Agenda item

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Priority Status Update: Improving Children's Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of this report is to update the Health and Wellbeing Board on progress against the improving children’s health and wellbeing priority within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. An update is provided to the Board every six months with the last coming in September 2016. This report also seeks the Board’s approval for the Surrey Children and Young People’s Partnership Joint Commissioning Strategy 2017-22 – One page summary.



Declarations of interest:






Julie Fisher, Deputy Chief Executive, Surrey County Council

Sarah Parker, Director for Commissioning: Children (Surreywide)



Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. The Deputy Chief Executive introduced the item and explained that the report focused on some of the key achievements in relation to the improving children’s health and wellbeing strategy since the last update in September 2016. The Board was informed that, a key next step for the Surrey Children and Young People’s Partnership Board was to develop an outcomes framework with clear performance indicators through the joint commissioning strategy. 
  2. Members noted thatOfsted had undertaken a  monitoring visit of SCCin January 2017 and had expressed their view that SCC nowunderstands what ‘good’ looks like and that the work necessary to  improve  Children’s Service had been identified. Officers highlighted that the next Ofsted visit would take place in April 2017 and that this  would include an assessment of SCC’s provision in relation to Looked After Children. Members were further advised that the Community Health Services contract had been awarded to a new provider which  would deliver speech and language therapy for children,this contact would be commence in April 2017.
  3. Emotional wellbeing and sexual health services were stressed as a key priority for residents and communities in Surrey and Members highlighted that the performance of the CAMHS and integrated sexual health service contracts needed to be monitored closely The Board was informed that the Health Related Behaviour questionnaire circulated annually to children in Surrey provided excellent insights into whether the right services were being commissioned and that it would be appropriate for the outcomes be considered by the Board in the future.
  4. Members inquired as to whether a review of Surrey’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub would be undertaken to evaluate its progress. The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that a review was currently ongoing and would be looking at the decision making process and its thresholds.
  5. A member of the public asked for clarification on when the transfer of the Integrated Sexual Health Services (ISHS) contract would take. The Board stated that the contracts were still being compiled and that a date could not yet be confirmed on when the service would be transferred. Confirmation was then sought as to whether staff within the ISHS team wouldstill be employed after 1 April 2017 to which the Board confirmed that they would. The Board agreed that it should have had better communication with the public in regard to this contract.
  6. Officers provided the Board with a detailed summary on Beacon, a means of accessing CAMHS. It was explained that Beacon is an organisation that provides parents a front door to services and allow for support to be given and open lines of communication with professionals. 


Actions/ further information to be provided:


  1. The briefing on Beacon to be circulated to all Health & Wellbeing Board members (Action Ref: A7/17).




It was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board:


i.    note progress that has been made against the ‘Improving Children’s Health and Wellbeing’ priority within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy;


ii.   approve the Surrey Children and Young People’s Partnership Joint Commissioning Strategy – One page summary; and


iii.  receive a further update on the Improving Children’s Health and Wellbeing priority in six months’ time which will also include a detailed action plan for the joint commissioning strategy.


Supporting documents: