Agenda item


To review the progress of the Cycling Strategy in Waverley.


Resolved to:



(i)    Approve the publication of the Cycling Plan as a webpage with map of existing and suggested infrastructure, and to receive ongoing comments and suggestions via the webpage.


(ii)   Agree that the Cycling Plan be used as a basis for officers to liaise with borough officers to update the Local Plan Supplementary Planning Document.

(iii)  Agree in principle the list of suggested lower cost schemes.

(iv)Make an allocation of £10,000 from the committee’s highways budget for cycling schemes that can then be considered by the appropriate Task Group.



(i)    The Waverley Local Cycling Plan is being updated in line with the Surrey Cycling Strategy.  By publishing the cycling plan as a webpage it maximises those viewing it and enables it to be easily updated to keep it relevant.


(ii)   As new policy documents are being written or updated for Waverley, the Cycling Plan can inform these plans.


(iii)  By creating a prioritised list of cycle infrastructure and identifying lower-cost improvements it will enable more targeted cycle development and encourage cycling in the borough.



The Cycling Officer presented her report. This report suggested the next steps for the Waverley Cycling Plan and set out a role for the local committee to oversee its development. This included a Cycling Plan website which it was proposed would serve a ‘one-stop shop’ for residents for all cycling matters and provide a link into other transport initiatives such as “Drive SMART”


The committee recognised the work of the cycling team and that the plan had good local support. It was also recognised that cycling groups (such as the one represented by Mr Sandford who had submitted a question on this earlier) could play a role in determining what was needed and should be invited to submit their views where possible.


The committee also acknowledged that it was important that key routes were joined up across the borough and across the borough and county boundaries where appropriate. The Cycling Officer related that the maps on the proposed webpage would highlight this and that the cycling team were made aware of any proposed developments in the borough so that links could be assessed between town centres, stations, bridleways and existing cycle paths.


As part of the report, the Cycling Officer had included some low-cost schemes. It was noted that these were items that were relatively simple to implement and would demonstrate the committee’s commitment to the cycle strategy although schemes of any size would still be considered on merit.


The safety of cyclists was raised as a concern, especially for families who wanted to encourage their children to cycle. The Cycling Officer told the committee that this data was available on the webpage. Accident blackspots are indicated along with the nature of the accidents so that trends can be monitored and safety measures improved.


(Mr Alan Young left the meeting at 11.03)


It is suggested that the £10,000 of budget that was proposed as part of the recommendations could be used to make improvements to signage. This which would enhance the infrastructure by promoting routes but also improve safety. However divisional members, task groups can influence this and nominate the improvements they would like to see.





The Local Committee resolved to:



(i)    Approve the publication of the Cycling Plan as a webpage with map of existing and suggested infrastructure, and to receive ongoing comments and suggestions via the webpage.


(ii)   Agree that the Cycling Plan be used as a basis for officers to liaise with borough officers to update the Local Plan Supplementary Planning Document.

(iii)  Agree in principle the list of suggested lower cost schemes.

(iv)Make an allocation of £10,000 from the committee’s highways budget for cycling schemes that can then be considered by the appropriate Task Group.



(i)    The Waverley Local Cycling Plan is being updated in line with the Surrey Cycling Strategy.  By publishing the cycling plan as a webpage it maximises those viewing it and enables it to be easily updated to keep it relevant.


(ii)   As new policy documents are being written or updated for Waverley, the Cycling Plan can inform these plans.


(iii)  By creating a prioritised list of cycle infrastructure and identifying lower-cost improvements it will enable more targeted cycle development and encourage cycling in the borough.


Supporting documents: