Venue: Mytchett Canal Centre, Mytchett Place Road, Mytchett, Surrey, GU16 6DD
Contact: Lucy Collier
No. | Item | |
To elect a new Chairman for the JMC. Minutes: Cllr Mike Goodman was elected as the new Chairman of the JMC. Cllr Keith Chapman was elected as the Vice Chairman.
The JMC recorded its thanks to Linda Kemeny for her work over the past four years as Chairman and Vice-Chairman. |
Minutes: Apologies had been received from Cllr Brian Gurden.
It was explained that Cllr Ben Carasco would be arriving at the meeting later.
The minutes will be available in the meeting room half an hour before the start of the meeting. Minutes: These were agreed as a true record of the previous meeting. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest. · Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. · Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Minutes: There were none. |
To receive either any questions or petitions.
Notes: 1. The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting [23 October 2015]. 2. The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting [22 October 2015]. 3. The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received. Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
James Taylor, Strategic Manager for the Basingstoke Canal Fiona Shipp, Basingstoke Canal Manager
Key Points raised in the discussion:
1. The Chairman stated that the highest risks on the risk register were funding for the canal, failures of large engineering structures on the canal and adequately managing partnerships in relation to the canal. 2. A member of the committee stated that the Canal and River Trust had done well from becoming a charity. This change had opened up more funding opportunities. It was suggested that reviewing the governance model around the JMC could possibly allow for more funding opportunities.
Actions/further information to be provided: None
Committee next steps: None
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Martin Leech, Basingstoke Canal Society Phil Riley, Basingstoke Canal Society
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Chairman thanked the Canal Society for producing the report. The Canal Society explained that they would be celebrating their 50th anniversary next year. A joint event would be taking place withthe Historic Narrowboats Club in Woking. 2. Dredging was highlighted as a key concern for the Canal Society. It was felt that certain parts of the canal required immediate dredging – with the case o Swan “cutting” at North Warnborough being a particular concern. If this did not happen fairly soon, certain parts of the canal would close. This would in turn have a negative impact on businesses that run along the canal including the John Pinkerton boat trips. 3. The Canal Society asked for Surrey and Hampshire County Councils to view dredging as a priority. Officers stated that the dredging of the canal was not a quick fix, and that the issues at Swan “cutting” were wider and not confined to simply dredging the channel. Consultation needed to take place with landowners before work could begin. Funding required for dredging was also a key concern. It was suggested that consideration should be given to funding the work from the Canal Authority’s reserve funds, as this was a critical issue. The Canal Society’s 50th Anniversary celebrations would it was suggested be an opportunity to launch an appeal to raise funds for dredging. 4. It was agreed that Gareth Jones and Philip Riley would meet with the Strategic Manager and Head of Countryside for Hampshire County Council as a “Dredging Task Group” to discuss dredging and particularly issues at Swan “cutting”, North Warnborough.
Actions/further information to be provided: · It was agreed that the Strategic Manager for the Basingstoke Canal would bring back a report on dredging to the next JMC meeting, following the meeting of the Task Group highlighting the issues and possible options for dredging, as well as proposed timescales and legal issues.
Actioned by: James Taylor
Committee next steps: None
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
James Taylor, Strategic Manager for the Basingstoke Canal
Fiona Shipp, Basingstoke Canal Manager
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Canal Manager introduced the report by informing the committee that theft had been an issue within the last few months. Three vehicles had been broken into and the equipment in them taken. 2. It was stated that there had been several leaks in the canal especially in the Woking area. The JMC were informed that the emergency services had dealt with these within a matter of hours. 3. The Canal Manager stated that work was being done to find the source of the pollution affecting the Canal.
Actions/further information to be provided: None
Committee next steps: None
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
James Taylor, Strategic Manager for the Basingstoke Canal
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Strategic Manager for Basingstoke Canal introduced the report by suggesting that Hampshire’s capital work had been dominated by an unexpected landslip at Dogsmersfield which had a serious impact on the budget. Remedial work had been delayed by the need for adjacent landowners to complete preparatory work, and was now expected to begin in December 2015 or January 2016. A member asked how far behind schedule the work was. It was estimated that the work will take eight to ten weeks to be completed. 2. Members were informed that no Capital Investments had been planned for after March 2017. It was therefore suggested that further preparation should be undertaken to take into account any possible unplanned issues. 3. It was stated that the largest allocated sums remaining in both budgets related to dredging as the outstanding work still needed to be completed. 4. The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked all officers involved in supporting the Canal.
Actions/further information to be provided: None
Committee next steps: None
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers: Lisa Creaye-Griffin, Countryside Group Manager, Surrey County Council
Key points raised during the discussion:
Actions/further information to be provided: None
Committee next steps: None
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers: Jane Lovett, Honorary Treasurer, Hampshire County Council
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Honorary Treasurer introduced the report by briefing Members on the financial position of the Basingstoke Canal Authority. The budget out-turn forecast did not currently include a contribution from Fleet Town Council, as a decision had not yet been taken by the Council. 2. It was stated that the outturn forecast showed the Canal would draw £39,996 from the reserve during 2015/2016 which was said to be £33,004 less than budgeted. 3. It was noted that income from the houseboats along the canal was being put back into the Surrey County Council central fund rather than being passed to the Basingstoke Canal Authority. The Countryside Group Manager explained that this was due to the Council’s current property management policy. It was noted that any changes to this policy had to be agreed by Cabinet. A report would be submitted to the Cabinet in January 2015 requesting that all income from houseboats should be retained by the Canal Authority. 4. The Committee noted with regret that despite the significant amenity value of the Canal in their areas, Runnymede and Surrey Heath Borough Councils were not making their full financial contribution to the Canal Authority.
Actions/further information to be provided:
· The Chairman agreed to write to the Chief Executives of Runnymede and Surrey Heath Borough Councils requesting that they make their full financial contributions to the Canal Authority in accordance with the funding formula. He would also request that the Leader of Surrey County Council raise the matter with his counterparts at the two authorities.
Action by: Mike Goodman and Lucy Collier Committee next steps:
The response from Runnymede and Surrey Heath Borough Councils to be reported back at the next meeting.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Bryan Searle, Senior Manager (Cabinet, Committees & Appeals) Surrey County Council
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Committee considered the request from Fleet Town Council to become a full voting member of the JMC. Some Members expressed the view that Fleet Town Council deserved voting rights on the grounds that the Council contributed a significant amount to Basingstoke Canal Authority, however others felt that allowing Fleet full voting rights would not be correct as it would encourage other Local Authorities which contributed financially to make the same claim.
The view was also expressed that as Hart District
Council was only directly paying half of the contribution due under
the funding formula, it should give up one of its seats to make the
process fair. This would also ensure
that the balance of voting members between Hampshire and Surrey
would be maintained if Fleet Town Council was elected as a full
voting Member. However, it was also noted that other councils had
retained voting rights on the JMC despite not contributing
financially for several years.
The Committee was asked to vote on the request from
Fleet Town Council and it was
Action by: Lucy Collier
Action by: Lucy Collier
(c) That the eight Hampshire and Surrey Councils with existing voting rights formally agree an amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement to reflect the change to the number of voting representatives on the JMC.
Action by: Lucy Collier
Appointment of a Special Interest Group Representative
4. The Chairman invited the three groups which had applied to fill the Special Interest Group vacancy (Accessible Boating, Galleon Marine Boatyard Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and the Ramblers’ Association) to speak for two minutes in support of their application. Following a vote it was,
Resolved: That Galleon Marine LLP be appointed to fill the Special Interest Group vacancy on the Joint Management Committee.
Action by: Lucy Collier
5. It was agreed that the two groups which didn’t get selected would be welcome to attend future meetings of the Committee and contribute to discussions at the invitation of the Chairman.
Actions/further information to be provided: None
Committee next steps: The Committee to receive an update on membership at its next meeting.
The next meeting of the JMC will be held on 25 February 2016. Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting would be held on 25 February 2016, 10am, Mytchett Canal Centre.
Meeting ended at: 11.40am