Agenda item


At its meeting on 28 June 2017, the Woking Joint Committee received a petition asking for a 20mph speed limit and an HGV restriction (7.5T weight limit) to be introduced on what is perceived to be the most dangerous section of White Rose Lane, this being at the eastern end of road where there is no footway and few frontagers. The petition, which contained 63 signatures, also asked for a commitment to complete a footway along the entire route as soon as practicable.


It was resolved that a further report be brought to the Joint Committee on how a 20mph zone could be achieved within the current SCC Speed Policy, together with associated costs of any scheme.



Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


i)     Neither a 20mph limit or zone be introduced in White Rose Lane;


ii)    The traffic calmed length of White Rose Lane is resurfaced, including the reconstruction of the speed cushions, when funds are available.


iii)   A follow up report be brought back to the Joint Committee in 12 months following the introduction of the revised Speed Limit Policy. This report should be a holistic consideration of White Rose Lane, East Hill, Park Road and Maybury Hill.


Reason for recommendation:


The length of road that already has traffic calming features would benefit from being resurfaced and the existing speed cushions rebuilt as soon as funds allow.


The report considered was a response to a petition received at the June meeting. The Highways Engineer introduced the item asking the Woking Joint Committee to note that the 2 decisions to be made should be taken together and not voted on as separate entities. He also asked the committee to note that the speed cushions could not be produced without first resurfacing the road; adding to the cost of the project.


Members raised the following points:


The committee was sympathetic to the request from the residents of White Rose Lane, but there were mixed views on the effectiveness of 20mph zones both in general and at this location.


Members noted that a footpath for residents to use along White Rose Lane would be the ideal solution, but that this was not currently deliverable. However, the construction of the Hoe Valley nature reserve had included plans to provide a footpath to run along the length of White Rose Lane, making it safer for pedestrians to walk down the more rural stretch of the road between Old Woking Road and the intersection with Rosewood where the Jack and Jill steps come out.


Councillor David Bittleston declared he was a Ward Borough Councillor and had lived in the area for some time.


Members discussed the Department for Transport guidance on 20mph and how this was reflected in the Surrey Speed Limit Policy. It was noted that a Surrey County Council Speed Limit Policy review was due to take place in the next year but it was unlikely to affect the current policy around implementing a 20mph speed zone. The average speed for White Rose Lane when reviewed in 2014 was 29.1mph which was under the current speed limit.


Will Forster proposed, and Anne-Marie Barker seconded the following recommendation:


i)       That the Deputy Leader be requested to introduce a 20 mph zone down White Rose Lane between Woking Park and Old Woking Road (existing restrictions), when funding becomes available

ii)      The traffic calmed length of White Rose Lane be resurfaced, including the reconstruction of the speed cushions, when funds are available.


Members considered the recommendation noting that this recommendation was not within the current Speed Limit Policy. There was a discussion on whether the committee should look at proposals for White Rose Lane on its own, or holistically with three other roads providing a similar route from Old Woking Road into Woking, The majority of the members noted that there should be a holistic approach.


The committee voted on the recommendation and it was defeated by 4 for the recommendation, 6 against and 3 abstentions.


The committee therefore considered the substantive recommendation, and with a vote of 9 for the recommendation, 2 against and 1 abstention, the Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


i)     Neither a 20mph limit or zone be introduced in White Rose Lane;


ii)    The traffic calmed length of White Rose Lane is resurfaced, including the reconstruction of the speed cushions, when funds are available.


iii)    A follow up report be brought back to the Joint Committee in 12 months following the introduction of the revised Speed Limit Policy. This report should be a holistic consideration of White Rose Lane, East Hill, Park Road and Maybury Hill.


Reason for recommendation:


The length of road that already has traffic calming features would benefit from being resurfaced and the existing speed cushions rebuilt as soon as funds allow.

Supporting documents: