Agenda, decisions and minutes

Woking Local Committee - Wednesday, 26 June 2013 6.00 pm

Venue: Woking Borough Council Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL

Contact: Sarah Goodman / Ruth Brown  Surrey County Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL


No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.

    Additional documents:


    Cllr Tony Branagan gave apologies for absence.



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    To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record and agree that the Chairman signs the minutes.  The minutes will be available in the Council Chamber half an hour before the start of the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the last meeting held on 6 March 2013 were agreed and signed.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·         Each Member must declare any interest that is disclosable under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, unless it is already listed for that Member in the Council’s Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner).

    ·         If the interest has not yet been disclosed in that Register, the Member must, as well as disclosing it at the meeting, notify the Monitoring Officer of it within 28 days.

    ·         If a Member has a disclosable interest, the Member must not vote or speak on the agenda item in which it arises, or do anything to influence other Members in regard to that item.


    Additional documents:


    There were no declarations of pecuniary interests.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    In accordance with Standing Order 68, Mr Resham Gauchan presented the following petition on behalf of local residents. The petition received 149 signatures.


    Residents in Wakehurst Path, Sheerwater have experienced ongoing parking problems due to lack of access for vehicles and spaces available for parking in the street. Wakehurst Path has only a short access for car from one end and this does not reach the house. This means that residents of Wakehurst Path often have to park their car elsewhere and this has caused problems for the resident in the surrounding road as they are heavily parked. Cars left parked in the nearby Blackmore Crescent and Burnyard Road have suffered repeated vandalism. We call on the council to create a road on Wakehurst Path, using barriers at its middle point to prevent it being used for through traffic to solve these parking problems.    


    Mr Gauchan introduced the petition and explained local residents have had to deal with failed attempts of vehicles being stolen, vandalism of cars, inconsiderate parking of non-residents, difficulty for access by emergency vehicles and utilities and personal inconvenience, especially for disabled residents and visitors.  The local residents are struggling to accept the situation and would like serious consideration to be given to the petition.


    The Chairman invited Andrew Milne to comment.  A full response would be brought to the next meeting of the Local Committee. It was noted that this is a controversial request as street scene would be altered, and officers have already received an objection letter to the petition.


    The Chairman thanked the petitioner for coming.




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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Woking Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69.  Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer four working days before the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    Three public questions were received and tabled.  A copy of the questions and answers can be found in Annex 2 of these minutes. Supplementary questions and responses are set out below.


    The Chairman agreed to take Member Question one with Public Question one as they were both questions on the proposed study on the A322 corridor.


    Question 1: Both Mr Stubbs and Mr Forster were disappointed with the response. Mr Stubbs asked whether Woking Borough Council funding was an option, and Will asked if there was a date when the Cabinet would discuss the issue.


    Cllr Kingsbury explained that he has discussed this with John Furey, Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment at Surrey County Council. In order to accelerate the study, the Borough Council have suggested that Woking could carry out the review with the support of Surrey County Council (SCC).  SCC has a number of other priorities at the moment, and without the consent of the Cabinet Member the Borough is unable to proceed.  A report will be brought to the next meeting if a resolution has been reached.


    Question 2: On behalf of Mr Thomas,Mr Chapples asked whether there is an end date for the works.  The Chairman advised that a response would be given in writing after the meeting.



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    To receive any written questions from members under Standing Order 47.  The deadline for members questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    Three member questions were received and tabled.  A copy of the questions and answers can be found in Annex 3 of these minutes.  Supplementary questions and responses are recorded below.


    Question 2: Will Forster asked to schedule a local committee item in six months time to look at whether Albion Square has been adopted as public highway, and any issues around it.



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    [Camilla Edmiston, Insp John Davis, Sarah Goodman]

    (Approximate starting time – 6.45pm)


    To receive the annual Community Safety report and agree delegation of funding to the Community Safety Partnership

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    (i)                 Note the contents of the report and the progress made in 2012/13.

    (ii)                Agree that the community safety budget of £3,226 delegated to the Local Committee be transferred to the Woking Community Safety Partnership and the Community Partnership Manager authorise its expenditure in accordance with the Local Committee’s decision.



    To facilitate timely decision making in relation to allocating funding to crime and disorder issues in Woking.


    Cllr Cross declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item due to the fact that he is the Woking Borough Council representative on the Police and Crime Panel.


    Liz Bowes welcomed Camilla Edmiston, Community Safety Officer at Woking Borough Council and Neighbourhood Inspector for Woking, John Davies to the meeting. Camilla introduced the report.


    Public and Member Questions:

    The Chairman opened the meeting up so that both members of the public and members of the committee could ask questions on this item.  Below is a summary of the main points made:


    ·         Thanks were given to the local Police officers and partner agency staff who do an excellent job. 

    ·         Concerns were raised about anti social behaviour in Knaphill and the issues regarding licensing hours and advertising for alcohol. In response it was noted the antisocial behaviour issues are being addressed by Sergeant Lee and his team, and petitions can be submitted to the licensing committee regarding new/extended licences.  Pressure needs to be put to Government on a change in the law.

    ·         The strategic assessment did not highlight drugs as a big issue in Woking.  However, local preventative work is done through the visits to primary schools by Surrey Life Education Centre, and any work locally preventative enforcement action necessary is carried out by the Police.

    ·         Cross border issues are dealt with by all levels of the Police.  In addition, the Community Safety Officers across the county regularly get together to discuss issues and often work together on a cluster basis.

    ·         There has been a rise in burglary dwelling in the last month, but it is hoped that a recent arrest will have a positive effect on this trend. Preventative work is being carried out in those areas where there has been an issue.

    The Chairman closed the debate to the members of the public so that the Committee could consider the recommendations. The decision regarding funding was made to facilitate timely decision making in relation to allocating funding to crime and disorder issues in Woking.




    The Local Committee agreed to:


    (i)                Note the contents of the report and the progress made in 2012/13.

    (ii)               Agree that the community safety budget of £3,226 delegated to the Local Committee be transferred to the Woking Community Safety Partnership and the Community Partnership Manager authorise its expenditure in accordance with the Local Committee’s decision.




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    [Andrew Milne]

    (Approximate starting time – 7.05pm)


    To update the committee on highways schemes within the borough.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to note:


    i)    The progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes with the exception of paragraph 2.3 which will come back to Committee in September 2013.


    ii)   The progress with budget expenditure          


    iii)   That a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.



    The above recommendations were made to enable progression of all highway related schemes and works. Members requested that a report on the 2013/14 ITS funded schemes be brought back to Committee in September for decision.  This will enable members to fully consider the implications of progressing with the Albert Drive scheme, whether it is possible to partly implement it on the section from the BDB roundabout to Sheerwater Road, and the other options available to members, including progressing with the alternative Maybury Hill scheme.


    Andrew Milne introduced the report which updated the committee on highways schemes within the borough. Regarding paragraph 2.3 Andrew explained that due to increased costs of the Albert Drive scheme, and the uncertainty of the area given the proposed Sheerwater regeneration, it was recommended to Members that the alternative scheme of Maybury Hill be progressed for the 13/14 ITS programme and to re-look at the Albert Drive scheme for 2014/15 when more detail on what the Sheerwater scheme will look like will be available. The Maybury Hill scheme would make use of developer deposits and could be delivered within the financial year.


    Member discussion:

    Members had mixed views on which scheme should be progressed for 13/14 given the recent development proposals and increase in costs. Issues raised included:

    ·         The increase in costs of the Albert Drive scheme and affordability.

    ·         Whether it would be possible to partly implement the Albert Drive scheme from the Bishop David Brown roundabout to Sheerwater Road.

    ·         Request for more clarity over the vision for Sheerwater and what would be included.

    ·         The impact of developer traffic on a new traffic calming scheme.

    ·         Further information and consultation would be required for the Maybury Hill scheme.

    ·         The impact of going with the Maybury Hill scheme on the rest of the 13/14 ITS programme.

    ·         The knock on effect of the Sheerwater Link Road on traffic on Albert Drive.


