Agenda item


This report will be presented by Kevin McKee, Parking Services Manager, Guildford Borough Council and seeks approval to recommendations for changing the way in which parking reviews are conducted and proposes the scope of the next review.


The Local Committee (Guildford) agreed:


(i)            that reviews are combined and deal with issues both in the CPZ and non-CPZs areas,

(ii)           that reviews are limited in scope to deal with around 50 items / locations, and prioritisation is given to safety issues,

(iii)          that permit schemes or changes to them are considered if residents can demonstrate a groundswell of opinion clearly in support of such amendments,

(iv)         that disabled bay, vehicle crossover and less controversial issues are fast-tracked, and formally advertised as early in the review process as possible,

(v)          to formally advertise Surrey County Council’s intention to make an order to give effect to the proposals for Annandale Road, Duncan Drive, the Millmead Terrace area, The Oval and Vicarage Gate, shown in ANNEXE 5.  If any representations are received they be reported to a future meeting of the Committee for consideration, or if no representations are received, the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be made.

(vi)         to develop and formally advertise Surrey County Council’s intention to make an order to give effect to the proposals for, Alresford Road, Maori Road, St Omer Road, Sycamore Road, Upperton Road, Warren Road and Woodbridge Road, listed in Paragraph 2.15,  If any representations are received they be reported to a future meeting of the Committee for consideration, or if no representations are received, the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be made.

(vii)      That officers discuss further with local borough and county councillors the possibility of making changes in respect to the 40 or so ‘Local’ issues shown in ANNEXE 4, and develop proposals in a number of these locations, to be reported back to the Committee in March 2017, with a view to seeking authority to formally advertise them.


This item was presented by Kevin McKee, Parking Services Manager, Guildford Borough Council and sought approval to recommendations for changing the way in which parking reviews are conducted and proposes the scope of the next review. The intention was to move towards smaller, but quicker reviews.


It was noted that the recommendations mirrored the conclusions reached by Surrey County Council officers.


It was noted that to introduce a parking restriction, Surrey County Council needed to follow the process set out in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) to create a Traffic Regulation Order. This required the formal advertising of a proposal and for any comments or objections received to be considered before the restriction is introduced. If a comment or objection is received that requires the proposal to be changed significantly, the proposal is likely to need to be advertised again. For more complex or controversial proposals informal consultation would take place before formally advertising the proposal, or have information to show that the proposal is likely to be supported.  


It was also noted that to focus its resources more efficiently, the County Council also decided that, prior to considering parking schemes, or significant changes to existing ones, residents and businesses would have to demonstrate significant support for such changes before they were considered as part of a review. Previously, issues raised by a relatively small number of people had been pursued and large amounts of time had been spent consulting, only to find that there was not general support.  This revised approach also meant that reviews were responding to the wishes of communities and also likely to reduce the need to undertake informal consultation for some of the major amendments, instead allowing officers to proceed straight to formal advertisement.


Members supported the proposal for fast-tracking non-controversial proposals in conjunction with a simplified process, although it was noted that the need to retain flexibility was required.



The Local Committee (Guildford) agreed:


(i)            that reviews are combined and deal with issues both in the CPZ and non-CPZs areas,

(ii)           that reviews are limited in scope to deal with around 50 items/locations, and prioritisation is given to safety issues,

(iii)          that permit schemes or changes to them are considered if residents can demonstrate a groundswell of opinion clearly in support of such amendments,

(iv)         that disabled bay, vehicle crossover and less controversial issues are fast-tracked, and formally advertised as early in the review process as possible,

(v)          to formally advertise Surrey County Council’s intention to make an order to give effect to the proposals for Annandale Road, Duncan Drive, the Millmead Terrace area, The Oval and Vicarage Gate, shown in ANNEXE 5.  If any representations are received they be reported to a future meeting of the Committee for consideration, or if no representations are received, the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be made.

(vi)         to develop and formally advertise Surrey County Council’s intention to make an order to give effect to the proposals for, Alresford Road, Maori Road, St Omer Road, Sycamore Road, Upperton Road, Warren Road and Woodbridge Road, listed in Paragraph 2.15,  If any representations are received they be reported to a future meeting of the Committee for consideration, or if no representations are received, the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be made.

(vii)      That officers discuss further with local borough and county councillors the possibility of making changes in respect to the 40 or so ‘Local’ issues shown in ANNEXE 4, and develop proposals in a number of these locations, to be reported back to the Committee in March 2017, with a view to seeking authority to formally advertise them.

Supporting documents: