Agenda item


To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Tandridge District area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.


4 public questions had been received. Responses to the questions are annexed to the minutes.


1) Reducing traffic speeds on Church Lane, Oxted, from Mr Geoff Knowles, Mr Chris Shirtcliffe and Mr Andrew Lotter


Mr Knowles and Mr Shirtcliffe attended the meeting. Mr Knowles spoke to the committee to express the residents’ concerns. He explained that they had sent out a questionnaire to 167 households, and 90 responded. 95% of those who responded said that traffic speeds were a serious issue on this road. He asked if the Traffic Engineer had attended the site in drafting the response. The residents were disappointed with the response received, and felt that the data being used was out of date, and the response did not reflect that traffic speeds have increased. He said that the location of the previous speed survey did not reflect where the problems were arising. He suggested that a new speed survey should be undertaken at the entrance to Master Park, where there was good visibility. He asked whether the residents could see the data from the previous speed survey. Residents feel this is a dangerous situation. Residents would like to have a vehicle activated sign in place.


The Area Highway Manager agreed that the nature of traffic does change over time. She confirmed that a further speed survey would be conducted. Speed surveys are conducted in conjunction with Surrey Police, and therefore while she can put forward the suggested location, the Police may have reasons for locating the speed survey at a different point. The Area Highway Manager agreed to provide the residents with a summary of the previous speed survey.


Mr Martin Fisher, Leader of Tandridge District Council, and District Councillor for Oxted North and Tandridge, invited Mr Knowles, Mr Shirtcliffe and Mr Lotter to meet with him to look at the work the District Council is proposing regarding the roundabout on Church Lane, so that their suggestions could feed into the design.


2) Extending the 30mph speed limit on Kings Cross Lane, South Nutfield, from Mrs Liz Butler.


Mrs Liz Butler attended the meeting. Mrs Butler spoke to the committee about her concerns for safety on this stretch of road. She argued that the County Council should not wait for an accident before acting. The road is used by a growing number of vulnerable residents of Kings Lodge, who exit Nutfield Park on foot onto Kings Cross Lane where there is a blind bend and no pavement. Mrs Butler asked the council to consider extending the 30mph speed limit, or to look at a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) indicating ‘slow- concealed entrance’.


The Area Highway Manager thanked Mrs Butler for bringing this issue to the Local Committee and confirmed that a speed survey is on the programme for 2017/18. She confirmed that these concerns are taken seriously, and personal injury data is just one factor that is looked at. A VAS can be considered once the speed survey results are known.


The Divisional Member for Godstone, Mrs Helena Windsor, confirmed that there has been an increase in the use of the cul de sac of Nutfield Park and an increase in the number of vulnerable users on this part of the road.


3) Parking at Welcomes Terrace, Whyteleafe, from Whyteleafe Village Council


No representative of the Village Council attended the meeting.


The Divisional Member for Caterham Valley, Mrs Sally Marks, suggested that a residents’ parking scheme should be considered. The area in question is right on the border of Tandridge with Croydon, and a block of flats built by Croydon just to the north, without parking restrictions, as well as local businesses expanding nearby, has led to it becoming impossible for Welcomes Terrace residents to park. She asked for the Parking Manager to liaise with Croydon Council about the possibility for a cross-border solution.


4) Safety on Bluehouse Lane, Oxted, from Mr Gary Scrace


Mr Scrace was unable to attend the meeting. The Chairman confirmed that Highways would pursue the issues raised.


In response to a question on responsibility for landowners to maintain vegetation, the Area Highway Manager confirmed that the Local Highway Officer can visit addresses where there is a problem and ask that they cut trees back. The priority is where trees are causing an obstruction.

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