Agenda item


Purpose of the report: To provide the Health and Wellbeing Board with an update on progress against the ‘Developing a Preventative Approach’ priority in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy since the Board’s last update in January.



Catherine Croucher, Public Health Consultant, Surrey County Council
Bryn Strudwick, Surrey Fire and Rescue


Key points of discussion:

1.    Officers noted that the emphasis of this Priority Update on prevention had shifted in this update towards the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) programmes and the development of their prevention plans.

2.    The air quality achievement and outcome was highlighted by officers, noting the establishment and work of the Surrey Air Alliance to raise the awareness and impact of air quality on physical and mental health.

3.    It was noted that road traffic, and the consequences of, was the primary area of concern regarding air quality. It was stressed that a behavioural change regarding the use of motor vehicles was required and was being promoted.

4.    Members questioned recycling and waste disposal methods used, and noted that the Surrey Waste Plan suggested that it would use incineration methods to remove some waste. It was suggested by Members that this could have a detrimental impact upon air quality and should be monitored by the service. Officers agreed to look into this.

5.    It was questioned by Members whether the service formulated a data set of key areas at risk from poor air quality and whether this was available to the public. Officers noted that this was in development and that it would be shared with the Board upon completion.

6.    Members asked what this impact of the Surrey Air Alliance would be on District and Borough Authorities and questioned whether they were sufficiently engaged with this group. Officers stressed that Borough and District Authorities were key partners in the Surrey Air Alliance and that they were well engaged with the group.

7.    Members stressed that hospitals would need to be engaged as a key partner, due to the high levels of emissions that are put out by them. It was noted by officers that hospitals were a key part of this initiative and that energy sustainability was an aspect of the work on the sustainable hospitals model.

8.     District and Borough Members noted that air quality was a key aspect of local plans, but that there were no specific targets included.

9.    The work around the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service as a health asset was outlined by the representative of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. It was noted that there had been collaborative work undertaken with partners to engage with falls prevention. It was noted that the “Safe and Well” visits had been implemented with the aim of alleviating issues in a number of high risk areas including falls prevention, non-emergency (Telecare) response service and referrals of high risk vulnerable adults. It was highlighted that there was a high uptake for this service.

10.  It was noted that the formulation and implementation of new locality hubs was in progress resultant of the success of the current service.

11.  The witness for the Fire and Rescue Service stressed that there was no identified county-wide support for the utilisation of the Fire Service as a health asset and that there was a requirement for a Surrey-wide consensus across all partner organisations. They noted that CCGs would need to be a key part of this plan and that a business case was being developed with STPs with the potential requirement for support from the Health and Wellbeing Board to aid in finding Surrey-wide consensus in future.

12.  Members requested more detail regarding the development of the non-emergency (Telecare) response service pilot in Elmbridge and whether details of the use of technology could be circulated to the Board. Members also stressed that the provision of Telecare could be improved.

13.  Witnesses from Surrey Fire and Rescue noted that a paper had been submitted to Public Health and the six Surrey CCGs for approval to encourage the use of the Fire Service as a health asset. Members noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board would explore opportunities with commissioners of service to use the Fire Service as a health asset.

14.  Officers highlighted the links between the Surrey Healthy Weight Strategy and the work undertaken in the prevention of Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD). It was noted that the Surrey Heartlands STP was undertaking a programme of early prevention work. Secondary prevention was also highlighted as a key priority, explaining that routine checks on this were being undertaken and creating positive results.

15.  Members stressed that there was a requirement to look at the wider determinants of health and the public choice aspect of the causes of CVD in eating habits and awareness of health issues. Officers noted that this was a long term goal, but that the service was looking at any potential quick wins to help alleviate CVD issues.

16.  Members questioned the consistency of treatment of CVD across all STPs covering Surrey. It was stressed that coverage of service must be maintained equally across the STPs and that the Health and Wellbeing Board should engage with the three STPs to ensure consistent practice.

17.  Officers noted that there had been an individual and environmental change with regard to the use of tobacco, noting that many public sector organisations had implemented smoke free grounds and were encouraging smoke free home environments.

18.  The service noted that they and the Surrey STPs were working in close partnership with Surrey Police to resolve the issue of illicit trade in tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

19.  Members stressed that the next steps outlined in the report regarding prevention did not indicate a timescale for implementation, and noted that they would like to see additional impetus on some of these problems. It was noted that some of these actions could be undertaken by April 2019 and that a timescale for completion of these actions would be provided to the Board at a later date.


Actions/ further information to be provided:



That the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to:

1.    Ask that the Surrey Air Alliance report to the Health and Wellbeing Board as part of the next Prevention Priority Update to suggest key priorities for air quality in Surrey.

2.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board would explore opportunities with commissioners of service to use the Fire Service as a health asset.

3.    That there is an update provided in nine months to update the Board on work undertaken and give an indication of timescales.

4.    That more work is undertaken with NHS organisations to explore how to use Fire as a health asset.


Supporting documents: