Agenda item


To update the Board on any key issues relevant to its areas of work, membership and terms of reference.


Declarations of interest:






Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, Surrey County Council

Andrew Baird, Regulatory Committee Manager, Surrey County Council


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. Members noted that Russell Hills had been appointed to replace Claire Fuller as Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) representative on the Health and Wellbeing Board. Clive Smitheram and Paul Spooner had also been appointed to represent the District and Borough Councils along with John Jory on the Board. 
  2. Members were reminded that at the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on 6 July 2017, the Board voted in favour of appointing a Member to the Board from among Surrey’s large and important Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS). It was agreed that Jason Gaskell / Michael Cannon would be appointed to represent Surrey Community Action which would speak on behalf on the entirety of the VCFS in the County.
  3. The Board had previously agreed that each Transformation Partnership (STP) would appoint someone to represent them on the Board. Due to the large membership of the Board, it was agreed that STPs should be asked to appoint their representative from among the existing members on the Board. It was therefore agreed that the following members would act as representatives for each STP:

·        Frimley Health and Care STP – Andy Brooks

·        Surrey Heartlands STP – David Eyre-Brook, Charlotte Canniff and Russell Hills

·        Sussex and East Surrey – To be confirmed

It was noted that mechanisms would be developed to ensure that there is an effective and efficient flow of information between the Board and the STP governance bodies.

  1. Information was given on Surrey’s Tobacco Control Strategy which had seen some significant developments over the past three months with a number of initiatives being launched to reduce the burden of preventative disease which arises from smoking and to tackle challenges caused by the sale of illicit tobacco. A briefing was circulated to all Board Members outlining some of these initiatives and is attached to these minutes an Annex 1.
  2. The Board were informed that NHS England had launched a consultation on developing national guidance for CCGs in an effort to align local prescribing practices. Specifically, NHS England had identified 18 medicines which were routinely prescribed for patients that were either clinically ineffective, unsafe, not cost effective or where a clinically proven alternative is available. The guidance, developed in consultation with an expert working group, aimed to standardise the approach across CCG areas for prescribing these medicines. It was agreed to recirculate national guidance for CCGs on aligning local prescribing practices to the Board.
  3. Members noted that Surrey County Council’s Public Health Team had produced a Place-Based Health Profiles for Surrey which would be available from September 2017. These Health Profiles combine the high level data provided by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) with detailed evidence from localised geographical areas to provide detailed insights and evidence into the health of the population within specific CCG areas. The Health Profiles had been produced since 2013 but for the first time included an electronic dashboard to enable health and social care commissioners and providers to utilise the available evidence as effectively as possible. The Board would receive a comprehensive overview of Place-Based Health Profiles at its informal meeting in October.
  4. The Board were informed that Epsom and St Helier University NHS Trust were about to begin an engagement process relating to the planned changes to services.  Members of the Board supported the engagement and were asked to encourage residents to feed into the consultation.  A Member of the Board raised concern that the geographical area of the consultation had missed vital parts of the community, in particular, the Southeast of the County including Reigate & Banstead, north Mole Valley communities of Bookham and Fetcham and Tandridge localities. The Board agreed to send a letter to the Chief Executive of Epsom & St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust to communicate these concerns. 
  5. The Co-Chairs of the Health & Wellbeing Board had received a letter from members of the Stanwell, Ashford, Staines, Shepperton, Egham (SASSE) GP Locality Work expressing some concerns about the reconfiguration of the sexual health services contract. Members noted that the co-chairs responded to the letter highlighting that the scrutiny of such services is the responsibility of the Adults and Health Select Committee and referred the author to the Chairman of the committee.
  6. A Member of the Board suggested it would be beneficial for letters that were sent and received by the Health and Wellbeing Board to be circulate to Board Members for their information which the Board agreed.   
  7. A resident suggested that VCFS organisations that feed into the services at Epsom & St Helier should also be consulted during the engagement process of the planned changes to services. Members of the Board stated that the engagement process could be further discussed at the Health and Wellbeing forwarded planning session in October.


Actions/ further information to be provided:


1.     Officers to email Members reminding them to submit agenda item ideas for the Health & Wellbeing Board Forward Planning Meeting in October (Actions Ref: A14/17)


2.     Officers to recirculate national guidance for CCGs on aligning local prescribing practices (Action Ref: A15/17)


3.     County Councillor for Guildford North to receive an electronic version of the public consultation flyer produced by Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust (Action Ref: A17/17)


4.     The Co-Chairs of the Health & Wellbeing Board to send a letter to the Chief Executive of Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust requesting that the geographical scope of communications around the consultation be extended. (Action Ref: A18/17)


5.     Board Members to be sent copies of the letters received by the Co-Chairs and the responses provided to these letters. (Action Ref: A19/17)

Supporting documents: