Agenda item


To receive an update from the Highways Area Team Manager (North East) and consider budget projections for the financial year 2018/19.



The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:

(i)    To re-allocate £30,000 from the parking surplus, which had previously been allocated to the development of strategic schemes for CIL bids, to revalidate and optimise the coordination of the existing traffic signal controlled junctions in Staines Town Centre (paragraphs 2.1.6 to 2.1.9 refer); 

(ii)  To approve the advertisement of the necessary Traffic Regulation Order for the change of speed limit in Shepperton Road, Laleham, from 50mph to 40mph and that any representations be reviewed by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member, and if no significant objections are received that the Traffic Regulation Order be made (paragraph 2.2.2 refers);

(iii)To approve the implementation of a new shared surface for pedestrians and cyclists, on the east side of Town Lane, Stanwell, between Town Farm Way and High Street, Stanwell, and also a short section on the south side of High Street Stanwell, as shown in Annex C (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer); 

(iv)To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for nine new road tables at the junctions of Town Lane with Viola Avenue (two road tables), Scots Close, Kingsway, Clare Road (two road tables), Town Farm Way, St Mary’s Crescent and Lord Knyvett Close, as shown in Annexes D and E, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);


(v)  To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for one new road table in High Street, Stanwell, near its junction with Town Lane and Park Road, and the removal of the existing road table that is alongside the bus stop, as shown in Annexes D and E, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);

(vi)To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for the proposed new 40mph speed limit in Stanwell Moor Road, between the end of the 30mph speed limit to the north of the Crooked Billet junction to a point approximately 320m north of the northern end of the footway on the east side of Stanwell Moor Road, as shown in Annex G, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);

(vii)To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for the new Toucan Crossing in Stanwell Moor Road to the north of Stanwell New Road, as shown in Annex H, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);

(viii)    To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.




1.    To authorise the Area Highway Manager to carry out work to evaluate the efficiency of traffic signals in Staines Town Centre as part of a broader ambition to promote improved traffic flow.

2.    To authorise the Area Highway Manager to undertake the next steps to progress the agreed programme of work




Following the discussion in the previous item, the committee were happy to agree with the first recommendation.


The second recommendation had been made as the road in question changed speed limit from 50 mph to 30 mph when it passes a playground and this is felt to be a huge reduction in speed resulting in many vehicles not sufficiently reducing their speed by the time they reach 30mph zone. A reduction to 40mph in the existing 50mph zone will ensure there will be a more gentle decline in speed to 30mph and this should result in more cars complying with this limit. As other nearby roads already have a limit of 40mph, this will promote more consisting driving in the area.


Recommendations (iii) to (vii) are required to progress schemes that had already been approved in principle by the committee.


Recommendation (viii) was approved to allow the Area Highway Manager to undertake any necessary action to continue to progress this year’s improvements programme.


The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:

(i)    To re-allocate £30,000 from the parking surplus, which had previously been allocated to the development of strategic schemes for CIL bids, to revalidate and optimise the coordination of the existing traffic signal controlled junctions in Staines Town Centre (paragraphs 2.1.6 to 2.1.9 refer); 

(ii)  To approve the advertisement of the necessary Traffic Regulation Order for the change of speed limit in Shepperton Road, Laleham, from 50mph to 40mph and that any representations be reviewed by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member, and if no significant objections are received that the Traffic Regulation Order be made (paragraph 2.2.2 refers);

(iii)To approve the implementation of a new shared surface for pedestrians and cyclists, on the east side of Town Lane, Stanwell, between Town Farm Way and High Street, Stanwell, and also a short section on the south side of High Street Stanwell, as shown in Annex C (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);


(iv)To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for nine new road tables at the junctions of Town Lane with Viola Avenue (two road tables), Scots Close, Kingsway, Clare Road (two road tables), Town Farm Way, St Mary’s Crescent and Lord Knyvett Close, as shown in Annexes D and E, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);


(v)  To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for one new road table in High Street, Stanwell, near its junction with Town Lane and Park Road, and the removal of the existing road table that is alongside the bus stop, as shown in Annexes D and E, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);


(vi)To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for the proposed new 40mph speed limit in Stanwell Moor Road, between the end of the 30mph speed limit to the north of the Crooked Billet junction to a point approximately 320m north of the northern end of the footway on the east side of Stanwell Moor Road, as shown in Annex G, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);

(vii)To approve the advertisement of the legal notice for the new Toucan Crossing in Stanwell Moor Road to the north of Stanwell New Road, as shown in Annex H, and that any representations be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Divisional Member and the Transport Task Group (paragraphs 2.6.1 to 2.6.5 refer);

(viii)    To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.




1.    To authorise the Area Highway Manager to carry out work to evaluate the efficiency of traffic signals in Staines Town Centre as part of a broader ambition to promote improved traffic flow.

2.    To authorise the Area Highway Manager to undertake the next steps to progress the agreed programme of work


Ms Turner-Stewart leaves after this item



Supporting documents: