Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Forthcoming decisions to be taken by the Cabinet and Cabinet Members for the next 28 days and beyond can be found in the Notice of Decisions.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities Decisions
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
The Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities approved funding for the full amount requested of £135,625, comprised of:
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities Decisions
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
The Cabinet Memberfor Customer and Communities approved funding for the full amount requested of £495,000 comprised of:
· £495,000 of capital funding towards the development of a youth and community centre to be paid in staged payments, on evidence of spend
· Including 5% to be held by SCC until final evidence of income, expenditure, building control sign-off
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
the Cabinet Member approved:
a) The proposed prioritisation process set out in Annex A of the report;
b) The proposed ITS schemes to be funded from the planned 2025/26 Countywide Integrated Transport Scheme budget set out in the revised Annex B of the report (attached); and
c) To delegate authority to the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager to make any minor amendments to the schemes which may be required to ensure that the schemes are progressed, in consultation with the relevant Divisional Member and, where required, the Cabinet Member.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 09/10/2024
The Cabinet Member agreed to:
1. Increase the charge to suspend a bus stop to £175 per day for a three-day maximum period, which will apply to all works promoters, developer works, utility works and other third party works, excluding those works undertaken by the County Council.
2. Introduce a new charge of £600 per bus stop per day for works that close a bus stop or take place at any bus stop without proper authorisation, which will apply to all works promoters, developer works, utility works and other third party works, excluding those works undertaken by the County Council.
3. Delegate the approval for further changes to the Director of Highways & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/09/2024
Effective from: 24/09/2024
These were agreed as a correct record of the meeting.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
1. That Cabinet notes the Council’s forecast revenue budget and capital budget positions for the year.
2. That Cabinet approves the changes to the Your Fund Surrey small project fund allocation to increase the maximum value of a single capital project from £50,000 to £100,000.
3. That Cabinet approves the proposed amendments to the current delegated authority levels for Your Fund Surrey large project fund to include Director level, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities, for projects up to £100k.
Reasons for Decisions:
This report is to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for information and for approval of any necessary actions.
(The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 25/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions
Decision published: 24/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
The Cabinet Member:
1. Formally declared the asset surplus to operational requirements (in consultation with The Leader and Deputy Leader).
2. Approved the sale of 16 Brook Hill, Oxted, RH8 9LR to the party, at the price and subject to the conditions, noted in the Part 2 report. The sale is conditional upon the simultaneous surrender of the headlease held over the asset by HGR which has been agreed by the HGR Board.
3. Approved, in conjunction with the Leader, the acquisition of the leasehold interest held by HGR over the property at the premium noted in the Part 2 report. The premium for the surrender of HGR’s interest is payable by the Council from the gross receipt and it is noted there is debt aligned to this asset, with both parties bearing their own costs and appointments of their own professional team.
4. Delegated authority to the Section 151 officer in consultation with the Director of Land and Property to finalise the transaction and enter into all associated legal agreements.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions
Decision published: 24/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning Decisions
Made at meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning Decisions
Decision published: 24/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
The Cabinet Member authorised the Service Manager for School Admissions to go out to statutory consultation on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2026, as follows:
• Reigate Priory School - reduction of Year 3 PAN from 150 to 120 (paragraphs 5 to 13)
• Audley Primary School – introduction of Year 3 PAN of 2 (paragraphs 14 to 16)