Agenda item


Each year Surrey Highways receives requests to change existing, or introduce new parking restrictions in Tandridge. For greater efficiency, these requests are compiled and reviewed in a district wide process.


To progress the 2017/18 review, the committee is asked to approve statutory consultation for changes to on-street parking restrictions at the locations listed in the report annexes.


(Report and 2 annexes attached).


The Local Committee (TANDRIDGE):

     i)        AGREED the proposed changes to parking and waiting restrictions as shown in the revised Annex 1, in Annex 2, in paragraph 3.9 and the additional proposal for Chelsham Road, Warlingham as tabled at the meeting.


    ii)        AGREED that if necessary, adjustments can be made to the proposals agreed at the meeting, by the Parking Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and local Member prior to statutory consultation.


   iii)        AGREED that the intention of the County Council to make Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Tandridge as shown in the Annexes (and as subsequently modified by ii) is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the Order is made.


   iv)        AGREED that if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor.


    v)        AGREED that if necessary the Parking Team Manager will report the objections back to the local committee for resolution.


   vi)        Recommendation withdrawn





Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: David Curl, Parking Strategy and Implementation Manager


Petition, Public Questions, Statements: None


The Officer presented the report, drawing the Committee’s attention to the revised recommendations and additional annex tabled at the meeting.  He informed the Committee that the report also contained the temporary parking restrictions for Oxted centre whilst Ellice Road car park works takes place to absorb the extra car parking.


The Officer advised the consultation for the proposals would take place in December 2017/January 2018 and the responses would be collated and agreed with the County Councillor.


The recommendations published with the agenda have been revised. Recommendation (vi) in the agenda has been withdrawn due to the funding no longer being required, as the cost can be spread over 2 financial years. Recommendation (i) was amended to allow for the inclusion of Chelsham Road, as per the tabled papers.


Members Discussion – Key Points


  • In reference to Harrow Road, Warlingham, it was asked why the restriction was only on one side of the road. The Officer advised that is allows for two way traffic. If a restriction is put in on the footway side it forces drivers to park on the other side, which should keep the footway clear. The Divisional Member added that Harrow Road is linked with Chelsham Common as the Management Committee on the Great Park estate do not allow for vans to be parked overnight, forcing owners to park on the road. The footpath has recently been resurfaced and needs to be kept clear for residents’ safety. The Divisional Member asked if the District could do anything to stop new residential housing developments imposing restrictions for parking vans overnight as it puts issues on to the public highway. Cllr Martin Fisher confirmed he would take the concerns back to Tandridge District Council Planning and would be happy to facilitate a meeting between Highways at SCC and Planning at TDC.
  • A question regarding the timing of the consultation in the Oxted area was raised as Ellice road car park improvements are planned to commence in the Spring. The Officer advised that the changes should be straightforward to implement and was confident of meeting the car park timetable. It would not be necessary to come back to Committee for changes as the proposed recommendations allow for this. Surrey County Council and Tandridge District Council would work closely together to ensure the temporary restrictions are removed as soon as the car park becomes available. Cllr Fisher stated that the Committee fully supported the Officer, in terms of making any necessary changes to parking restrictions in Oxted that were needed as a result of the car park work. 
  • A Member raised concerns for residents in Amy Road, due to the garage parking cars along the road. The Officer advised that if residents demonstrated support for a permit parking scheme in Amy, Ellice and Beatrice Roads, proposals could be developed to be included in the December 2018 parking review, or in conjunction with the Ellice Road carpark work depending on its progress.
  • The Chairman thanked David Curl and his team for their hard work on behalf of the Committee.




The Local Committee (TANDRIDGE):


i)              AGREED the proposed changes to parking and waiting restrictions as shown in the revised Annex 1, in Annex 2, in paragraph 3.9 and the additional proposal for Chelsham Road, Warlingham as tabled at the meeting.


ii)             AGREED that if necessary, adjustments can be made to the proposals agreed at the meeting, by the Parking Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and local Member prior to statutory consultation.


iii)            AGREED that the intention of the County Council to make Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Tandridge as shown in the Annexes (and as subsequently modified by ii) is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the Order is made.


iv)           AGREED that if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor.


v)            AGREED that if necessary the Parking Team Manager will report the objections back to the local committee for resolution.


vi)           Recommendation withdrawn






Supporting documents: