Agenda item


This report records the progress made in the first year of the 5-year carriageway investment maintenance programme, any changes to the year one programme and the success of the countywide Operation Horizon project to date. Progress of the supporting surface treatment programme of roads in Tandridge that have been carried out this financial year is also reported.


It sets out the proposed Operation Horizon roads within Tandridge for the year two programme (financial year 2014/15), along with the remaining approved roads to be completed in years three to five (2015 – 2018).


Report and Annex 1 attached.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: Jane Young, Carriageway Team Leader


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:


Questions in relation to Operation Horizon from the public audience were invited in this section:


·         A question was received from a member of the public (Cllr Barbara Harling – Parish Councillor of Oxted South) regarding when works would be done in Pollards Oak Road, Pollards Oak Crescent, and Hurstlands.
The Carriageway Team Leader responded that work had been programmed for between April and May and that they would get back to them with a more specific date.
The Vice Chairman of the Local Committee confirmed that he had previously relayed the date to the Parish Council also.

·         A question was received from a member of the public (Cllr Dunbar) asking what the ‘Concrete Programme’ was.
The Carriageway Team Leader responded that some of the older roads have a concrete base and therefore have to be treated differently as the tarmac laid on top has to be a different depth.
While many of these roads are fine, some are breaking and need to have further assessments in order for a specialist contractor to address them.


Member Discussion – key points:


·         The Carriageway Team Leader (Jane Young) informed members that the recent flooding has had an impact on the programme of works and although they have been able to continue with some of the schemes they have had to reduce or delay others in some areas.


·         In response to members queries, the officer continued that heading south on the A22 (due to flooding), schemes have been rescheduled for April-June and the team have re-applied for permits in order to carry out the works.


·         Flood damage will be assessed when the water has receded and Operation Horizon will be taking this into account.


·         Members queried inconsistencies between the report they were given for the meeting and the previous year’s report. The Carriageway Team Leader agreed to check on these discrepancies which she believed to have been down to an administrative error.


·         Members enquired about Paynesfield Road; Thames water has been to look at it and have said it is not their responsibility.
It was confirmed that a jetter had been brought in to jet the soakaway and so this should be resolved. There are also 5 days of work programmed there for the end of March.


·         Problems occurring with surface treatments failing on some roads and requiring repairs were highlighted and members discussed how to address this and whether it was something for Operation Horizon, or whether to contact David Cameron.


·         It was relayed that at least 6 miles of roads had so far been identified as damaged due to flood waters and once the water had receded, the rest of the roads could be assessed for damage too. Members questioned whether the roads should in fact be re-engineered also.


·         The Carriageway Team Leader informed members that they had applied for funding and cross referenced flooded roads. As a result, a bid has been submitted and once the flooding has receded the real damage can be further assessed. The team are aware of the dressing/treatment failures and have carried out a full independent audit to find out what has happened and assured members that it would be at no cost to Surrey County Council but to the contractor.

·         It was confirmed that contractors would be carrying out surface dressing between May and September at their own expense in order to do repairs.

·         Members discussed whether in fact all of the damage was down to the contractors or whether the vehicles who did not adhere to the temporary 20mph speed limits on new surfaces were contributing also. The Carriageway Team Leader confirmed that this was correct and was a contributing factor in not letting the road settle and as a result leading to failures in the road.
This is something the team are aware of and in the audit have categorised which roads were failing as a result of vehicles only and will be discussing this with the contractors in order to achieve a fair resolution.


·         Members highlighted problematic areas in their divisions which needed addressing; where potholes and surface treatment were failing due to the flooding.

- Oxted Road (The Godstone triangle) suffering from potholes

- Waterhouse Lane and Brewer Street where the surface treatment is coming up due to the flooding
- Titsey Foundation is due to open mid May and the team had previously coordinated with them for any works to be finished prior to this. It was agreed that both the divisional member and the Foundation would be kept updated as the works have been delayed. As it is a notifiable scheme the team are currently awaiting the correct paperwork to come through.


·         Members queried whether the CHOs could be more involved in the long term planning work and in rationalising pot hole repairs.


·         The Carriageway Team Leader confirmed that Operation Horizon has been mostly suspended due to the flooding however roads which have been unaffected by flooding have continued.


·         Members sought clarification on why roads were deferred due to ‘road space’. The officer explained that permits need to be applied for in order to book the road space for works and so is dependent on this.


·         Mr John Orrick asked for the officer to get back to him regarding Avenue Road and whether a permit has been granted for it.


·         The Local Committee chairman informed the committee that of the £31million spent on Operation Horizon, Tandridge had received £7.1million. The officer confirmed that this was proportional and based on the assessment of all Surrey roads, as Tandridge had proportionally the worst 10% of roads and therefore required more work than other areas.





The Committee:


(i)            NOTED the success of the countywide 5-year programme in year one

(ii)           NOTED the progress of Operation Horizon roads, Surface Treatment roads, and changes in year one in Tandridge in Annex 1

(iii)          NOTED the proposed programme of Operation Horizon roads for Tandridge for year two (2014/15) and the remaining approved roads to be undertaken in years three to five (2015-2018) listed in Annex 1


Supporting documents: