
Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Forthcoming decisions to be taken by the Cabinet and Cabinet Members for the next 28 days and beyond can be found in the Notice of Decisions.

Decisions published

25/04/2022 - Integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service ref: 5028    Recommendations Approved

The provision of Sexual Health Services.

Local authorities are mandated by the Local Authorities (Public Health Functions and Entry to Premises by Local Healthwatch Representatives) Regulations 2013 to commission comprehensive open access sexual health services, including free STI testing and treatment, notification of sexual partners of infected persons and advice on, and reasonable access to, a broad range of contraception; and advice on preventing unplanned pregnancy. In Surrey, this is integrated alongside HIV services in a partnership with NHS England. This ensures that Surrey residents are able to achieve the best outcomes possible irrespective of need.


Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 11/05/2022

Effective from: 19/05/2022


Following the conclusion of the tender process, it was agreed that the contracts will be awarded to Central and NW London NHS Foundation Trust (winning bidder) and will commence on 1 October 2022.


Lead officer: Martyn Munro


·         The Cabinet report dated 20 July 2021 (River Thames Scheme Collaboration Agreement Principles), made the three resolutions as set out above.

·         In January 2021, Cabinet approved a recommendation that SCC should be a joint applicant with the Environment Agency and, in July 2021, agreed the principles of Collaboration.

·         The detailed terms of the First Track Collaboration Agreement (“First Track CA”) are confidential to the Parties and as such are a Part 2 item and contained in Annexe 1

·         The terms of the First Track CA are believed to be in accordance with the principles approved by Cabinet on 20 July 2021.


·         This document is a record of the acknowledgment and approval taken under delegated powers relating to resolution 2 referred to above to enter into the First Track CA.


Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director for Resources

Decision published: 09/05/2022

Effective from: 01/04/2022


It was AGREED that:


1.    The Service Level Agreement could be signed.


Lead officer: Doug Hill

05/05/2022 - SEND Capital Programme Phase 4: Bramley Oak Academy Expansion ref: 5026    Recommendations Approved

Bramley Oak Academy’s expansion by 49 places and change of gender from single sex to co-educational provision is one of the approved projects under Phase 4 of the SEND Capital programme. The school transferred from local authority control to London and Southeast (LSEAT) Academy Trust in late 2020. LSEAT are the leaseholder on standard DfE terms for 125 years.

As part of the transfer to Academy status, LSEAT obtained a commitment from DfE for c£3m grant to address immediate ‘condition and suitability’ issues for the 55 PAN (Pupil Admission Number) pupils at the Academy. Grant conditions from DfE are clear that these monies are not to be used in support of expansion and are specifically to address the condition and suitability issues at the Academy. Given the delays to the planned condition and suitability work because of the pandemic, it would be appropriate to combine works for both ‘condition and suitability’ (funded by DfE) with those for ‘expansion’ (funded by SCC) into one set of coordinated plans. This approach has been agreed in principle between the Academy, DfE Policy and SCC’s SEND Capital Programme.

With both condition and suitability works (funded by DfE) together with expansion (funded by SCC), a set of coordinated design layout proposals have been developed, at risk by the Trust. Works to support condition and suitability (funded by DfE) together with expansion (funded by SCC) are proposed in two distinct projects:

Project 1: Full phased refurbishment and remodelling of the existing layout for both expansion and condition/suitability works: Jointly funded by DfE and SCC, delivered by LSEAT under SCC Self-Delivery Contract

Project 2: New build expansion blocks and refurbishment/ remodelling of existing kitchen, dining, and hall spaces (once new hall and dining/kitchen constructed): Funded and delivered by SCC.

At the conclusion of all works proposals will be the ability to phase in the additional 49 places over a period of 5 years from Sep 2024-Sep 2028 to achieve a 104 PAN (Pupil Admission Number).

The Capital investment required to complete the Bramley Oak expansion is £6.95m. This is based on a £0.14m per pupil place for modernisation as well as new build expansion. The cost per pupil place varies significantly from one project to another. The reason for this is that the programme includes both new build and provision within existing assets (i.e., requiring refurbishment or remodelling) as well as several modular solutions, with a range of costs that reflect different scope of work to deliver the additional specialist school places. This new build project is at the upper end of the cost per pupil place range and includes contingency for inflation risk.

The project will realise £1.47m total cost containment to DSG HNB per year. This is based on an average unit cost of £53k per pupil per annum for independent sector provision, as compared to the average cost for maintained specialist places at £23k per learner per annum. Provision of additional maintained specialist places would generate an approximate saving from 2024-2028 of £30k per place per year.


A sustainable specialist education estate will be developed to provide fit for purpose facilities for Surrey’s children and young people who have SEND and require a specialist school placement, providing cost effective solutions to support revenue savings. The investment will be funded from existing capital programme budgets within Education.


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education and Learning

Decision published: 09/05/2022

Effective from: 05/05/2022


Decision made:


Capital Programme Panel (CPP), 12 April 2022, AGREED that:


1.    Capital Programme Panel (CPP) approves the use of £6.95m of the approved £60m Phase 4 allocation within the SEND Capital Funding for Bramley Oak Academy’s projects. These will deliver 49 permanent additional specialist school places in total to be phased in from September 2024.


Lead officer: Emily George