Agenda item


To consider the Annual Report for the authority and endorse it for publication.


Declarations of interest:




David Hodge, Leader of the Council

David McNulty, Chief Executive

Verity Royle, Senior Principal Accountant


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Senior Principal Accountant introduced the Council’s Annual Report explaining that the same format of the report had been maintained and there was less jargon making it more accessible. It was also reported that whilst the Council was not required to produce an annual report, it continued to do so, as it was good practice for transparency.

2.    The late Environmental Sustainability Review section from page 44 of the Annual Report was tabled and is attached to these minutes as Appendix A.

3.    There was some discussion around the format of the printed copies and where they were distributed.  Several ideas were mooted regarding what information should be contained in the ‘mini’ version and who should receive the full version and the mini version.  The Chief Executive explained that this document should be primarily viewed as a reference document, and not primarily as a communication tool, which would also be available online. The online version would be in sections which would make it easier to read and printing costs would be kept to a minimum. 

4.    A member compared the length of this document with that of a multi billion pound corporation that had a much more succinct document.  The Leader reminded the committee that the council dealt with people who held the council to account. 

5.    The Committee questioned the Chief Executive and Leader about the contents of the report and made suggestions for inclusion. Some would not be relevant or information would be available in next year’s report as this was a backward looking document.

6.    The Chief Executive highlighted that the council receive three times more compliments than complaints across the board and not in just one area and that members should be pleased with this good news. 

7.    In response to a member statement about devolution the Chief Executive explained that there was no longer Government interest in devolution, apart from those already started, and that plans were on hold.  However, progress had been made with talks on health devolution.

8.    Several amendments and suggestions for inclusion were made and agreed as given below.


Actions/ further information to be provided:


Suggested amendments and inclusions for the Annual Report:

·         It was thought that the cogs used on page 10 of the report didn’t provide the impact needed for the message. (Tracker A8/17)

·         Page 13 - £ missing from schools expenditure.  Three paragraphs of text beneath this table to be re-worded in order to make better sense.

·         To include a table on page 54 of the report to show property investment details. (Tracker A8/17)


·         That the summary of accounts as used on page 210 of the agenda pack could be included in the mini version of the annual report.  It was suggested that the outturn position may be simpler to read.




To endorse the Annual Report (Annex A to the submitted report) for the authority.


Reason for decision:


To produce an Annual Report is good for transparency.

Supporting documents: