Agenda and minutes

Adults and Health Select Committee - Wednesday, 5 October 2022 10.00 am

Contact: Omid Nouri, Scrutiny Officer 


No. Item



    Purpose of the item: To report any apologies for absence and substitutions.

    Additional documents:


    Apologies were received from Cllr Trefor Hogg Cllr Carla Morson, and Cllr Neil Houston. Cllr Chris Farr joined the meeting remotely.





    Purpose of the item: To agree the minutes of the previous meeting of the Adults and Health Select Committee as a true and accurate record of proceedings.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting.



    Purpose of the item: All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:

          I.        Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

        II.        Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting.



    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner).

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.

    Additional documents:


    Cllr Frank Kelly declared a pecuniary interest as an employee of Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust.

    Cllr Nick Darby declared a personal interest as Board Member for Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust.



    Purpose of the item: To receive any questions or petitions.


    1.    The deadline for Members’ questions is 12:00pm four working days before the meeting (xxx).


    2.    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting(xxx).


    3.    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.

    Additional documents:


    None received.



    Purpose of the reports:


    For the Select Committee to receive reports on the measures put in place across the health system to mitigate against pressures during the 2022-23 winter period.


    Additional documents:



    Liz Bruce – Joint Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Integrated Commissioning (Surrey County Council and Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Ben Hill – Director of Urgent Care (Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Dr Charlotte Canniff – Joint Chief Medical Officer (Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Jo Hunter – Deputy Director of Recovery (Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Nikki Mallinder – Director of Primary Care (Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Dr Pramit Patel – Primary Care Network Leader (Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Dr Helen Rostill – Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Therapies (Surrey and Borders Partnership)

    Daryl Gasson – Executive Place Managing Director (NHS Frimley)

    Stephen Dunn – Director of System Delivery and Place (NHS Frimley)

    Mark Eley – Deputy Director of Operations (South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust)              

    Helen Wilshaw-Roberts – Strategic Partnerships Manager (South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust)

    Maria Millwood – Non-Executive Director (Healthwatch Surrey)


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. Witnesses from Surrey Heartlands and the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) presented slides (Annex 1). Witnesses from NHS Frimley also presented slides (Annex 2).


    1. A Member asked about the implications of the ICS restructuring on preparations for winter this year (2022). The Joint Chief Medical Officer (Heartlands) explained that there should be limited implications if all partners worked together to create the capacity required. The Director of System Delivery and Place (Frimley) added that NHS Frimley were developing a five-year strategy which involved significant stakeholder engagement during the summer regarding working together on collective priorities.


    1. A Member queried the measures in place to support the mental health of staff during a period of increased pressure on the system. The Deputy Chief Executive of Surrey and Borders Partnership (SABP) explained that the system approach in place was the wellbeing hub which all staff could access. Individual organisations were now considering the cost-of-living crisis and how to support staff through that. SABP had also been linking in with other organisations to support their employee assistance schemes.


    1. In response to a question on the fragility of the workforce, the Deputy Director of Operations (SECAmb) explained that they were aiming to reach 2,555 frontline staff by March 2023. SECAmb currently had approximately 2,150 frontline staff, with 150 in training. There had been a small reduction in overtime and the Deputy Director explained that it was about being able to achieve balance and not exhausting staff, whilst still offering the opportunity to earn extra money. Thus, the overtime hours made available were reviewed weekly. New avenues for recruitment had been developed and there had been international recruitment events targeting trained staff.


    1. A Member queried whether the countries SECAmb were recruiting trained staff from were also short of staff. The Deputy Director of Operations (SECAmb) explained that they were recruiting from countries where they trained more staff than they were able to recruit. The Member asked at what stage SECAmb would be fully staffed. The Deputy Director responded by this time next year (October 2023), the resources were planned to reach the target number of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32/22



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    Purpose of the report: To update the Adults and Health Select Committee on the Enabling You with Technology (Technology Enabled Care) Transformation Programme.

    Additional documents:



    Toni Carney – Head of Resources, Adult Social Care

    Stu Cole – Independent Living Manager, Mole Valley Life (Mole Valley District Council)


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1. The Head of Resources presented slides to provide context and a historical understanding of the programme (Annex 3).


    1. A Member asked whether there were any additional plans to involve users and their carers in any potential future design phases or technology trials. The Head of Resources and Performance explained that the plans around cascade were to expand the use of it. There were a couple of pilots such as, putting cascade in step-down facilities. The Member asked whether there was training to help those who struggled with using technology. The Head of Resources explained that they linked in with Surrey Coalition of Disabled People, as they provided tech angels and Adult Social Care (ASC) would like to do more work in this area.


    1. A Member enquired about the advantages and disadvantages of District and Borough Councils (D&Bs) outsourcing their monitoring to external agencies. The Independent Living Manager explained that the ability of Mole Valley District Council to have their own alarm receiving centre provided more opportunities with the pathway and an advantage was being able to grow their own technology. The Head of Resources added that the Council had secured agreement with all of the D&Bs who had signalled that they wanted to work with the Council using the same technology. The Member asked whether there was any resistance from any of the D&Bs. The Head of Resources shared that there was not resistance, however, hard work was required to secure agreement. Waverley Borough Council was the only Council without agreement as of yet.


    1. The Chairman asked about the maintenance of the technology and whether it captured data. The Independent Living Manager explained that the two issues had been around the batteries, which had been resolved recently, and the sensors, which they had taken learnings from. Overall, the technology was reliable. There was ongoing work with cascade about how the data comes in and how it could be reported to capture the most from the technology.


    1. In response to a question on privacy of the technology, the Head of Resources informed committee Members that staff explained to the users at the outset that there were no cameras or microphones in the technology. It was common for people to feel apprehensive about monitoring. There had been a couple of instances where people changed their mind and consent was crucial to the work. Occasionally, sensors had been installed as a best interest decision for that individual, but this was not the norm.


    1. A Member queried whether there were any funding opportunities following March 2023. The Head of Resources explained that there was sufficient funding for the technology, and this would come out of the ASC budget for those with eligible care needs. The technology could have a positive impact on reducing costs for ASC. Regarding the responder service, ASC were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33/22



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    Additional documents:



    Mark Nuti – Cabinet Member for Adults and Health

    Liz Bruce – Joint Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Integrated Commissioning (Surrey County Council and Surrey Heartlands ICS)

    Dr Helen Rostill – Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Therapies (Surrey and Borders Partnership)

    Jonathan Perkins – Independent Chair of Mental Health System Delivery Board (Surrey)

    Tim Beasley – Programme Director, Mental Health Improvement Programme (Surrey and Borders Partnership)

    Toby Avery – Lead for the Mental Health Improvement Programme Digital and Data Workstream and Chief Digital & Information Officer (Surrey and Borders Partnership)

    Liz Williams – Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener, Learning Disability and Autism and all age Mental Health

    Kate Barker – Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener, Children and all age Mental Health

    Clare Burgess – Chief Executive, Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

    Patrick Wolter – Chief Executive, Mary Frances Trust


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    Cllr Frank Kelly left the meeting.

    1. The Joint Executive Director (Heartlands and SCC) presented slides (Annex 4), emphasising that it was about phasing the existing plan, not making a new one. The Lead for the Mental Health Improvement Programme (MHIP) Digital and Data Workstream added that there were a number of strategic challenges regarding technology, and they were working to align technology with the service needs. The Independent Chair of the Mental Health System Delivery Board explained that there was a reset of governance in July 2022, whereby the priorities and scope of the work of the Board were set. There were now the right people on the Board to resolve issues of the plan and to move forward with clear accountability.


    1. The Chairman noted that it was difficult to scrutinise the MHIP without the appropriate data or parameters of the priorities. The Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener for Learning Disability and Autism (LD&A) and all age Mental Health (SCC) explained that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment was due to come to the Mental Health System Delivery Board in November 2022 which would provide data to support the priorities. The Joint Executive Director (Heartlands and SCC) shared that there were going to be whole system workshops looking at the financials across the system and what the operating model needed to be to stay within the financial envelope. There were also going to be quality and performance sessions to look at risks and quality, as well as understanding the pressures and finances to provide business as usual. The Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener for Children and all age Mental Health (SCC) added that there was work underway to identity activities and programmes which could have been badged as actions of the programme that could have greater benefits if done at scale and the outcomes recorded.


    1. A Member asked about the system-wide cooperation that has occurred to help develop technology for mental health services. The Lead for the Mental Health Improvement Programme Digital and Data Workstream (SABP) shared that there was a disconnect between partners in relation to technology this time last year. Since then, there had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34/22





    The next public meeting of the Select Committee will be held on Wednesday, 2 November 2022.

    Additional documents:


    The Select Committee noted that its next meeting would be held on Wednesday, 2 November 2022.