Venue: Council Chamber, Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher KT10 9SD
Contact: Nicola Morris, Partnership Committee Officer Community Partnerships & Engagement Team, 2nd Floor, Epsom Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom KT18 5BY
No. | Item |
To note the appointment by Council of County Councillor Rachael I Lake as Chairman and County Councillor Steve Bax as Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee for the current municipal year. Additional documents: Minutes: Noted. |
Under the County Council's Constitution (Part 4. Standing Orders, Part 3 40 (f)) no substitutes are permitted for district/borough council coopted members of local committees, unless a local committee agrees otherwise at its first meeting following the Council’s annual meeting and in relation to all meetings in the following year, upon which named substitutes will be appointed to the Local Committee on the nomination of the relevant district/borough council.
The Local Committee is therefore asked to decide whether it wishes to co-opt substitutes in the municipal year 2021/22. Elmbridge Borough Council has nominated 9 Borough Councillors and 7 substitutes to serve on the Local Committee for the municipal year 2021-2022. Jonanna Killian, Chief Executive, has been asked to confirm these appointments as follows, subject to the agreement by the Committee to permit substitutes:
ELMBRIDGE BOROUGH COUNCIL APPOINTED MEMBERS [9] Councillor A P Burley [Oxshott & Stoke D'Abernon] Councillor J Cope [Walton South] Councillor P M Harman [Weybridge St George’s Hill] Councillor N Houston [Long Ditton] Councillor A Mann [Cobham & Downside] Councillor M Rollings [Claygate] Councillor Mrs M C Sheldon [Hersham Village] Councillor A Tilling [Weybridge Riverside] Councillor G L Woolgar [Walton Central]
Elmbridge Borough Council Substitutes [9] Councillor M Axton [Molesey West] Councillor Mrs H C Butler [Oatlands & Burwood Park] Councillor J M Langham [Long Ditton] Councillor B McDonald [Claygate] Councillor Mrs C Richardson [Walton Central] Councillor R C J Williams [Esher] Councillor P L Wood [Hersham Village] 2 vacancies Additional documents: Decision: That the Local Committee [Elmbridge] agreed:
To co-opt the substitutes for Borough Council members for the municipal year 2020/21 as listed in the report.
Reasons: Standing Order 40(f) requires the Committee, at its first meeting in the municipal year, to agree whether it wishes Borough Council members to be permitted to have substitutes. Minutes: Resolved:
To co-opt the substitutes for Borough Council members for the municipal year 2020/21 as listed in the report.
Reasons: Standing Order 40(f) requires the Committee, at its first meeting in the municipal year, to agree whether it wishes Borough Council members to be permitted to have substitutes. |
To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Borough members under Standing Order 39. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Ashley Tilling, there were no substitutions. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES:
Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Mark Sugden declared that he is a Claygate Parish Councillor and sits on their Highway and Environment Committee. In relation to Item 10 he declared that he is a resident of one of the roads under consideration and knows people who live on another including the parish clerk. |
To receive any Chairman’s announcements. Additional documents: Minutes: Co-opted members were reminded to return their declarations of interest if they have not already done so. |
To answer any questions or receive a statement from any member of the public who lives, works or studies in the Elmbridge Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer at least by 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no public questions. |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
One petition has been received:
Introduce a 7.5 ton weight limit on Redhill Road, Cobham
Lead petitioner: Cllr Peter Harman Signatures: 29 Additional documents: Decision: That the Local Committee [Elmbridge] agreed:
That a parking restriction to prohibit the parking of HGVs in Redhill Road overnight be added to the current parking review. The parking strategy and implementation team manager to agree an appropriate weight limit and times in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee and the divisional and ward members.
Reasons: To prevent disturbance to residents from anti-social parking of HGVs Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Nick Healey, Area Highways Manager; Adrian Harris, Parking Engineer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements:
Cllr Peter Harman spoke on behalf of residents. He stated that Redhill Road had been closed as a through road many years ago. Located on the road are a care home, a golf club and stables and it is regularly used by walkers. The road is frequently used by Amazon delivery lorries as a rest stop particularly overnight. They disturb residents, block driveways and sight lines and damage verges. They also leave rubbish and have been abusive to residents. The matter has been raised with Amazon and most are associated with their depot at Brooklands, whilst they are sympathetic and have contacted their carriers, they have no power to take action as parking is not prohibited. There are alternative rest stops available at the Cobham services.
Member discussion –key points
Officers commented that a weight limit as suggested would be difficult to enforce as access is required for vehicles of this size to locations on the road. However it would be possible to put in controlled parking, using signs alone, to prevent overnight parking of vehicles of a certain size and this could be enforced by Elmbridge Borough Council as part of the enforcement of other on street parking restrictions. This could be added to the parking review at item 10. Member were supportive of this approach and it was, therefore
That a parking restriction to prohibit the parking of HGVs in Redhill Road overnight be added to the current parking review. The parking strategy and implementation team manager to agree an appropriate weight limit and times in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee and the divisional and ward members.
Reasons: To prevent disturbance to residents from anti-social parking of HGVs |
To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: Confirmed as a correct record. |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. Notice should be given in writing to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Decision: That the Local Committee [Elmbridge] agreed:
To note the question submitted and to add the issue of whether it would be appropriate to harden verges in areas where there is insufficient parking to the Committee’s prioritisation list for further consideration.
Reasons: Verges are currently being badly damaged by parking and a solution to parking issues in these areas should be considered. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Nick Healey, Area Highways Manager
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Mr Ernest Mallet expanded on the reasons for his question. To solve the issue of residents parking on verges, as there is insufficient parking in the roads mentioned, will require a mixture of highway land and land owned by PA Housing. A CIL application could then be made. However funding for a feasibility study in the region of £5-10k is required to draw up plans for any highway land required.
Member discussion –key points
Members were familiar with the issues and it was suggested that hardening the verges with grasscrete or a similar product would retain the grass whilst allowing parking.
The Area Highway Manager responded that there is no statutory duty to provide parking spaces and that it would be contrary to a number of environmental policies. If parking were prohibited the verges would be suitable for tree planting. It would be possible for PA Housing to submit a CIL bid for work on their land alone with highways just considering access approval if necessary.
Whilst members appreciated these concerns, they felt it was not practical to restrict parking on the verges as this would move the issue elsewhere as there are few alternatives available to replace car travel in the area. However, there were concerns that there are similar issues across the Borough and it may set a precedent to fund this work in one area.
Members were invited to send details of similar sites in their areas so that these could be mapped to determine the extent of the issue. In the mean time it was
To note the question submitted and to add the issue of whether it would be appropriate to harden verges in areas where there is insufficient parking to the Committee’s prioritisation list for further consideration.
Reasons: Verges are currently being badly damaged by parking and a solution to parking issues in these areas should be considered. |
To consider the outcome of a review of parking covering the whole borough, and recommendations to changes to parking, waiting, and loading restrictions. Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Elmbridge) agreed:
The county council’s intention to introduce
the proposals as detailed in Annex 1 are formally advertised, and
subject to statutory consultation, subject to the deletion of
“Matthew Arnold Close” from the School Road description
on page 23 and the addition of revoking double yellow lines in part
of Avondale Road. (ii) That if necessary, adjustments can be made to the proposals by the parking strategy and implementation team manager in consultation with the chairman, vice-chairman and divisional county councillor prior to advertisement.
(iii) If any objections cannot be resolved, the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the county councillor for the division, decides whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modifications.
(iv) To note responses to various petitions (parking scheme request forms) that have been received for consideration as part of this review, as detailed in Annex 2.
(v) To note the locations where we have received requests for new or amended parking controls, and following analysis, have recommended no changes at the current time, as detailed in Annex 3.
REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS: Changes to the highway network, the built environment and society mean that parking behaviour changes and consequently it is necessary for a Highway Authority to carry out regular reviews of waiting and parking restrictions on the highway network.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: Mark Sugden declared a personal interest as a resident of one of the roads and acquaintance of residents in another.
Officers attending: Adrian Harris, Parking Engineer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion –key points
Members thanked the Parking Engineer for his excellent work and patience in preparing the review. Some minor amendments were made as set out below
Resolved to agree:
The county council’s intention to introduce
the proposals as detailed in Annex 1 are formally advertised, and
subject to statutory consultation, subject to the deletion of
“Matthew Arnold Close” from the School Road description
on page 23 and the addition of revoking double yellow lines in part
of Avondale Road. (ii) That if necessary, adjustments can be made to the proposals by the parking strategy and implementation team manager in consultation with the chairman, vice-chairman and divisional county councillor prior to advertisement.
(iii) If any objections cannot be resolved, the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the county councillor for the division, decides whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modifications.
(iv) To note responses to various petitions (parking scheme request forms) that have been received for consideration as part of this review, as detailed in Annex 2.
(v) To note the locations where we have received requests for new or amended parking controls, and following analysis, have recommended no changes at the current time, as detailed in Annex 3.
Reasons: Changes to the highway network, the built environment and society mean that parking behaviour changes and consequently it is necessary for a Highway Authority to carry out regular reviews of waiting and parking restrictions on the highway network.
Elmbridge Borough Council has awarded CIL funding for a number schemes promoted by the Local Committee, which will enable these schemes to go ahead.
The feasibility study for new traffic and speed management measures in Oxshott Village Centre is moving forwards. A proposed overnight weight restriction has been proposed as a potential quick-win.
Officers have been working with members to agree priorities for Committee’s 2021-22 capital maintenance programme of carriageways and footways.
Public consultations have been completed for two schemes that originally emerged from the Active Travel programme. Additional documents: Decision: That the Local Committee (Elmbridge) agreed:
(i) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route along the east side of Seven Hills Road, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footway, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(ii) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to finalise the preferred options for improving the junctions at either end of Baker Street, Weybridge, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate, and to undertake any necessary legal procedure that may be necessary to deliver this scheme;
(iii) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route connecting the end of Grotto Road to Oatlands Drive, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footpath, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(iv) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the introduction of a new Pegasus Crossing in Copsem Lane, Esher, at the point where the track underneath the powerlines crosses the road, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local stakeholders as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(v) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, to authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the removal of one Zebra Crossing and the introduction of a new Zebra Crossing in Walton High Street , in consultation with the Divisional Member, ward members and local community as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(vi) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, authorise the Area Highway Manager to deliver the road safety scheme Ember Lane, including any necessary legal procedure, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate ;
(vii)[Recommendation deleted as CIL decision has been deferred a decision pending consideration of whether the proposed scheme is the most appropriate] To reinstate the Task Group to consider the way forward;
(viii)Delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager to develop an overnight weight restriction for Oxshott Village, taking into account any potential impact on surrounding roads, in consultation with Divisional and Ward Members, the Mole Valley Local Committee and local communities as appropriate, including any legal procedure necessary to introduce the restriction, and should a scheme be identified that is supported by these stakeholders to implement the scheme;
(ix) Agree the 2021-22 programme of Capital Maintenance schemes, as detailed in Table 2 below, and to authorise the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to amend this programme as appropriate should unforeseen circumstances arise that would put the programme at risk of delivery;
(x) Agree to remove from the programme of works the part-time pedestrianisation proposal for Bridge Road, East Molesey, which emerged from the Active Travel scheme;
(xi) Agree to defer the trial of a new part time pedestrian area at the Lime Tree in Thames Ditton High Street, and to delegate authority to the Area Highway ... view the full decision text for item 22/21 Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Nick Healey, Area Highways Manager
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion –key points
The Area Highways Manager updated members on the latest position in relation to the CIL bids submitted. In relation to recommendation vii the position has changed since the study started and the Elmbridge Borough Council deferred consideration to determine if this is still the best way forward and provides value for money.
In respect of recommendation viii whilst members were supportive of a weight restriction, there was potential to impact on surrounding roads including into the Mole Valley area and this should be taken into account in considering the proposal.
