that a Cycling Task Group was established when the development of a cycling plan was agreed in February 2015. The report is proposing putting the Cycle Plan online within the Surrey interactive map, so it will form an open-ended public consultation. The map will include proposed schemes.
The Local Committee resolved to:
Agree to establish the Cycling Plan online, including the mapping
of existing and potential cycle facilities. (ii)
Agree to have an ongoing community engagement for the Plan,
facilitated through the online resource, to be regularly reported
back to the Local Committee via the task group. (iii) Agree that officers undertake further investigation into the Weybridge-Brooklands route that the members cycling task group has identified as a priority.
Reason for decision: to facilitate further community engagement and continue further work on the prioritised route. |
This report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the current Financial Year 2016-17 and asks the Local Committee to approve the amended budget allocation.
Decision: The Local Committee resolved to:
Approve the amended budget allocations for the current Financial
Year 2016-17 as detailed in Table 3 to take account of the capital
over spend from 2015-16 carried forward into 2016-17 (paragraph 2.2
refers); (ii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Reason for decision: The Capital overspend from 2015-16 has been carried forward into 2016-17, which necessitates an amendment to the budget allocations for 2016-17. Programmes of work have been agreed with the Committee and individual Divisional Members. Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver those programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole. Minutes: Nick Healey introduced the regular Highways Update report, but Members did not pose any questions in relation to it.
The Local Committee resolved to:
Approve the amended budget allocations for the current Financial
Year 2016-17 as detailed in Table 3 to take account of the capital
over spend from 2015-16 carried forward into 2016-17 (paragraph 2.2
refers); (ii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Reason for decision: The Capital overspend from 2015-16 has been carried forward into 2016-17, which necessitates an amendment to the budget allocations for 2016-17. Programmes of work have been agreed with the Committee and individual Divisional Members. Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver those programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole. |
This report seeks to appoint Local Committee Members to outside bodies and task groups for the 2016/17 municipal year and seeks approval for the terms of reference for the task groups. Decision: The Local Committee resolved to agree:
that the terms of reference of the Elmbridge Parking Task group,
Esher Transport Study Member Task Group and the Walton to Halliford Transport Study Steering Group as
set out in Annex A (i,ii,iii) be
approved with the following to be added to the parking
task group terms of reference in Annex Ai ‘relevant borough
councillors can make recommendations to the Parking Task Group when
roads in their wards are under review’. (ii) that the terms of reference of the Elmbridge Youth Task group as set out in Annex B be approved (iii) that the terms of reference of the Elmbridge Cycling Task Group as set out in Annex C be approved (iv) the appointment of Members to outside bodies and task groups as detailed in sections 2.1 to 2.7 with the following confirmed Borough Members Parking Task Group
– Cllr Roy Green and Cllr Andrew Davis Reason for decision: The appointment of Members of the Local Committee to outside bodies enables the representation of the Local Committee on these bodies, which affect the lives of the residents of Elmbridge. The task groups meet to review, advise and make informed recommendations to the Local Committee.
Minutes: Cheryl Poole, Community Partnership and Committee Officer, introduced the report explaining that the Terms of Reference for the Esher Transport Study Member Task Group and the Walton to Halliford Transport Study Steering Group were new. In addition EBC Members for the Task groups still needed to be nominated.
The tabled amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Parking Task Group was proposed by Stuart Selleck and seconded by Roy Green.
The nominations to the groups were proposed and seconded as per below:
Roy Green and Andrew Davis to the Parking Task Group proposed by Stuart Selleck and seconded by Tim Oliver.
Graham Woolgar to the Walton to Halliford Transport Study Steering Group proposed by Stuart Selleck and seconded by Roy Green.
Mary Sheldon, Malcolm Howard and Kim Cross to the Youth Task Group proposed by Tim Oliver and seconded by Stuart Selleck.
Andrew Davis, Ian Donaldson and Janet Turner to the Cycling Task Group proposed by Mary Sheldon and seconded by Stuart Selleck.
Tim Oliver to the Esher Transport Study Member Task Group proposed by Stuart Selleck and seconded by Roy Green.
The Local Committee resolved to agree:
that the terms of reference of the Elmbridge Parking Task group,
Esher Transport Study Member Task Group and the Walton to Halliford Transport Study Steering Group as
set out in Annex A (i,ii,iii) be
approved with the following to be added to the parking
task group terms of reference in Annex Ai ‘relevant borough
councillors can make recommendations to the Parking Task Group when
roads in their wards are under review’. (ii) that the terms of reference of the Elmbridge Youth Task group as set out in Annex B be approved (iii) that the terms of reference of the Elmbridge Cycling Task Group as set out in Annex C be approved (iv) the appointment of Members to outside bodies and task groups as detailed in sections 2.1 to 2.7 with the following confirmed Borough Members Parking Task Group
– Cllr Roy Green and Cllr Andrew Davis Reason for decision: The appointment of Members of the Local Committee to outside bodies enables the representation of the Local Committee on these bodies, which affect the lives of the residents of Elmbridge. The task groups meet to review, advise and make informed recommendations to the Local Committee.