Venue: Waverley Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR
Contact: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer Waverley Borough Council offices The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR
Link: view the webcast
No. | Item |
OPEN PUBLIC FORUM Three questions were received from two residents:
1. Graham Hodgson, resident of South Hill, Godalming: “For a number of years I have had to report to SCC Highways a problem with vegetation overgrowth to part of a footway in South Hill, Godalming, that sits between the car park of cottages and the end of the back garden to number 71. This plot of land used to belong to Thames Water, but apparently has changed hands. However, SCC will no doubt know the owner.
This year I had to report this severe overgrowth yet again, and was duly informed (electronically by SCC) that the work was carried out. Recently I had the occasion to walk past this area and noticed that the cut back was incomplete and that part of the fencing was hanging across the footway, weighted down with vegetation causing substantial obstruction requiring pedestrians to walk onto the carriageway. Also the situation is potentially dangerous. When are SCC going to make the owners deal with this problem permanently? Why does the Highways Inspector not deal with this, both in reporting and checking the work, and who checked the work on this occasion? How often is South Hill inspected by the Highway Authority (or contractor) and who deals with the reports?”
The Area Highway Manager replied that it will be monitored by Highway officers. Highways will do the works, then charge the owner. There may have been a change of ownership and he will follow this up.
2. Betty Ames, Vice President of Surrey Association of Local Councils (SALC): “Regarding the structure of Waverley Local Committee and other local committees becoming joint committees, please can there be an item on the agenda next time regarding Waverley becoming a joint committee?”
The Chairman replied that discussion regarding a Waverley Joint Committee is still in the early stages and there is no information to bring to the Committee at the present time.
3. Graham Hodgson, resident of South Hill, Godalming: “Regarding SCC Consultation on Services. The online survey provided no opportunity for residents to offer/promote ideas. For example, as a pensioner, contribution to bus journey costs – voluntary or otherwise – to help support maintenance of bus routes generally. Can the consultation be more open to ideas?”
The Chairman replied that the question would be passed to the relevant officer for a reply. The reply would be sent to Mr Hodgson via email. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Three councillors were absent: Mr Richard Hampson, Cllr Pat Frost, Cllr Denis Leigh. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting on Friday 21 September 2018 as a correct record. Minutes: Minutes of the Waverley Local Committee on 21 September 2018 were agreed and approved as an accurate record.
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial Minutes: The following members declared an interest in respect of Item 9: Right of Way, declaring that they were members of the National Trust: Mrs Victoria Young Cllr Maurice Byham Mr Peter Martin Cllr Richard Seaborne Mr Stephen Spence.
Mrs Carole Cockburn declared that she is a member of the National Trust for Scotland.
James Edwards declared that he is a member of Haslemere Town Council Planning Committee, in respect of Item 9.
To receive any Chairman’s announcements.
Agenda item only
Minutes: The Chairman Mrs Victoria Young made the following announcements:
1. From today, this Committee will be webcast. Thank you to Waverley Borough Council for facilitating this. 2.
You will see that there is an item
on the agenda today regarding SCC’s consultation on service
changes. I encourage you all to engage,
and go online to ‘Have Your Say’.
A presentation from the SCC Lead Cabinet Member for People on working together with district and borough councils, with a key focus on health and wellbeing.
[Presentation to be included as an annex to the minutes]
Agenda item only Minutes: Presenter: Surrey County Councillor Tim Oliver presented to the Local Committee: ‘The Wider Determinants of Health. How District and Borough Councils support the health and wellbeing of their residents’.
Officer in attendance: Victoria Berry, Policy and Programme Manager (Health and Social Care Integration), SCC Health, Wellbeing & Adult Social Care directorate, who was advising on Surrey Heartlands.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Mr Oliver, leading for Surrey on Health Integration, has been presenting to Local and Joint Committees under his previous Cabinet Member role as portfolio holder for People and Health. Mr Oliver has recently been elected the new Leader for Surrey County Council and confirmed that he would be continuing as Chairman of the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board.
Surrey Heartlands serves approximately 850,000 residents; two thirds of the population of Surrey.
Three local partnerships - known as Integrated Care Partnerships – are being developed, which are coterminous with the current Clinical Commissioning Groups’ (CCG) boundaries. These are alliances of local health and care organisations, including CCGs, GP federations, borough colleagues, the voluntary sector and others. In this area, Waverley Borough Council is a member of the Guildford and Waverley Integrated Care Partnership.
Looking at life expectancy results, Waverley has wards with the highest (Godalming Holloway ward) and lowest (Hindhead ward) life expectancy for females in Surrey. Waverley has the highest life expectance for males: Haslemere East and Grayswood Ward. Surrey is a very diverse county with areas of deprivation and the more vulnerable need support.
Work is being undertaken to develop ‘urgent treatment centres’ in Surrey. The Health and Wellbeing Board is to ensure that primary care will be included in the Board in the future, to help address issues.
Mr Oliver said that he is working on a section 75 agreement with all CCGs – Surrey wants a genuinely integrated structure regarding health and social care.
For further information, see Mr Oliver’s presentation, attached to these minutes.
Member discussion – key points:
Members discussed issues regarding GP appointments, action on budgets, bed blocking, working with families, funding for the Borough Council.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr David Harmer left the meeting during this item at 10.30am.
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
(i) A petition has been received from Farnham Town Councillor George Hesse, which contains 76 signatures and reads:
“Crondall Lane/West Street Mini Roundabout We, the undersigned, do petition Surrey County Council’s Waverley Local Committee, to instruct its Highways Department to urgently reconsider its position concerning a new mini roundabout at the West Street and Crondall Lane junction, in light of the 120 new houses at “Hopfields” which will soon be under construction, which will lead to greater congestion and danger at this junction. We believe it is absolutely necessary to build this as soon as possible, with associated landscaping, before the houses are completed.”
Petition response report attached.
(ii) A petition has been received from Farnham Town Councillor George Hesse, which contains 31 signatures and reads:
“Mead Lane Resurfacing We, the undersigned, do petition Surrey County Council’s Waverley Local Committee, to instruct its Highways Department to prioritise the re-surfacing of Mead Lane from West Street down to the cottages (the Southern boundary of SCC highways adoption) and to provide drainage for the water that floods the bottom of Mead Lane when it rains, adjacent to the Farnham Town Football Club entrance, as a matter of urgency.”
Petition response report attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: Two petitions were received:
Petition 1 – “Crondall Lane/West Street Mini Roundabout.”
A petition containing 76 signatures was presented to the Waverley Local Committee by Farnham Town Councillor George Hesse, which calls for SCC Highways to reconsider its position concerning a new mini roundabout at the West Street and Crondall Lane junction, in light of the 120 new houses at ‘Hopfields’ which will soon be under construction.
Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West).
Cllr Hesse presented the petition for the allowed 3 minutes. He proposed a meeting between the SCC Farnham member Mr Andy MacLeod and the Area Highway Manager to discuss alternatives. This was agreed and all Farnham highway issues will be considered as a whole.
Mr MacLeod attended a residents association meeting and heard their concerns regarding a country lane now being heavily used. Recently, someone was killed by a hit and run driver.
See the officer report for the full petition response. Summary: Changing the existing priority junction to a mini-roundabout would significantly increase queuing and delay on West Street, and only deliver a minor improvement to traffic flow on Crondall Lane. The traffic modelling demonstrates that a mini-roundabout would reduce overall junction performance in the peak periods, compared to the existing situation. It is therefore not recommended to install a mini-roundabout at this junction.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE to note the officer’s comments.
Petition 2 – “Mead Lane Resurfacing.”
A petition containing 31 signatures was presented to the Waverley Local Committee by Farnham Town Councillor George Hesse, which calls the Committee to instruct its Highways Department to prioritise the re-surfacing of Mead Lane from West Street down to the cottages and to provide drainage.
Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West).
Cllr Hesse presented the petition for the allowed 3 minutes. He stated that Mead Lane residents has requested that the word ‘floods’ in the petition be replaced with ‘pooling’.
The Area Highway Manager has ordered a low gully frame to alleviate the problem. See the officer report for the full petition response.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE to note the officer’s comments.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A this point, Mr Stephen Spence asked the Chairman about the follow-up on the petition at the previous local committee meeting regarding Alma Way in Farnham. The Chairman replied that it has been included in the On-street Parking report at Item 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
Minutes: Four Written Public Questions were received from Farnham Town Councillor George Hesse; Waverley Borough Councillors Andrew Bolton and Paul Follows; Martin Price; Janet Crowe. The questions and answers were published on the SCC Waverley Local Committee web pages before the 14 December Local Committee and were available at the meeting.
Question 1 – Supplementary Question Cllr Hesse asked: “Could the Area Highway Manager be more explicit regarding when the road will be repaired? We can’t wait for the winter damage maintenance programme. I would like to thank the Highway officer and the excellent members of the Highways team for their helpful and conscientious work and wish all a Happy Christmas.”
Response to supplementary question: The Area Highway Manager stated that the programme has to take into account utilities works and other works in Farnham at present. It will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Cllr Carole Cockburn requested that the road be given priority as it is in the Farnham Conservation Area and repairs had been requested previously.
Question 2 – Supplementary Question Cllrs Bolton and Follows asked: “What is happening regarding the monitoring and who is doing the monitoring? Has it started? There is a concern regarding the time of day for the monitoring, i.e. not at midday when it is quieter.”
Response to supplementary question: The Chairman said that the parking engineer could answer their questions during Item 11. Alternatively, if the councillors would like to put their further questions in writing to the committee officer, she would be able to seek a reply for them from the SCC officers concerned.
Question 3 – Supplementary Question Martin Price said that he was disappointed with the written answer and hopes that there will not be a fatal accident. He said that a year ago he asked about parking by Godalming and Farncombe train stations. “What is being done about long term plans regarding parking near train stations?”
Response to supplementary question: The Area Highway Manager said that the parking engineer would be able to give more details regarding long term planning during the on-street parking item (Item 11) later in the meeting.
Mr Peter Martin stated that regarding Item 11, all members have roads they would like to see resolved quickly. About four years ago a number of hours were spent on the issue of parking near train stations, so the Committee has spent time on this. Changes were made around Godalming station at that time.
Question 4 – Supplementary Question Janet Crowe asked: “What happens next?”
Response to supplementary question: The Chairman replied that the proposals, once agreed by the Committee, would be advertised. If approved, it would take at least six months to complete the process. |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47. The deadline for members’ questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Notice should be given by email to the Partnership Committee Officer.
Minutes: There were no members questions submitted for this committee.
To consider a request from the National Trust for the installation of cattle grids and bypasses on Hindhead Common.
Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of Interest: The following members declared an interest at Item 3, declaring that they were members of the National Trust: Mrs Victoria Young Cllr Maurice Byham Mr Peter Martin Cllr Richard Seaborne Mr Stephen Spence.
Mrs Carole Cockburn declared that she is a member of the National Trust for Scotland.
James Edwards declared at Item 3 that he is a member of Haslemere Town Council Planning Committee.
Officer in attendance: Debbie Prismall, SCC Senior Countryside Access Officer.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
No one registered to speak against the application in advance of the meeting.
The Chairman asked for a show of hands to vote regarding agreeing the recommendations: Yes: 14. No: 0. Abstain: 0. Therefore, the vote was carried.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
2. Officers negotiate and enter into an agreement with the National Trust in pursuance of the powers in section 87 Highways Act 1980. Reason: Officers do not have delegated powers to proceed with cattle grid applications. Officers support the installation of cattle grids and by-pass gates in light of the Secretary of State’s decision to grant permission for fencing.
Despite making significant savings in previous years, the County Council needs to make further savings of £85m in the next year. To achieve this and continue to provide services to residents some changes will need to be made. On 30 October 2018, the County Council launched a series of consultations on five service areas to shape those services for the future: children’s centres; concessionary bus fares; special educational needs and disability (SEND); libraries and cultural services; community recycling centres.
The Local Committee is invited to consider and discuss the proposed service changes as they relate to the Waverley local area.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers in attendance: Mary Burguieres, SCC Assistant Director, Systems and Transformation. Richard Parkinson, SCC Waste Operations Group Manager.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
Discussion covered the five service areas being considered in the public consultations. Officers provided context and members asked questions. The Chairman requested that the officers take questions grouped by service area. Officers stressed that this was a public consultation and that nothing had been decided yet.
Children’s Centres
Concessionary bus fares
Libraries and cultural services
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) |
Officers of Surrey County Council’s parking team have carried out a review of on-street parking restrictions within the borough of Waverley and identified changes which would benefit road safety and reduce instances of obstruction and localised congestion. Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Waverley as described in this report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A are agreed.
(ii) funding in 2019/20 would be required to implement the parking amendments and the committee will need to contribute a maximum of £30,000 - as detailed in paragraph 5.1.
(iii) the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Waverley as shown on the drawings in annex A is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.
(iv) if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor.
Reason: It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex A. They will make a positive impact towards: · Road safety · Access for emergency vehicles · Access for refuse vehicles · Easing traffic congestion · Better regulated parking · Better enforcement · Better compliance
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Jack Roberts, SCC Parking Team Engineer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: One.
See Item 7 Written Public Questions from Cllr Bolton and Cllr Follows regarding parking on Ockford Ridge. Their supplementary question: “What is happening regarding the monitoring and who is doing the monitoring? Has it started? There is a concern regarding the time of day for the monitoring, i.e. not at midday when it is quieter.”
The parking engineer replied: “I will be doing the monitoring and I will include an evening in my programme.”
Cllrs Bolton and Follows requested that the parking engineer keeps them informed of progress.
Member discussion – key points:
Members thanked the officer for the report. There were some queries and the officer replied that residents’ views had been considered. Some issues will be looked at again in the following review.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Waverley as described in this report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A are agreed.
(ii) funding in 2019/20 would be required to implement the parking amendments and the committee will need to contribute a maximum of £30,000 - as detailed in paragraph 5.1.
(iii) the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Waverley as shown on the drawings in annex A is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.
(iv) if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor.
Reason: It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex A. They will make a positive impact towards: · Road safety · Access for emergency vehicles · Access for refuse vehicles · Easing traffic congestion · Better regulated parking · Better enforcement · Better compliance
To receive an update from the Area Highway Manager (South West).
Additional documents: Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the committee approved works being progressed during 2018/19.
(ii) To note that allocations made for localism to the various Town and Parish Councils must be fully completed by 31st December 2018. Any allocations not fully completed by this date will then be prioritised by the Maintenance Engineer, in consultation with the divisional member, to ensure that works are carried out this financial year, rather than risk the funding being lost.
Reason: The committee is asked to agree the recommendations to enable progression of works orders and expenditure of the Committee budget. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West)
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The Area Highway Manager requested that members remind town and parish councils to spend their SCC localism allocation by 31st December 2018, or it would be lost.
The officer stated that there are changes to Highways budgets next year and so, at the current time, no revenue maintenance budget would be available. County Councillors may continue to be allocated a Revenue Highway Fund allocation of around £7,500 per member.
There was a query regarding the local member of parliament’s proposals for Farnham and who would pay for road traffic surveys. The officer said that it would have to come from members’ funds or from any Local Committee surplus.
Members queried the Section 106 monies and how to track what is happening without receiving full details. The officer replied that the SCC Transport Development Team provides this information and he will make it available as soon as he receives it. Other funds that are collected are Section 278, where a developer makes improvements. The Chairman requested a Section 106 table in the next Highways Update report.
In answer to the concerns regarding the road works for the Farnham Brightwells scheme, the officer said that the SCC Streetworks team try to mitigate, but if issues become serious the police have power to step in and request that highways obstructions be removed.
Mr Wyatt Ramsdale requested it be minuted that he would like an update from the Area Highway Manager on the improvements to Surrey’s roads connected to the Bordon scheme.
Cllr Richard Seaborne requested an appendix regarding unallocated PIC funds.
Cllr Jerry Hyman requested an update regarding the Farnham pedestrianization modelling, so that the air quality action plan can move forward (also see minutes from 21 September 2018). The Area Highway Manager replied that it is still a planning matter so he is unable to progress.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the committee approved works being progressed during 2018/19.
(ii) To note that allocations made for localism to the various Town and Parish Councils must be fully completed by 31st December 2018. Any allocations not fully completed by this date will then be prioritised by the Maintenance Engineer, in consultation with the divisional member, to ensure that works are carried out this financial year, rather than risk the funding being lost.
Reason: The committee is asked to agree the recommendations to enable progression of works orders and expenditure of the Committee budget. |
To provide an update on the status of each School Travel Plan for schools in Waverley, as well as the take up of activities offered to schools by the county council’s Safer Travel and Cycle Training Teams over the last academic year. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The Chairman asked committee members to note the report and forward any questions they may have to the committee officer, for the report author to answer at a later date.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to NOTE that:
(i) The county council’s Safer Travel Team will continue to encourage and support all Surrey’s expansion schools to complete and maintain their School Travel Plan using the online Modeshift STARS system. (ii) From 2018/19, the Safer Travel Team will also encourage all Surrey’s schools to create a School Travel Plan using the online Modeshift STARS accreditation system. This will involve promotion and the offer of training and support to all schools (iii) Members are invited to assist by encouraging schools to sign up to Modeshift STARS, and to take up the activities offered by the Safer Travel and Cycle Training Teams to improve road safety and encourage sustainable travel.
Reason: Successful implementation of School Travel Plans will lead to improvements in road safety and more sustainable travel on school journeys. This will reduce congestion, improve air quality, and active travel will improve the health of children.
To review any outstanding Local Committee decisions.
Decision: The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
Item number 13 from 22 September 2017 and Item 6 from 9 March 2018 should be removed from the Decision Tracker.
Other decision tracker items shall remain ‘open’. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
Item number 13 from 22 September 2017 and Item 6 from 9 March 2018 should be removed from the Decision Tracker.
Other decision tracker items shall remain ‘open’. |
To note the proposed forward programme and consider any additional items for future discussion. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer in attendance: Yvette Ortel, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The forward programme was agreed.
Suggested for a future agenda: · Waverley Local Committee moving to a Joint Committee · Hindhead Tunnel – including an update on actions from September 2018
To be held on Friday 15 March 2019 at 10am in Waverley Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR.
(10am – 10.30am: Open Forum / Informal Public Question Time)
Minutes: To be held on Friday 22nd March 2019 at 10am in the Waverley Borough Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR.
(10am – 10.30am: Open Public Questions Forum)
The Chairman asked members to note the date change (from 15th March).