Agenda item

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSAL EP14/00362: Land at The Vale Primary School, Beaconsfield Road, Langley Vale, Epsom, Surrey KT18 6HP

This is an application for the installation of a demountable classroom unit comprising one classroom and ancillary facilities for a temporary period of 7 years; external fencing works and relocation of bin store and cycle store.


The recommendation is to PERMIT subject to conditions.



An update sheet was tabled and is attached as Annex 3.


Declarations of interest:




Louise Calam, Principal Transport Development Planning Officer

Nicola Downes, Transport Development Planning Officer

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer

Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager




Chris Frost, a local resident, made representations in objection to the

application. The points he raised included:


·         He had been the local County Councillor when the school was built.  The officer report had recommended that permission be refused because of residential amenity issues.  The concerns were overcome with the addition of a condition to limit the number of cars parked outside the school to 30.  Local residents were told that the school would not be able to expand as the site was too small. 

·         There was impact on residential amenity into the evenings because of parents’ evenings etc. 

·         He highlighted the reduction in parking for staff.  This was formally being reduced by three spaces but in fact was being reduced by five spaces as two further members of staff were currently able to park in informal car parking spaces. 


Liz Frost, a local resident, made representations in objection to the

application. The points she raised included:


·         When the school had been built, residents had been assured that the site was too small for expansion.

·         Conditions on parking had not been complied with or enforced.

·         The school is situated at the top of a steep, narrow cul de sac.  As it takes time to load and unload children, and cars are blocked from leaving by cars trying to reach the school, many parents simply park across driveways etc. 

·         There had been near misses between cars and this is a dangerous situation for pedestrians, especially children.  An additional 30 children implies that they will be coming from outside the village and will therefore be driven to school.

·         The School Travel Plan had not been complied with.


The local Member, Tina Mountain, had not registered to speak.  


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Planning Development Control Team Manager introduced the report.  He explained that this was an application for a temporary permission to deal with a bulge in a single year.  The current capacity for the school would not be reached even when taking account of the bulge.

2.    Members queried whether a temporary period of seven years was sufficient.  Officers explained that seven years would see the bulge year group through primary school.  The Chairman informed teh committee that the school was not obliged to keep the demountable for the full seven years if it is found that it is no longer required. 

3.    A Member argued that allowing six months from occupation of the development for the submission of a school travel plan was too long.  To have value it should be submitted by the start of the school year.  The Planning Development Control Team Manager felt that this would be an unreasonable requirement given the short time this would allow for the plan to be developed.  The Chairman stressed that the priority should not be for the school travel plan to be produced as soon as possible but for it to get proper buy-in from all those involved. 

4.    Members queried whether the demountable could be relocated so as to not block the car parking spaces.  The Planning Development Control Team Manager informed the committee that there were no other options for locating the unit.


Actions/Further information to be provided:




That pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, application number EP14/00362 be PERMITTED subject to conditions, for the reasons set out in the report.


Supporting documents: