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Planning and Regulatory Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning and Regulatory Committee.


Information about Planning and Regulatory Committee

The Planning & Regulatory Committee considers the following non-executive functions under the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 Act as amended. The Council's Constitution sets out the remit of the Committee in greater detail (within Part 3 – Sections 1 and 2).  Many of these functions, however, are delegated to officers (those not in bold).


·         Planning and Development Control

·         Commons Registration

·         Licensing and Registration Functions

·         Health and Safety (other than that undertaken in the Council's capacity as an employer)

·         Births, Deaths and Marriages

·         Rights of Way & Highways

·         Functions relating to elections

·         Development Plans


You can watch the Planning and Regulatory Committee take place live or archived through our Webcasting facility.


Watch Webcasts here


There is a separate section where you can access action under delegation reports – look under Committees to the left, then under Planning & Regulatory Committees - Action under Delegation.


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Surrey Code of Best Practice in Planning Procedures- Part 6 (11) of the Constitution of the Council