ePetition details

Laleham Road/Staines Road (Staines) traffic management and surface improvement

We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to 1) Reduce the speed limit to 20mph, this is in line with the “Surrey RoadSafe Vision Zero” Strategy 2) Install average speed cameras to manage and enforce the new speed limit 3) Vastly improve the overall condition of the road

Unfortunately, the average speed of traffic on the road has not been significantly reduced, and the overall condition of the road has continued to decline.
Laleham Road/Staines Road is predominantly residential but is increasingly used by heavy goods vehicles. By and large, these vehicles do not appear to be following the current 30 mph limit.
Furthermore the high volume of traffic, both residential and increasingly industrial, has resulted in the condition of the road deteriorating over the last 5 years. There are multiple pot holes, dips, rises and broken pieces of road. These have been either patched up or ignored. This results in vehicles weaving across the road to avoid the dips or an increase in vibrations/noise from HGVs.

Started by: T Byrne

This ePetition runs from 11/07/2024 to 31/10/2024.

44 people have signed this ePetition.