Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN
Contact: Andy Baird, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Minutes: Apologies were received from Victoria Young and Graham Ellwood
Keith Taylor acted as a substitute for Graham Ellwood.
To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Minutes: Attention was drawn to a disagreement between the minutes of the Adults and Health Select Committee meeting from 29 January and the Recommendations Tracker. Specifically, it was highlighted that recommendation i for item 5/18 conflicted with what had been recorded in the Recommendations Tracker. Members were informed that the Recommendations Tracker was incorrect and that this would be amended.
The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting. |
Members present are required to declare, at this point in the
meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:
Any disclosable
pecuniary interests and / or II. Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting
Members are reminded that they must not participate
in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest ·
As well as an interest of the Member, this includes
any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the
Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the
Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial. Minutes: An interest was declared by Mr David Mansfield in relation to items 7 and 8 on the agenda for the meeting stating that he had previously been an employee of Central and Northwest London NHS Foundation Trust. Mr Mansfield indicated that he did not intend to leave the meeting during the discussion on these items. |
receive any questions or petitions. Notes: 1. The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00pm four working days before the meeting (27 March 2018).
2. The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting(28 March 2018)
3. The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received. Minutes: The Adults and Health Select Committee received a public question from Liz Sawyer. A response to this question has been attached to these minutes as Appendix 1. |
Minutes: None received. |
Accommodation with Care and Support for Older People PDF 173 KB
Purpose of the report:
To update the Adults and Health Select Committee on progress made by the Accommodation with Care and Support programme with particular focus on the following:
· identifying a provider to deliver phase 1 of Strategic Extra Care (Design, Build, Finance and Operate five new Extra Care facilities across Surrey); and · identifying a provider to Design, Build, Finance and Operate a residential, dementia & nursing facility in North West Surrey.
Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of interest:
Cliff Bush, Chair, Surrey Coalition of Disabled People Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adults Jennifer Henderson, Senior Commissioning Manager, Adult Social Care, Surrey County Council Matt Lamburn, Project Manager, Adult Social Care, Surrey County Council Matt Parris, Deputy CEO, Healthwatch Surrey
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. An introduction to the report was provided by officers who informed the Committee that demographic changes had put pressure on Surrey County Council’s (SCC) capacity to find affordable residential accommodation for those with social care needs. Projections had shown that over the next ten years SCC would be required to expand its residential accommodation by a further 10% in response to increased demand arising from a growing elderly population. The Committee heard that the Council needed to ensure that it had enough affordable accommodation to place those with care needs. SCC had initiated a number of projects to increase its provision of accommodation for those with social care needs one of which was to stimulate growth in the Extra Care market.
2. Members were advised that SCC’s strategy to expand the availability of Extra Care places was predicated on a Design, Build, Finance and Operate model (DBFO) whereby land would be offered to the private sector to build and operate Extra Care housing on the proviso that a certain number of units would be reserved to place those who received social care support from SCC. Five locations across the County had been identified to build Extra Care housing which would be offered to the market in accordance with the terms outlined in the report. The Cabinet Member for Adults highlighted that the report to the Select Committee referred specifically to the provision of Extra Care for older people but indicated that SCC had also purchased land in the south of the County to build Extra Care Units for use by those with learning disabilities.
3. More clarity was sought on the procurement process and Members asked whether SCC would seek just one provider to build and operate Extra Care facilities on the five sites referenced in the report or whether there would be a different provider for each of the five sites. Officers stated that the Council would run a bespoke, flexible procurement process which meant a variety of different configurations was possible as regards the number of contracts that SCC entered into.
4. The Committee highlighted the important role that local communities play in supporting elderly residents in ensuring that they didn’t become isolated. Members stated that moving older people with social care needs into Extra Care accommodation outside of their local communities could sever existing support networks. Officers stated that the existing strategy concentrated on priority areas with an identified need for more residential care but the ultimate goal was to have Extra Care units in conurbations across the County to ensure that this type of support could be delivered to older people within their existing community.
5. Detail was sought on how Extra Care ... view the full minutes text for item 17/18 |
Surrey Integrated Sexual Health Services PDF 203 KB
Purpose of the report:
To update the Adults and Health Select Committee on the performance of the Sexual Health and HIV Service contracts.
Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of Interests:
An interest was declared by Mr David Mansfield as a former employee of Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.
Helen Atkinson, Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health Helyn Clack, Cabinet Member for Health Cliff Bush, Director, Surrey Coalition of Disabled People Fiona Mackison, Service Specialist (Specialised Commissioning), NHS England Mark Maguire, Service Director, Sexual Health and HIV Services, CNWL Matt Parris, Deputy CEO, Healthwatch Surrey Dr Clare Sieber, Medical Director, SSLMCs Stephen Tucker, Deputy Service Director, Sexual Health & HIV Services, CNWL
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Health who highlighted that the aim of the integrated Service was to promote early intervention on sexual health and HIV in order to create capacity within the system to support those with more complex or advanced conditions. She acknowledged that there had been challenges during the first year of the contract while Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) were implementing the integrated service but highlighted that she was confident that by moving some services online, the new provider would create more efficient sexual health and HIV provision. These comments were echoed by the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health who provided Members with the background to the introduction of an integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service for Surrey. The Committee heard that work had begun on the introduction of an integrated service through development of the Sexual Health Needs Assessment (SHNA). The extent of the reductions to funding for Public Health in Surrey were not known when work had begun on the SHNA.
2. The Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health apologised to those who had been left short or inconvenienced by the changes to which had occurred to Sexual Health and HIV Services in Surrey. Members were advised, however, that a phased approach to changes in the Service had been adopted to enable CNWL to better respond to concerns raised by patients and partners about the new model. Members were asked to recognise that there was a need to modernise the Service by making more effective use of the digital space and to understand that these changes took time to implement. Members were further informed that CNWL had been very flexible during this implementation phase in order to respond to the concerns of patients and stakeholders.
3. The Committee heard from the Service Director who stated that CNWL already operated an integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service in London which was highly regarded by its patients. Members were asked to recognise the scale of the challenge that CNWL confronted in attempting to integrate and modernise the three very disparate and outdated service models that had existed in Surrey prior to the introduction of the new contract in April 2017. CNWL were legally prohibited from reviewing staff structures until the TUPE transfer from all three service providers had been completed which had prevented ... view the full minutes text for item 18/18 |
Sexual Health Services Task Group Interim Report PDF 116 KB
Purpose of the report:
To update the Committee on work being undertaken by Sexual Health Services Task Group’s to review communication and engagement by commissioner around the introduction of an integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service in Surrey. Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of interests:
An interest was declared by Mr David Mansfield as a former employee of Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The report was introduced by the Chair of the Task Group, Mrs Sinead Mooney, who told Committee Members that the Sexual Health Services Task Group had heard evidence from a diverse range of groups to inform its findings. The Chair extended thanks to all those had provided evidence to the Task Group.
2. The Select Committee applauded the significant work undertaken by the Task Group in order to get an in depth understanding of the lessons that could be learned from the communication and engagement which took place around the implementation of the integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service contract.
The Adults and Health Select Committee acknowledged the progress of the Sexual Health Services Task Group in undertaking its review.
The Board is asked to review and approve the Forward Work Programme and Recommendations Tracker and provide comment as required. Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of interests:
Key points raised during the discussion:
The next public meeting of the committee will be held 4 July in the Ashcombe Suite at County Hall. |