Councillors and committees

Agenda item

Vision for Surrey 2030

Purpose of the Report: For Members to review the feedback and key messages arising from the vision engagement exercise and understand the implications this has on the Vision for Surrey 2030.  





David Hodge, Leader of the Council

Michael Coughlin, Executive Director for Customers, Digital and Transformation

Louise Footner, Head of Communications


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. The Committee were presented with the Vision for Surrey 2030. Officers highlighted that this was the most extensive engagement with residents and partners to date. The Head of Communications confirmed that the service had received over 3,000 online and paper responses which were considered to be statistically robust. It was noted that representatives from various hard to reach groups such as those with certain disabilities, LGBT groups and young people had been contacted. Members further noted that the Vision for Surrey 2030 had been amended to reflect the views received during the consultation.


  1. The Executive Director for Customers, Digital and Transformation provided Members with further detail on what the engagement feedback had shown. It was stated, that in order to provide residents with better services stronger partnership working relationships were required. The timescales within the vision had been amended to reflect what had been learnt.


  1. It was confirmed that those who chose to take part in the engagement exercise did so on a self-selection basis. The Head of Communications reassured Members that she felt confident there had been a statistically significant response and that efforts had been made to engage with a variety of people. In comparison to other County Councils, Surrey County Council’s engagement exercise had received a high number of responses.


  1. Members asked which services residents valued the least when responding to the engagement questionnaire. Officers confirmed that this had not been asked of respondents. In the context of prioritising outcomes for 2030 the least popular statements selected by residents were: ‘People to benefit from sustainable development and growth’, ‘Communities to be inclusive’, ‘Businesses to thrive’ and ‘Having access to information and services to reduce need in support’.


  1. Members felt positive about the number of responses received to the engagement and asked if any District and Borough resident consultation panels had been contacted for a response. The Head of Communications confirmed that all Districts and Boroughs had been contacted but that the extent to which they may have used their own local panels was not known.


  1. Members sought clarification on the methodology of the engagement exercise and queried why it was undertaken in-house rather than using a third party company. Officers explained that contracting with a specialised research company would have taken much more time and been more costly than the in-house approach.


  1. When discussing what was gained from the exercise, Officers explained that the Council had not previously engaged residents in such a way before, therefore all the information gained was seen to be significant and would be used to shape the future of the county. While clearly a Vision for Surrey, the place, it was noted that the process of engagement had allowed residents to become more aware of the services the Council provided.


  1. Members supported the concept of ‘Deal(s)’ with residents and the importance of gaining buy-in, support and involvement from them. When asked if trust was needed to be built within the county between partners, officers explained that parts of the organisation needed to be better at building positive working relations with partners. When speaking with partners the idea of improving relationships was welcomed but work still needed to be done to secure these relationships.


  1. The Committee agreed that the knowledge gained from the engagement was significant and asked that it be shared with relevant partners for their information.


  1. Members highlighted details in the supplementary agenda which confirmed that residents understood the impact of reductions in central government funding but they also wanted the organisation to make sure it was focusing on spending money on the most important services. Officers went on to explain that more information was needed on what was considered to be an ‘important service’ and that the Council would continue to seek joint solutions for better outcomes.


  1. There was a discussion around the potential for another engagement exercise in the future. Officers confirmed that ongoing resident engagement took place through resident surveys that reviewed residents’ views. There was also an intention to establish a standing Surrey CC residents’ panel.


  1. The Leader of the Council highlighted the importance of Members reviewing services and residents’ needs strategically. The Committee were also informed that the Leader of the Council would be speaking at the Surrey Leader’s Group to discuss cooperation and delivering services.




  • The Committee noted the Vision for Surrey 2030 and requested that the Vision for Surrey 2030 and engagement report be shared with relevant partners for information. 


Supporting documents: