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Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common

This page lists the meetings for Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common.


Information about Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common

The Committee will take strategic decisions relating to:


·         The Better Care Fund (BCF) programme including the signing off the BCF plan on behalf of the County Council and any associated section 75 legal agreement for pooling BCF funds

·         All aspects of services for people with a learning disability (including residential, supported living, day centres, transforming care, behavioural and personal support and employment opportunities)

·         Services supporting mental health (including inpatient mental health services, direct care services, supported housing, floating support and community connections)

·         Children’s community services and emotional health and well-being support provision

·         Policy and joint delivery of Continuing Health Care (CHC)

·         Children’s public health services including health visiting, school nursing and Family Nurse Partnership

·         Substance misuse services including drugs and alcohol specialist treatment services

·         Sexual health services including specialist treatment services and public health agreements with GPs and pharmacists

·         Smoking cessation including specialist treatment services and public health agreements with GPs and pharmacists

·         Health Checks including public health agreements with GPs