    The Committee therefore requested that a report on the 2013/14 ITS funded schemes be brought back to Committee in September for decision.  This will enable members to fully consider the implications of progressing with the Albert Drive scheme, whether it is possible to partly implement it on the section of the road from the BDB roundabout to Sheerwater Road, and the other options available to members, including progressing with the alternative Maybury Hill scheme.  Andrew explained bringing the item back for decision in September may have an impact on deliverability.


    Other points raised on this report included:

    ·         Lockfield Drive and Well Lane junction - white lines and poor signage.  Andrew confirmed that others have raised concerns and the junction is currently under review.

    ·         The lack of markings for the Sythwood shared use path was raised.  Officers would look at this and respond to Cllr Cross outside the meeting.

    Mrs Kemeny noted she has continued to receive reports from residents about speeding on Blackhorse Road and asked whether this could be reviewed again.  Andrew explained that when this was last reviewed the accident history was looked at and a site visit with the Cabinet member was held.  The view was that a decrease in speed limit from 40mph to 30mph was counter to SCC policy and could not be supported.  If a further report was to be brought to committee, the officer recommendations would remain unchanged.  The Chairman requested that a further report be brought back to a future meeting so the committee could look at the issue again.




    The Local Committee agreed to note:


    i)    The progress with the ITS  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20/13



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    [Mark Borland/Jane Young/Lloyd Allen]

    (Approximate starting time – 7.25pm)


    To approve the Operation Horizon programme for Woking.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed:


    i)    They note the decision made by Cabinet on the 26th March 2013 to allocate capital monies to Operation Horizon as detailed in the Medium Term Financial Plan

    ii)   To formally approve the Operation Horizon programme for Woking and that the 36km of road, across the defined scheme list detailed in Annex One, is resurfaced over the investment period. If the scheme list is affected by any future development programme, then the funding will be re-assigned to alternative roads in that division.

    iii)   That Surrey Highways produce an annual report in March 2014 confirming to Local Committee programme progress and success to date



    17% of the county’s roads are classified as “poor”, requiring structural repair. Operation Horizon will seek to address this structural issue by rebuilding a minimum of 10% of the road network and over the investment period will realise £16m to £20m in savings, all of which will be fully re-invested in highway network.


    The investment programme will not completely resolve the wider road maintenance backlog (estimated at £200m), however, it is intended to reduce the number roads classified as “poor” by 50% and will be a significant step in improving the overall road network.


    The addition to recommendation (ii) regarding future development was added to enable changes to the programme to be made within the division if future development, such as the vision for the regeneration of Sheerwater, is likely to affect the scheme list. 



    Mark Borland and Jane Young introduced the report which set out the Operation Horizon Programme for Woking.  Mark explained an officer amendment to recommendation (ii) which will enable changes to be made within the programme if any of the roads currently listed are affected by future development, which may be the case for Sheerwater.  Members welcomed this addition.


    Public questions:

    There were no public questions on this report.


    Member discussion:

    The following comments/responses were given in response to member questions:


    ·         Lockfield Drive will be resurfaced within the next 2 years.

    ·         Engineers have looked at Horsell Moor, but there were other roads in the borough in more need.

    ·         Members asked for feedback outside the meeting on the reasons why particular roads put forward by Members were not included in the programme.



    The Local Committee agreed:


    i)    To note the decision made by Cabinet on the 26 March 2013 to allocate capital monies to Operation Horizon as detailed in the Medium Term Financial Plan

    ii)   To formally approve the Operation Horizon programme for Woking and that the 36km of road, across the defined scheme list detailed in Annex One, is resurfaced over the investment period. If the scheme list is affected by any future development programme, then the funding will be re-assigned to alternative roads in that division.

    iii)   That Surrey Highways produce an annual report in March 2014 confirming to Local Committee programme progress and success to date






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    [Andrew Milne]

    (Approximate starting time – 7.45pm)


    To approve the removal of the existing round topped humps in Well Lane and their replacement with pairs of speed cushions.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed:


    i)          The removal of the existing round topped humps in Well Lane and their replacement with pairs of speed cushions be advertised and if no objections are maintained, that this work is carried out as part of the planned resurfacing works.   

    ii)         Any objections received are dealt with in accordance with the County Council’s scheme of delegation by the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of the Local Committee (Woking) and the relevant Divisional Member.




    The existing round topped speed humps in Well Lane need to be removed as part of the Project Horizon resurfacing scheme along the road. Such humps are no longer used in Surrey and so cannot be reinstated after to resurfacing work. There is still a need for traffic calming in Well Lane and it is recommended that pairs of speed cushions are introduced at each of the current hump locations.


    Andrew Milne introduced the report which recommended that speed cushions replace the current round topped humps in Well Lane.  The existing round topped speed humps need to be removed as part of the Project Horizon resurfacing scheme along the road. Such humps are no longer used in Surrey and so cannot be reinstated after to resurfacing work. There is still a need for traffic calming in Well Lane and it was therefore recommended that pairs of speed cushions are introduced at each of the current hump locations. If possible the consultation on the road humps will be combined with the consultation on the resurfacing.




    The Local Committee agreed:


    i)          The removal of the existing round topped humps in Well Lane and their replacement with pairs of speed cushions be advertised and if no objections are maintained, that this work is carried out as part of the planned resurfacing works.   

    ii)         Any objections received are dealt with in accordance with the County Council’s scheme of delegation by the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of the Local Committee (Woking) and the relevant Divisional Member.




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    [Paul Fishwick]

    (Approximate starting time – 7.55pm)


    To receive the annual report from 2012/13 and an update on the programme for 2013/14 including decisions required.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed:


    i)          To note the Annual Report 2012/13 covering Woking, attached as Annex A.

    ii)         The7.5 tonne weight limit  (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, attached as Annex B

    iii)         The intention of the County Council to make an Order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose a 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, including the advertisement of all legal notices and traffic orders.

    iv)        That if objections are received to advertisement of the legal notices and traffic orders, the Area Team Manager is authorised to try and resolve them in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and Project Manager, and decide whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modification.

    v)         The dropped kerb option for junction treatments on the A245 Parvis Road West Byfleet.


    vi)        To note the Travel SMART 2013/14 programme for bus priority and corridor improvements,  walking and cycling and the Sheerwater Link Road, including the updated Oyster Lane scheme (Annexes D1 and D2)

    vii)       The Travel Planning and promotion element for 2013/14, excluding the Way Finder Mapping scheme, attached as Annex E.




    The Local Committee are asked to note the Annual Report for the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, which is in the process of being developed for submission to the DfT by 19 July 2013.


    The Local Committee are asked to agree to the proposed 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access) covering Arnold Road and Eve Road, to deter heavy goods vehicles using these roads, when there is the Sheerwater Link Road which is a suitable alternative. Recommendation iv was amended slightly to reflect the officer delegation within the County Council’s Constitution.


    The Local Committee is asked to agree to the dropped kerb option for the A245 Parvis Road junctions, as the benefits in spending an additional £40,000 is considered low for both pedestrians and cyclists, and this funding could be utilised on higher benefit options that are currently being considered.


    The Local Committee is asked to note the progress on bus priority and corridor improvements, walking and cycling improvements and the Sheerwater Link Road within the 2013/14 Travel SMART programme.


    The Local Committee is asked to agree to the proposals for the information, travel planning and promotion element of the Travel SMART programme for 2013/14 to enable delivery to be made, excluding the Way finder mapping that will be reported to this committee in September 2013.


    Paul Fishwick introduced the report and explained there was a slight alteration to recommendation (iv) to bring it into line with the County Council’s constitution. The report set out the annual report from 2012/13 and an update on the programme for 2013/14, including relevant decisions required.


    Member discussion:

    During Member discussion the following issues were noted:

    ·         The Brompton bikes in Guildford have recently been relaunched at the front of the station.  It is hoped that they can be launched in Woking in the summer.

    ·         The cycle hub in Woking will be on the south side of the station and include a covered area with media screens for train and bus times etc.

    ·         All schools in the borough will be sent information of the cycle improvement fund.

    ·         An officer will be working in Elmbridge to identify potential cycle routes.  These could extend the cycle routes from Byfleet into Weybridge.



    The Local Committee agreed:


    i)          To note the Annual Report 2012/13 covering Woking, attached as Annex A.

    ii)         The7.5 tonne weight limit  (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, attached as Annex B

    iii)         The intention of the County Council to make an Order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose a 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, including the advertisement of all legal notices and traffic orders.

    iv)        That if objections are received to advertisement of the legal notices and traffic orders, the Area Team Manager is authorised to try and resolve them in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and Project Manager, and decide whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modification.

    v)         The dropped kerb option for junction treatments on the A245 Parvis Road West Byfleet.

    vi)        To note the Travel SMART 2013/14 programme for bus priority and corridor improvements,  walking and cycling and the Sheerwater Link Road, including the updated Oyster Lane scheme (Annexes D1 and D2)

    vii)       The Travel Planning and promotion element for 2013/14, excluding the Way Finder Mapping scheme, attached as Annex E.





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    [David Curl/Peter Wells]

    (Approximate starting time – 8.15pm)


    To agree proposed changes to on street parking restrictions following the Woking Parking Review.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i)          the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Woking as described in this report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A as amended below are agreed.

    1.    Woking South West – all proposals in paragraph 3.1 are all deleted.

    2.    The Byfleets – all proposals progressed with the exception of the formalisation of the disabled bays alongside 1 Brantwood Gardens and 14 Brantwood Gardens

    3.    Woking North – Agreed as in report with the decision on whether to include additional parking outside Khan’s General Store delegated to the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of the Local Committee and the Divisional Member.


    ii)         the local committee allocates funding as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of this report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.


    iii)         the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Woking as shown on the drawings in annex A (as amended) is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.


    iv)        if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of this committee and the appropriate County Councillor.





    It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex A.  They will make a positive impact towards:-


    ·         Road safety

    ·         Access for emergency vehicles

    ·         Access for refuse vehicles

    ·         Easing traffic congestion

    ·         Better regulated parking

    ·         Better enforcement


    The amendments to Annex 1 outlined above were made in accordance with the wishes of the relevant divisional members.


    David Curl introduced the report which set out proposed changes to on street parking restrictions.  The aim would be to get new markings on the ground by March 2014, but it may take a bit longer. The costs this year would be met by the Parking Team, but in future the Local Committee may be asked for a contribution depending on the costs involved. The Chairman invited comments by division. 


    Member discussion:


    Woking South West

    Mrs Kemeny raised concerns regarding the proposals put forward for her division, particularly around Connaught Crescent, Heath Drive and the Post Office. Officers confirmed that Brookwood CPZ operates for one hour between 1pm and 2pm Monday to Friday, and outside these times the single yellow lines can be parked on. As Mrs Kemeny had not had an opportunity to fully understand the impact of the proposals on the residents in the borough, she requested that they were not approved at this time.


    The Byfleets

    Mr Wilson was happy with the proposals with the exception of the disabled bays outside 1 Brantwood Gardens and 14 Brantwood Drive, which he asked to be withdrawn from the plans.


    Goldsworth East and Horsell Village

    Mr Kemp and Cllr Cross were happy with the proposals and requested that the Morton Road scheme be implemented as soon as possible due to the local safety concerns around the school.


    Woking South

    Will Forster asked how changing the hours of disabled bays in the town centre would affect churn.  It was noted that officers have had several meetings with disability groups and compromised with most parking bays being 3 hours, with some all day.


    A request was made for a drop off/pick up area opposite the Travel Lodge and station to be included in the next parking review in Woking.


    Woking North

    Mr Carasco was happy with the proposals but requested additional parking outside Khan’s Store which had previously been circulated to the Parking Team.  It was noted that if this was to be added, the decision would need to be taken by the Parking and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman and Divisional Member.


    Cllr Ali requested that in the next parking review the restrictions on College Road need to be extended further because of the petrol station.



    The Chairman requested that future parking reviews go through the Parking Task Group before committee, and Cllr Kingsbury requested that the Parking group meet every quarter.




    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i)          the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Woking as described in this report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A as amended below are agreed.

    1.    Woking South West – all proposals in paragraph 3.1 are all deleted.

    2.    The Byfleets – all proposals progressed with the exception of the formalisation of the disabled bays alongside 1 Brantwood Gardens and 14 Brantwood Gardens

    3.    Woking North – Agreed as in report with the decision on whether to include additional parking outside Khan’s General Store  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24/13



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    [Jeremy Crouch]

    (Approximate starting time – 8.35pm)


    To agree the award of contract for the youth Local Prevention Framework from 1 September 2013 until 31 August 2015.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    Approve the Youth Task Group recommendation to award a funding agreement for a twenty four month period from 01 September 2013 to the following provider:


    1.    Eikon for 100% of the contract value (£105,000pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET in Woking           

    2.    Agree to request a monthly email update as to how Eikon is performing against its OVI’s, to be sent to the Local Committee members and Youth Task Group members.




    The recommendations will support the council’s priority to achieve full participation; that is for 100% of young people aged 16 to 19 to be in education, training or employment.


    The additional recommendation was added to help enable the Local Committee to stay informed of how Eikon is performing.


    Jeremy Crouch, Contract Performance Officer Youth Work introduced the report, and noted the additional officer recommendation which was asking for a monthly email update for members as to how the provider is performing against it’s OVI’s.




    The Local Committee agreed to:


    Approve the Youth Task Group recommendation to award a funding agreement for a twenty four month period from 01 September 2013 to the following provider:


    1.    Eikon for 100% of the contract value (£105,000pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET in Woking           

    2.    Agree to request a monthly email update as to how Eikon is performing against its OVI’s, to be sent to the Local Committee members and Youth Task Group members.




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    [Jeremy Crouch]

    (Approximate starting time – 8.50pm)


    To update the Committee on the performance of the current Local Prevention Framework contract and Youth Small Grants.

    Additional documents:


    This item was withdrawn from the agenda as the Chairman was unhappy with the contents of the report.


    This item was withdrawn from the agenda as the Chairman was unhappy with the report.



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    [Michelle Collins/Sarah Goodman]

    (Approximate starting time – 9.10pm)


    To establish relevant Local Committee Task Groups, to appoint County Councillors to these Task Groups and to relevant outside bodies.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:



    i)                      The terms of reference for the Youth Task Group and Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) Task Group as set out in Annexes 1 and 2.

    ii)         The membership for these task groups for 2013-14 as set out in paragraph 2.4.

    iii)         To appoint members of the Local Committee to the outside bodies as set out in paragraph 2.5.




    The Local Committee’s two task groups enable the Local Committee to carry out its work in an efficient and expedient manner. The representatives on the outside bodies enable the local County Council views to be put forward into the debate.



    Michelle Collins introduced the report.




    The Local Committee agreed to:



    i)                      The terms of reference for the Youth Task Group and Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) Task Group as set out in Annexes 1 and 2.

    ii)         The membership for these task groups for 2013-14 as set out in paragraph 2.4.

    iii)         To appoint members of the Local Committee to the outside bodies as set out in paragraph 2.5.






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    [Sarah Goodman]

    (Approximate starting time – 9.20pm)


    To note the forward programme of the local committee.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to note the forward programme with the following additional reports:


    September – Youth Update           

                            20mph speed limits around schools

    Review of Ride 100 and lessons learnt


    December -    Youth Update


    March -           Youth Update


    An additional request was for a briefing on health in Woking and the future relationship with the Local Committee which would be considered at a private meeting of the Local Committee.




    Having a list of items members would wish to have reported will enable a forward programme to be drawn up and for officers of relevant services to be invited to present to the local committee.





    The Local Committee agreed to note the forward programme with the following additional reports:


    September –   Youth Update 

                            20mph speed limits around schools

    Review of Ride 100 and lessons learnt


    December -     Youth Update


    March -           Youth Update


    An additional request was for a briefing on health in Woking and the future relationship with the Local Committee which would be considered at a private meeting of the Local Committee.



Annex 1 pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:

Annex 2 pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:

Annex 3 pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents: