Events Calendar
1 May 2023 MONDAY

Planning and Regulatory Committee - Action Under Delegation

2 May 2023 TUESDAY

3 May 2023 WEDNESDAY

4 May 2023 THURSDAY

5 May 2023 FRIDAY

8 May 2023 MONDAY

9 May 2023 TUESDAY
2.00 pm

Part 2, People, Performance and Development Committee - Surrey County Council, Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8EF

10 May 2023 WEDNESDAY
10.00 am

CANCELLED - Rescheduled to June., Audit and Governance Committee - Surrey County Council, Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8EF

11 May 2023 THURSDAY
10.00 am

CANCELLED - Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee

12 May 2023 FRIDAY
10.00 am

Select Committee Chairmen and Vice Chairmen's Group

15 May 2023 MONDAY

16 May 2023 TUESDAY
10.00 am - 12.00 pm

CANCELLED - Strategic Investment Board - Council Chamber, Woodhatch Place,11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey ,RH2 8EF

17 May 2023 WEDNESDAY

18 May 2023 THURSDAY
2.00 pm

Buckinghamshire Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service Committee - Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, REIGATE

19 May 2023 FRIDAY
10.30 am

Surrey Local Pension Board - Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate RH2 8EF

22 May 2023 MONDAY
10.00 am

Member Conduct Panel - Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate RH2 8EF

23 May 2023 TUESDAY

Constitution of the Council

10.00 am

AGM, Council - Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8EF

24 May 2023 WEDNESDAY

25 May 2023 THURSDAY

26 May 2023 FRIDAY

29 May 2023 MONDAY

30 May 2023 TUESDAY
11.30 am

Cabinet Member for Education and Learning Decisions

2.00 pm

Cabinet - Council Chamber, Surrey County Council, Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey ,RH2 8EF

31 May 2023 WEDNESDAY

1 June 2023 THURSDAY

Planning and Regulatory Committee - Action Under Delegation

1.30 pm

People, Performance and Development Committee Appointment Sub-Committee

2 June 2023 FRIDAY