The divisional member thanked the Area Highways Manager for the work done consulting both residents and businesses in the area on a potential pedestrian scheme and expressed his hope that it will be possible to do something which has a general consensus.
(i) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route along the east side of Seven Hills Road, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footway, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(ii) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to finalise the preferred options for improving the junctions at either end of Baker Street, Weybridge, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate, and to undertake any necessary legal procedure that may be necessary to deliver this scheme;
(iii) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route connecting the end of Grotto Road to Oatlands Drive, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footpath, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(iv) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the introduction of a new Pegasus Crossing in Copsem Lane, Esher, at the point where the track underneath the powerlines crosses the road, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local stakeholders as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(v) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, to authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the removal of one Zebra Crossing and the introduction of a new Zebra Crossing in Walton High Street, in consultation with the Divisional Member, ward members and local community as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(vi) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, authorise the Area Highway Manager to deliver the road safety scheme Ember Lane, including any necessary legal procedure, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate;
(vii)[Recommendation deleted as CIL decision has been deferred a decision pending consideration of whether the proposed scheme is the most appropriate] To reinstate the Esher Transport Study Member Task Group to consider the way forward;
(viii)To delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager to develop an overnight weight restriction for Oxshott Village, taking into account any potential impact on surrounding roads, in ... view the full minutes text for item 22/21 |
This report seeks the approval of Local Committee task group members. Additional documents: Decision: That the Local Committee [Elmbridge] agreed that:
The committee approves the membership of the task groups, as set out below for the 2021/22 municipal year:
Parking Task Group – Agreed to discontinue this
Cycling and Walking Task Group – SCC members: Mr John
O’Reilly, Rachael I Lake, Ernest Mallett; Elmbridge BC
members: Cllr Janet Turner (subject to being happy to
continue), Cllr Ashley Tilling and a vacancy
Esher Transport Study Member Task Group – SCC members: Mr Tim
Oliver, Mr Steve Bax; Elmbridge BC members: Cllr Simon
Brooklands Transport Study Member Steering Group – SCC
members: Mr Tim Oliver, Mr John O’Reilly; Elmbridge BC
members: Cllr Peter Harman Reasons: The report proposes local committee task group membership for the forthcoming year to enable the provision of informed advice and recommendations to the committee. The appointment of councillors of the Local Committee to external bodies enables the committee’s representation on and input to such bodies.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Nicola Morris, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion –key points
Members considered that there was no need for the Parking Task Group as the current arrangements were working well. The following appointments were made.
Resolved that:
The committee approves the membership of the task groups, as set out below for the 2021/22 municipal year:
Parking Task Group – Agreed to discontinue this
Cycling and Walking Task Group – SCC members: Mr John
O’Reilly, Rachael I Lake, Ernest Mallett; Elmbridge BC
members: Cllr Janet Turner (subject to being happy to continue),
Cllr Ashley Tilling and a vacancy
Esher Transport Study Member Task Group – SCC members: Mr Tim
Oliver, Mr Steve Bax; Elmbridge BC members: Cllr Simon
Brooklands Transport Study Member Steering Group – SCC
members: Mr Tim Oliver, Mr John O’Reilly; Elmbridge BC
members: Cllr Peter Harman Reasons: The report proposes local committee task group membership for the forthcoming year to enable the provision of informed advice and recommendations to the committee. The appointment of councillors of the Local Committee to external bodies enables the committee’s representation on and input to such bodies.
This item provides an update on previous decisions and actions agreed by the Committee. The Committee is asked to agree that the items marked as complete are removed from the tracker. Additional documents: Minutes: Mark Sugden requested that item 1 on the tracker should be retained as the Parish council intend to write to the local highways service in relation to this matter.
The Committee agreed to remove the other closed items. |
The Committee is asked to note the forward plan for the Committee and propose any items which they would like to see added. Additional documents: Minutes: Noted. |
Monday 22 November at 4pm in Elmbridge Civic Centre, Esher Additional documents: Minutes: Monday 22 November at 4pm. |