Issue - decisions



Declarations of Interest:      None

Officers attending:  David Curl, SCC Parking Manager, Ian Reynolds, WBC Parking Manager, & Geoff McManus, WBC Assistant Director

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:  None

The Joint Committee discussed the report in detail.  It was noted that the report did ask for Bank Holiday parking charges to be considered throughout the Borough, but Members asked that this be restricted to Zone 1 only. 


Members also discussed bringing the car parks in line with the off street parking areas and commencing evening charges at 6pm and this will be considered later in the year once the new technology allows and in the knowledge any final decision on this matter would be for the Executive of Woking Borough Council.


The Joint Committee (Woking) agreed that:


(i)            the proposed changes to parking controls in and around Zone 1, as amended following a statutory consultation (described in Section 2 & 3) are implemented and the traffic order amendment made. – with Bank Holiday charging only applying to Zone 1.


(ii)           authority to introduce parking restrictions in The Grove, Ferndale and Horsell Moor (subject to public consultation) is delegated to the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the WBC Assistant Director for Place, the chairman/vice  chairman of this committee and the local county councillor.


(iii)          the Joint Committee allocates funding from the 18/19 on street parking surplus as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of this report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments,


(iv)         An amendment is included in the parking traffic orders to allow the use of ‘virtual resident and visitor permits’ in all the Woking controlled parking zones.


(v)            A mobile phone payment system for parking is introduced in the Woking CPZ (the existing payment methods, voucher and meter will remain)


Reasons for Recommendations


The changes to parking restrictions recommended above will:



  • Increase turnover in the on street limited waiting bays in the evenings improving access to local businesses.


  • Reduce obstructive parking on the single yellow lines in the town centre to maintain an effective traffic management regime. This will also help keep the footway clear in some locations improving access and safety for pedestrians.


  • Protect the residential areas of The Grove and Ferndale from displacement parking in the event this is needed and encourage visitors to use the town centre car parks in the evening where there is ample capacity. It is simpler to go straight to a car park rather than driving around town looking for a parking space which in itself adds to congestion and pollution.


  • Help improve the street-scene in the Church Street East area


  • Allow effective bank holiday parking enforcement


  • Provide more choice for visitors about how to pay for parking