Agenda item


The Policing in Your Neighbourhood (PiYN) project was launched in April 2016 introducing new ways of working to tackle operational and financial challenges. The Force has now carried out a review to assess how the model has bedded in during the first six months and to identify any improvements that need to be made. Attached is the PiYN post implementation review executive summary for Panel Members consideration and comment.



Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. A Member raised concern that Local Parishes felt isolated as there was a perceived lack of communication regarding Policing in Your Neighbourhood (PiYN). The PCC assured the Panel that in an effort to strengthen communication he was happy to work with Parishes and would look into formal ways of communicating with Parishes.


  1. The Chairman indicated that it would be useful under PiYN for Officers to work with Councillors and Members, particularly in relation to Cyber Crime to make sure it is well understood to promote effective awareness in tackling the issue.


  1. There was a discussion around the key findings from the PiYN report and Recommendation 30 on training. The PCC informed the Panel that training had been positive and that the service is regulated regularly. Following from this discussion, Members enquired how training fits with rest days. The PCC advised that rest days are not affected by PiYN and are authorised as per the previous system.



  1. Members shared the view that there was a lack of police visibility especially in the last few months and were concerned this influenced the rise in the number of burglaries. The Panel were informed that with changing police priorities the only way a member of the public would see a police officer is if a crime had been committed. The PCC expressed the view that the core of PiYN was sound however it was clear more work was to be carried out.


  1. The Vice-Chairman indicated that the PiYN report was confusing and complicated and should be less technical especially when made available to the public. The Panel were advised that the report was written by a Police Officer for an internal audience (although had been shared with members for information) and therefore would be technical.


  1. The Vice-Chairman further requested whether victims could be asked whether they were happy to be contacted by Councillors to discuss their experiences with the Police and check if they were receiving all the support they needed. The PCC did not feel this approach was appropriate and did not believe it was appropriate to create extra responsibilities for Police Officers.


  1. The PCC agreed on having a presentation on PiYN at the next Panel meeting to understand the basics of the new way of working. Members highlighted that no glossary was provided and crucial information in the full PiYN report which had been sent to the Panel separately had been redacted.


  1. From the report it was evident that the number of deployable assets were not high as they should be. The PCC agreed that more could be done.


  1. It was stated that the public had input into the report which was controlled via Surrey Police. The PCC agreed that the details around the PiYN report needed investigating.


  1. A member of the Panel raised concerns around whether discussions were straying into operational policing. The PCC stated that the border between strategic and operational policing was ‘blurred’ but always tried his best to give the Panel answers to questions.


  1. A Member raised concern that the report was a very significant change for the residents of Surrey and that it should be communicated well so it is fully understood. The Member suggested that this could be covered by having a frequently asked questions section in the report. The PCC noted this concern and agreed communication was vital in assuring the message was relayed properly.




The Panel noted the report and the PiYN post implementation review executive summary.




R3/17- For the Panel to receive a presentation on the PiYN structure at the next Panel meeting.


Supporting documents: